Tuesday 23 April 2024    (other days)
Saint Wojciech (Adalbert of Prague), Bishop, Martyr, chief patron of Poland 

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Office of Readings

If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm.
Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
  Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
  O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Beáte (Beáta) martyr, próspera
diem triumphálem tuum,
quo sánguinis merces tibi
coróna vincénti datur.
Hic te ex ténebris sǽculi,
tortóre victo et iúdice,
evéxit ad cælum dies
Christóque ovántem réddidit.
Nunc angelórum párticeps
collúces insígni stola,
quam testis indomábilis
rivis cruóris láveras.
Adésto nunc et óbsecra,
placátus ut Christus suis
inclínet aurem prósperam,
noxas nec omnes ímputet.
Paulísper huc illábere
Christi favórem déferens,
sensus graváti ut séntiant
levámen indulgéntiæ.
Honor Patri cum Fílio
et Spíritu Paráclito,
qui te coróna pérpeti
cingunt in aula glóriæ. Amen.
The martyrs living now with Christ
In suffering were tried,
Their anguish overcome by love
When on his cross they died.
Across the centuries they come,
In constancy unmoved,
Their loving hearts make no complaint,
In silence they are proved.
No man has ever measured love,
Or weighed it in his hand,
But God who knows the inmost heart
Gives them the promised land.
Praise Father, Son and Spirit blest,
Who guides us through the night
In ways that reach beyond the stars
To everlasting light.
Francis E. Mostyn (1860-1939)

Ps 2:1-12
Messias rex et victor

Convenerunt vere adversus puerum tuum Iesum, quem unxisti” (Act 4, 27).

Eritis ódio ómnibus propter nomen meum; qui autem perseveráverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit, allelúia.
1Quare fremuérunt gentes, *
  et pópuli meditáti sunt inánia?
2Astitérunt reges terræ †
  et príncipes convenérunt in unum *
  advérsus Dóminum et advérsus christum eius:
3Dirumpámus víncula eórum, *
  et proiciámus a nobis iugum ipsórum!”
4Qui hábitat in cælis irridébit eos, *
  Dóminus subsannábit eos.
5Tunc loquétur ad eos in ira sua, *
  et in furóre suo conturbábit eos:
6Ego autem constítui regem meum *
  super Sion, montem sanctum meum!”.
7Prædicábo decrétum eius: †
  Dóminus dixit ad me: “Fílius meus es tu, *
  ego hódie génui te.
8Póstula a me, et dabo tibi gentes hereditátem tuam, *
  et possessiónem tuam términos terræ.
9Reges eos in virga férrea, *
  et tamquam vas fíguli confrínges eos”.
10Et nunc, reges, intellégite, *
  erudímini, qui iudicátis terram.
11Servíte Dómino in timóre, *
  et exsultáte ei cum tremóre.
12Apprehéndite disciplínam, †
  ne quando irascátur, et pereátis de via, *
  cum exárserit in brevi ira eius.
Beáti omnes *
  qui confídunt in eo.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Eritis ódio ómnibus propter nomen meum; qui autem perseveráverit usque in finem, hic salvus erit, allelúia.

Psalm 2
The Messiah, king and victor

You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake; but he who endures to the end will be saved. Alleluia.
Why are the nations in a ferment?
  Why do the people make their vain plans?
The kings of the earth have risen up;
  the leaders have united against the Lord,
  against his anointed.
“Let us break their chains, that bind us;
  let us throw off their yoke from our shoulders!”
The Lord laughs at them,
  he who lives in the heavens derides them.
Then he speaks to them in his anger;
  in his fury he throws them into confusion:
“But I – I have set up my king on Zion,
my holy mountain.”
I will proclaim the Lord’s decrees.
The Lord has said to me: “You are my son: today I have begotten you.
  Ask me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance,
  the ends of the earth for you to possess.
You will rule them with a rod of iron,
  break them in pieces like an earthen pot.”
So now, kings, listen: understand, you who rule the land.
  Serve the Lord in fear, tremble even as you praise him.
Learn his teaching, lest he take anger,
  lest you perish when his anger bursts into flame.
Blessed are all who put their trust in the Lord.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
You will be hated by all men for my name’s sake; but he who endures to the end will be saved. Alleluia.

Ps 10:1-7
Dominus fiducia iusti

Beati, qui esuriunt et sitiunt iustitiam, quoniam ipsi saturabuntur” (Mt 5, 6).

