Using calendar: England. You can pick a diocese or region.
The Lord is the king of virgins: come, let us adore him.
Year: C(I). Psalm week: 2. Liturgical Colour: White.
Mid-morning reading (Terce) | Wisdom 8:21 |
I knew I could not master Wisdom but by the gift of God – a mark itself of understanding, to know whose the bounty was.
Noon reading (Sext) | 1 Corinthians 7:25 |
About remaining celibate, I have no directions from the Lord but give my own opinion as one who, by the Lord’s mercy, has stayed faithful.
Afternoon reading (None) | Apocalypse 19:6,7 |
The reign of the Lord our God Almighty has begun; let us be glad and joyful and give praise to God, because this is the time for the marriage of the Lamb.
- Portsmouth - Berkshire - Reading
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Andover
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Bishop's Waltham
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Havant
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Havant Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Portsmouth
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Portsmouth Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Ringwood
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Romsey
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Solent Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Winchester
- Portsmouth - Oxfordshire - Abingdon
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