Wednesday 13 November 2024    (other days)
Wednesday of week 32 in Ordinary Time 

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Cry out with joy to God, all the earth: serve the Lord with gladness.

Year: B(II). Psalm week: 4. Liturgical Colour: Green.

Other saints: Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850 - 1917)

United States
She was born in Lombardy, the youngest of thirteen children. Because of her frail health she was refused admission to two convents. She devoted herself to teaching, and founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, whose aim is to spread devotion to the Heart of Jesus by spiritual and corporal works of mercy, running homes for the old and the sick, orphanages, and schools. In 1889 the Pope sent her to New York, where she founded an orphanage. In all she founded 67 institutions across the United States, South America and Europe. She died of malaria at Chicago in 1917.
  See also the web site of the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Other saints: Saint Machar (8th century)

Machar was a bishop of Irish origin. He came to Iona with Columba and preached in Mull, and later ministered to the Picts around Aberdeen.

Other saints: Bl Maria Teresa Scrilli (1825-1889)

13 Nov (where celebrated)
Maria Scrilli was born in Montevarchi, Italy, on 15 May 1825. As a young girl, through her readings of the lives of the saints, she became familiar with St  Mary Magdalene de’ Pazzi and thereby with Carmelite spirituality. She resolved to join the monastery in which the Seraphim of Carmel had lived, but only stayed there for a few weeks, as divine inspiration told her that the Lord wanted her in the world “to lead souls to Him”. Before returning to her family, she joined the Carmelite Third Order with the name Maria Teresa of Jesus. In her home village, a number of young girls were entrusted to her, and thus began her educational work, assisted by several young women with whom she shared prayers and work. This was the origin of the Institute of Our Lady of Carmel. She died on 14 November 1889, the feast of all Carmelite Saints.
Carmelite Proper

Liturgical colour: green

The theological virtue of hope is symbolized by the colour green, just as the burning fire of love is symbolized by red. Green is the colour of growing things, and hope, like them, is always new and always fresh. Liturgically, green is the colour of Ordinary Time, the orderly sequence of weeks through the year, a season in which we are being neither single-mindedly penitent (in purple) nor overwhelmingly joyful (in white).

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