Non sunt condígnæ passiónes huius témporis ad futúram glóriam, quæ revelábitur in nobis, allelúia.
1In Dómino confído, quómodo dícitis ánimæ meæ:*
  «Tránsmigra in montem sicut passer?
2Quóniam ecce peccatóres intendérunt arcum,†
  paravérunt sagíttas suas super nervum,*
  ut sagíttent in obscúro rectos corde.
3Quando fundaménta evertúntur,*
  iustus quid fáciat?».
4Dóminus in templo sancto suo,*
  Dóminus, in cælo sedes eius.
Oculi eius in páuperem respíciunt,*
  pálpebræ eius intérrogant fílios hóminum.
5Dóminus intérrogat iustum et ímpium;*
  qui autem díligit iniquitátem, odit ánima eius.
6Pluet super peccatóres carbónes;*
  ignis et sulphur et spíritus procellárum pars cálicis eórum.
7Quóniam iustus Dóminus et iustítias diléxit,*
  recti vidébunt vultum eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Non sunt condígnæ passiónes huius témporis ad futúram glóriam, quæ revelábitur in nobis, allelúia.

Psalm 10 (11)
The Lord, support of the just

The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. Alleluia.
I trust in the Lord, so why do you say to me:
  “Fly up to the mountain like a sparrow”?
“For the wicked have drawn their bows,
  fitted the arrow to the string,
  to shoot in darkness at the upright of heart.
When the foundations are being overthrown,
  what are the just to do?”
The Lord is in his holy temple;
  the Lord’s throne is in heaven.
His eyes look down on the poor,
  he examines the children of men.
The Lord scrutinises the just and the unjust,
  and his heart hates those who do evil.
He rains down coals upon the wicked,
  fire and brimstone and a scorching wind:
  this is what he gives them to drink.
For the Lord is just and loves just deeds,
  and the upright shall see his face.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed in us. Alleluia.

Ps 16:1-15
Ab impiis salva me, Domine

In diebus carnis suae ... preces offerens et exauditus” (Hebr 5, 7).

Tamquam aurum in fornáce probávit eléctos Dóminus et quasi holocáusta accépit eos in ætérnum, allelúia.
1Exáudi, Dómine, iustítiam meam,*
  inténde deprecatiónem meam.
Auribus pércipe oratiónem meam,*
  non in lábiis dolósis.
2De vultu tuo iudícium meum pródeat;*
  óculi tui vídeant æquitátes.
3Proba cor meum et vísita nocte;†
  igne me exámina,*
  et non invénies in me iniquitátem.
4Non transgréditur os meum ad ópera hóminum,*
  propter verba labiórum tuórum custodívi me a viis violénti.
5Rétine gressus meos in sémitis tuis,*
  ut non moveántur vestígia mea.
6Ego ad te clamávi, quóniam exáudis me, Deus;*
  inclína aurem tuam mihi et exáudi verba mea.
7Mirífica misericórdias tuas,*
  qui salvos facis ab insurgéntibus sperántes in déxtera tua.
8Custódi me ut pupíllam óculi,†
  sub umbra alárum tuárum prótege me*
  9a fácie impiórum, qui me afflixérunt.
Inimíci mei in furóre circumdedérunt me,†
  10ádipem suum conclusérunt;*
  os eórum locútum est supérbiam.
11Incedéntes nunc circumdedérunt me,*
  óculos suos statuérunt prostérnere in terram.
12Aspéctus eórum quasi leónis paráti ad prædam*
  et sicut cátuli leónis recubántis in ábditis.
13Exsúrge, Dómine, prǽveni eum, supplánta eum;*
  éripe ánimam meam ab ímpio frámea tua,
14a mórtuis manu tua, Dómine,*
  a mórtuis, quorum defécit pórtio vitæ.
De recónditis tuis adímpleas ventrem eórum,*
  saturéntur fílii et dimíttant relíquias párvulis suis.
15Ego autem in iustítia vidébo fáciem tuam,*
  satiábor, cum evigilávero, conspéctu tuo.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Tamquam aurum in fornáce probávit eléctos Dóminus et quasi holocáusta accépit eos in ætérnum, allelúia.

Psalm 16 (17)
Save me from wrongdoers

The Lord tried his chosen ones like gold in a furnace; he accepted them as a holy offering, thoroughly consumed by fire. Alleluia.
Hear the case I bring before you, Lord,
  listen to my plea.
Lend your ears to the voice of my pleading:
  on my lips there is no deceit.
Give judgement yourself in my favour,
  let your eyes see that justice is done.
Search my heart, inspect it by night,
  test me with fire –
  in me you will find no wrong.
My speech is not turned aside towards the works of men:
  and because of your words I keep far from the ways of the violent.
Keep my steps from leaving your paths,
  so that I may never stumble.
I have cried to you, God, because you will listen;
  turn your ear to me and listen to my words.
Pour out your kindness till men are astonished,
  you, who keep safe from attack
  all who trust in your strength.
Guard me as the apple of your eye,
  hide me in the shade of your wings,
  away from the wicked who have done me wrong.
In their rage, my enemies surround me,
  they have sealed up their hearts and their mouths utter threats.
They advance, they surround me,
  they watch for their chance to send me sprawling to the ground.
Their faces are like lions eager for their prey,
  like lion cubs lying and waiting in their den.
Rise up, O Lord, face my enemy and defeat him,
  with your sword rescue my life from the wicked.
By your hand, Lord, rescue me from death;
  from joining the dead, who have life no more.
From your storehouse you fill men’s bellies,
  their children are sated, they leave the rest to their heirs.
And I, being upright, shall see your face,
  the sight of you, when I wake, will be all that I need.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord tried his chosen ones like gold in a furnace; he accepted them as a holy offering, thoroughly consumed by fire. Alleluia.

℣. Tribulátio et angústia invenérunt me, allelúia.
℟. Mandáta tua meditátio mea est, allelúia.
℣. Anguish and distress have taken hold of me, alleluia.
℟. Yet will I delight in your commands, alleluia.

Lectio prior
De libro Apocalypsis beáti Ioánnis apóstoli 7, 9-17

Visio turbæ magnæ electorum

In diébus illis: 9Ego Ioánnes vidi turbam magnam, quam dinumeráre nemo póterat, ex ómnibus géntibus et tríbubus et pópulis et linguis stantes ante thronum et in conspéctu Agni, amícti stolis albis, et palmæ in mánibus eórum; 10et clamant voce magna dicéntes: «Salus Deo nostro, qui sedet super thronum, et Agno».
  11Et omnes ángeli stabant in circúitu throni et seniórum et quáttuor animálium, et cecidérunt in conspéctu throni in fácies suas et adoravérunt Deum 12dicéntes:
  «Amen! Benedíctio et glória et sapiéntia et gratiárum áctio et honor et virtus et fortitúdo Deo nostro in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen».
  13Et respóndit unus de senióribus dicens mihi: «Hi qui amícti sunt stolis albis, qui sunt et unde venérunt?». 14Et dixi illi: «Dómine mi, tu scis». Et dixit mihi: «Hi sunt qui véniunt de tribulatióne magna et lavérunt stolas suas et dealbavérunt eas in sánguine Agni. 15Ideo sunt ante thronum Dei et sérviunt ei die ac nocte in templo eius et, qui sedet in throno, habitábit super illos. 16Non esúrient ámplius, neque sítient ámplius, neque cadet super illos sol neque ullus æstus 17quóniam Agnus, qui in médio throni est, pascet illos et dedúcet eos ad vitæ fontes aquárum, et abstérget Deus omnem lácrimam ex óculis eórum».
First Reading
Apocalypse 7:9-17 ©

These martyrs have washed their robes white again in the blood of the Lamb

I, John, saw a huge number, impossible to count, of people from every nation, race, tribe and language; they were standing in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palms in their hands. They shouted aloud, ‘Victory to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!’ And all the angels who were standing in a circle round the throne, surrounding the elders and the four animals, prostrated themselves before the throne, and touched the ground with their foreheads, worshipping God with these words, ‘Amen. Praise and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honour and power and strength to our God for ever and ever. Amen.’
  One of the elders then spoke, and asked me, ‘Do you know who these people are, dressed in white robes, and where they have come from?’ I answered him, ‘You can tell me, my lord.’ Then he said, ‘These are the people who have been through the great persecution, and because they have washed their robes white again in the blood of the Lamb, they now stand in front of God’s throne and serve him day and night in his sanctuary; and the One who sits on the throne will spread his tent over them. They will never hunger or thirst again; neither the sun nor scorching wind will ever plague them, because the Lamb who is at the throne will be their shepherd and will lead them to springs of living water; and God will wipe away all tears from their eyes.’
Ap 2, 10 c. 11 b; Eccli 4, 33
℟. Esto fidélis usque ad mortem, et dabo tibi corónam vitæ. * Qui vícerit non lædétur a morte secúnda, allelúia.
℣. Usque ad mortem agonizáre pro iustítia, et Deus expugnábit pro te inimícos tuos. * Qui vícerit.
℟. Be faithful till death, and I will give you the crown of life.* He who is victorious cannot be harmed by the second death, alleluia.
℣. Fight to the death for truth, and the Lord God will fight on your side* He who is victorious cannot be harmed by the second death, alleluia.

Lectio altera
Ex vita auctóre coǽvo conscrípta (Acta Sanctorum, Aprilis, III, pp. 186-187)

Crucem toto corpore complexus est

Cóngregat se úndique iners vulgus, et quid de sancto Adalbérto dóminus villæ foret actúrus, furibúnda voce et caníno rictu exspéctant. Tunc sanctus vir, quis et unde esset, vel ob quam causam illuc veníret interrogátus, tália e contra miti voce respóndit: «Sum nativitáte Bohémus, nómine Adalbértus, professióne mónachus, ordine quondam Epíscopus, offício nunc vester apóstolus. Causa nostri itíneris est vestra salus, ut relinquéntes simulácra surda et muta, agnoscátis Creatórem vestrum, qui solus et extra quem alter Deus non est; ut credéntes in nómine eius vitam habeátis, et átriis immarcescibílibus cæléstium gaudiórum prǽmia percípere mereámini». Hæc sanctus Adalbértus. Illi autem iamdúdum indignántes, et cum clamóre blasphéma verba advérsus eum proclamántes, mortem sibi minántur.
  Ad últimum áffuit pagánicus furor, et irruérunt super eum et sócios ímpetu magno et iniecérunt omnes in víncula. Sanctus Adalbértus stans, contra Gaudéntium et álium fratrem ligátum, «Fratres —inquit— nolíte contristári! Scitis nos hæc pati pro nómine Dómini, cuius virtus ultra omnes virtútes, pulchritúdo super omnes decóres, poténtia inenarrábilis, píetas singuláris: quid enim fórtius, quid púlchrius, quam dulcem pro dulcíssimo Iesu fúndere vitam?».
  Prosílit ex furibúndo ágmine ígneus Siggo, et totis víribus ingens iáculum movens, transfíxit eius penetrália cordis. Prófluit purpúreus sanguis per forámina utriúsque láteris. Ille óculis ac mánibus stat orans in cælum. Exiit rubens amnis dívite vena, et exstráctæ hastæ septem ingéntia vúlnera pandunt.
  Ille solútis vínculis exténdit manus in modum crucis et supplíciter fusis précibus pro sua et persecutórum salúte ad Dóminum clamat. Sic illa sancta ánima cárcere suo évolat, sic nóbile corpus proténta Cruce terram óccupat: sic quoque multo sánguine vitam fundens, beátis sédibus et semper caríssimo tandem frúitur Christo.
Second Reading
From his life, written by a contemporary

He embraced the Cross with his whole body

With angry cries and sharpened teeth the idle crowd gathered from all around in anticipation of what the village chief would do with the holy man Adalbert. The saint, for his part, questioned as to who he was, where he came from and why he had come there, by contrast replied with an affable voice: “I was born in Bohemia, my name is Adalbert and I am a monk by profession, consecrated bishop; my task now is to be your apostle. The reason for our journey is your salvation, that you turn away from those deaf and mute idols and recognise your Creator, the only God, apart from whom there is no other, so that believing in his name you may have life and may merit in reward to receive celestial joy in the eternal courts”. Thus spoke saint Adalbert. They, however, already infuriated, shouting blasphemous words against him, threatened him with death.
  Finally a pagan fury came upon them, and they swooped down on Adalbert and his companions with great violence and bound them all. Saint Adalbert, who was standing in front of Gaudentius and another of the bound brothers, said: “Brothers, do not be sad! You know that we suffer this for the name of the Lord, with power beyond all powers, beauty exceeding all fairness, of indescribable strength and singular piety. What is stronger, more beautiful, than to give a beloved life for the most beloved Jesus?”
  At this, a certain Siggo, full of passion, came out of the enraged crowd and, thrusting a large spear with all his might, pierced Adalbert’s heart. Purple blood flows from the wounds in all directions. He stands praying with eyes and hands raised towards heaven. They extract the spears leaving seven large wounds open; blood flows abundantly like a red river.
  Once untied, he extends his hands in the form of a cross and humbly pours out prayers to the Lord for his own salvation and that of his persecutors. Just as that saintly soul escapes from its prison, so his venerable body lies on the ground in the form of the Cross. Thus shedding much blood and with that his life, he forever enjoys a blessed dwelling with Christ whom he so much loved.
1 Th 2, 8; Gal 4, 19
℟. Cúpide volebámus trádere vobis non solum Evangélium, sed étiam ánimas nostras:* Quóniam caríssimi nobis facti estis, allelúia.
℣. Filíoli mei, quos íterum partúrio, donec formétur Christus in vobis.* Quóniam.
℟. In our great longing for you, we desired nothing better than to offer you our own lives, as well as God’s gospel,* so greatly had we learned to love you, alleluia.
℣. My little children, I am in travail over you afresh, until I can see Christ’s image formed in you,* so greatly had we learned to love you, alleluia.

Te Deum laudámus:* te Dóminum confitémur.
Te ætérnum Patrem,* omnis terra venerátur.
Tibi omnes ángeli,*
  tibi cæli et univérsæ potestátes:
tibi chérubim et séraphim*
  incessábili voce proclámant:
Sanctus,* Sanctus,* Sanctus*
  Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra* maiestátis glóriæ tuæ.
Te gloriósus* Apostolórum chorus,
te prophetárum* laudábilis númerus,
te mártyrum candidátus* laudat exércitus.
Te per orbem terrárum*
  sancta confitétur Ecclésia,
Patrem* imménsæ maiestátis;
venerándum tuum verum* et únicum Fílium;
Sanctum quoque* Paráclitum Spíritum.
Tu rex glóriæ,* Christe.
Tu Patris* sempitérnus es Fílius.
Tu, ad liberándum susceptúrus hóminem,*
  non horruísti Vírginis úterum.
Tu, devícto mortis acúleo,*
  aperuísti credéntibus regna cælórum.
Tu ad déxteram Dei sedes,* in glória Patris.
Iudex créderis* esse ventúrus.
Te ergo quæsumus, tuis fámulis súbveni,*
  quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.
Ætérna fac cum sanctis tuis* in glória numerári.
Haec ultima pars hymni ad libitum omitti potest:
Salvum fac pópulum tuum, Dómine,*
  et bénedic hereditáti tuæ.
Et rege eos,* et extólle illos usque in ætérnum.
Per síngulos dies* benedícimus te;
et laudámus nomen tuum in sæculum,*
  et in sæculum sæculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto*
sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine,* miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia tua, Dómine, super nos,*
  quemádmodum sperávimus in te.
In te, Dómine, sperávi:*
  non confúndar in ætérnum.
CanticleTe Deum
God, we praise you; Lord, we proclaim you!
You, the Father, the eternal –
all the earth venerates you.
All the angels, all the heavens, every power –
The cherubim, the seraphim –
unceasingly, they cry:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts:
heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory!”
The glorious choir of Apostles –
The noble ranks of prophets –
The shining army of martyrs –
all praise you.
Throughout the world your holy Church proclaims you.
– Father of immeasurable majesty,
– True Son, only-begotten, worthy of worship,
– Holy Spirit, our Advocate.
You, Christ:
– You are the king of glory.
– You are the Father’s eternal Son.
– You, to free mankind, did not disdain a Virgin’s womb.
– You defeated the sharp spear of Death, and opened the kingdom of heaven to those who believe in you.
– You sit at God’s right hand, in the glory of the Father.
– You will come, so we believe, as our Judge.
And so we ask of you: give help to your servants, whom you set free at the price of your precious blood.
Number them among your chosen ones in eternal glory.
The final part of the hymn may be omitted:
Bring your people to safety, Lord, and bless those who are your inheritance.
Rule them and lift them high for ever.
Day by day we bless you, Lord: we praise you for ever and for ever.
Of your goodness, Lord, keep us without sin for today.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us.
Let your pity, Lord, be upon us, as much as we trust in you.
In you, Lord, I trust: let me never be put to shame.

  Deus, qui ad illustrándam Ecclésiam tuam beátum N. martýrii victória decoráre dignátus es, concéde propítius ut, sicut ipse domínicæ passiónis imitátor fuit, ita nos, per eius vestígia gradiéntes, ad gáudia sempitérna perveníre mereámur. Per Dóminum.
  Magnificántes, Dómine, poténtiam tuam, súpplices exorámus, ut, sicut beátus N. domínicæ fuit passiónis imitátor, ita sit fragilitátis nostræ promptus adiútor.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
God of power and mercy, you gave Saint N.
  the grace to overcome the sufferings of martyrdom.
Grant to us who celebrate his victory
  that the power of your protecting hand
  may keep us unshaken in the face of our ancient enemy
  and all his hidden snares.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

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