Thursday 25 April 2024    (other days)
Saint Mark, Evangelist 

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Office of Readings

If you have already recited the Invitatory Psalm today, you should use the alternative opening.
Dómine, lábia mea apéries.
  Et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
Lord, open our lips.
  And we shall praise your name.
Ps 94 (95)

Adhortamini vosmetipsos per singulos dies, donec illud «hodie» vocatur” (Hebr 3, 13).

Dóminum in Evangélio loquéntem, veníte adorémus, allelúia.
(repeat antiphon*)
1Veníte, exsultémus Dómino;
  iubilémus Deo salutári nostro.
2Præoccupémus fáciem eius in confessióne
  et in psalmis iubilémus ei.
  (repeat antiphon*)
3Quóniam Deus magnus Dóminus
  et rex magnus super omnes deos.
4Quia in manu eius sunt profúnda terræ,
  et altitúdines móntium ipsíus sunt.
5Quóniam ipsíus est mare, et ipse fecit illud,
  et siccam manus eius formavérunt.
  (repeat antiphon*)
6Veníte, adorémus et procidámus
  et génua flectámus ante Dóminum, qui fecit nos,
7quia ipse est Deus noster,
  et nos pópulus páscuæ eius et oves manus eius.
  (repeat antiphon*)
8Utinam hódie vocem eius audiátis:
  «Nolíte obduráre corda vestra,
9sicut in Meríba secúndum diem Massa in desérto,
  ubi tentavérunt me patres vestri:
  probavérunt me, etsi vidérunt ópera mea.
  (repeat antiphon*)
10Quadragínta annis tæduit me generatiónis illíus,
  et dixi: Pópulus errántium corde sunt isti.
11Et ipsi non cognovérunt vias meas;
  ídeo iurávi in ira mea:
  Non introíbunt in réquiem meam».
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
(repeat antiphon*)
Invitatory PsalmPsalm 94 (95)
The Lord is speaking to us in the gospel: come, let us adore him, alleluia.
(repeat antiphon*)
Come, let us rejoice in the Lord,
  let us acclaim God our salvation.
Let us come before him proclaiming our thanks,
  let us acclaim him with songs.
  (repeat antiphon*)
For the Lord is a great God,
  a king above all gods.
For he holds the depths of the earth in his hands,
  and the peaks of the mountains are his.
For the sea is his: he made it;
  and his hands formed the dry land.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Come, let us worship and bow down,
  bend the knee before the Lord who made us;
for he himself is our God and we are his flock,
  the sheep that follow his hand.
  (repeat antiphon*)
If only, today, you would listen to his voice:
  “Do not harden your hearts
  as you did at Meribah,
on the day of Massah in the desert,
  when your fathers tested me –
they put me to the test,
  although they had seen my works.”
  (repeat antiphon*)
“For forty years they wearied me,
  that generation.
I said: their hearts are wandering,
  they do not know my paths.
I swore in my anger:
  they will never enter my place of rest.”
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
(repeat antiphon*)

* If you are reciting this on your own, you can choose to say the antiphon once only at the start of the psalm and not repeat it.

O vir beáte, Apóstolis
comes labórum sédule
adiútor atque múneris,
laudes precésque súscipe.
Christi per illos núntios
exórta sunt lætíssima
et veritátis sǽcula
et pacis atque gáudii.
Assúmptus et tu cǽlitus
ad tanta consors póndera,
compar nitéscis glória
potentiáque prómines.
Tu, seminátor lúminis,
fac sole Christi vívido
virére ubíque gérmina
cæli replénda ad hórrea.
Simúlque cum primóribus
summo astitúrus Iúdici,
da nostra solvi débita,
nos da fovéri grátia.
Sit Trinitáti glória,
quæ præstet in cæléstibus
nos eius omni témpore
gaudére tecum prǽmiis. Amen.
The eternal gifts of Christ the King,
The Apostles’ glory let us sing;
And all with hearts of gladness raise
Due hymns of thankful love and praise.
For they the Church’s princes are,
Triumphant leaders in the war,
In heavenly courts a warrior band,
True lights to lighten every land.
Theirs is the steadfast faith of saints,
And hope that never yields nor faints,
The love of Christ in perfect glow
That lays the prince of this world low.
In them the Father’s glory shone,
In them the will of God the Son,
In them exults the Holy Ghost,
Through them rejoice the heavenly host.

Ps 18:2-7
Laus Domini rerum conditoris

Visitavit nos Oriens ex alto... ad dirigendos pedes nostros in viam pacis” (Lc 1, 78. 79).

In omnem terram exívit sonus eórum et in fines orbis terræ verba eórum, allelúia.
2Cæli enárrant glóriam Dei, *
  et ópera mánuum eius annúntiat firmaméntum.
3Dies diéi erúctat verbum, *
  et nox nocti índicat sciéntiam.
4Non sunt loquélæ neque sermónes, *
  quorum non intellegántur voces:
5in omnem terram exívit sonus eórum, *
  et in fines orbis terræ verba eórum.
6Soli pósuit tabernáculum in eis, †
  et ipse tamquam sponsus procédens de thálamo suo, *
  exsultávit ut gigas ad curréndam viam.
7A fínibus cælórum egréssio eius, †
  et occúrsus eius usque ad fines eórum, *
  nec est quod se abscóndat a calóre eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
In omnem terram exívit sonus eórum et in fines orbis terræ verba eórum, allelúia.

Psalm 18 (19)
Praise of God the creator

Their voice has gone out through all the earth, their message to the ends of the world. Alleluia.
The skies tell the story of the glory of God,
  the firmament proclaims the work of his hands;
day pours out the news to day,
  night passes to night the knowledge.
Not a speech, not a word,
  not a voice goes unheard.
Their sound is spread throughout the earth,
  their message to all the corners of the world.
At the ends of the earth he has set up
  a dwelling place for the sun.
Like a bridegroom leaving his chamber,
  it rejoices like an athlete at the race to be run.
It appears at the edge of the sky,
  runs its course to the sky’s furthest edge.
Nothing can hide from its heat.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Their voice has gone out through all the earth, their message to the ends of the world. Alleluia.

Ps 63:2-11
Contra hostes oratio

Maxime Domini passio commendatur in hoc psalmo” (S. Augustinus).

Annuntiavérunt ópera Dei et facta eius intellexérunt, allelúia.
2Exáudi, Deus, vocem meam in meditatióne mea;*
  a timóre inimíci custódi ánimam meam.
3Prótege me a convéntu malignántium,*
  a multitúdine operántium iniquitátem.
4Qui exacuérunt ut gládium linguas suas,†
  intendérunt sagíttas suas, venéfica verba*
  5ut sagíttent in occúltis immaculátum.
Súbito sagittábunt eum et non timébunt,*
  6firmavérunt sibi consílium nequam.
Disputavérunt, ut abscónderent láqueos,*
  dixérunt: «Quis vidébit eos?».
7Excogitavérunt iníqua,†
  perfecérunt excogitáta consília.*
  Interióra hóminis et cor eius abýssus.
8Et sagittávit illos Deus;†
  súbito factæ sunt plagæ eórum,*
  9et infirmávit eos lingua eórum.
Caput movébunt omnes, qui vidébunt eos,*
  10et timébit omnis homo;
et annuntiábunt ópera Dei*
  et facta eius intéllegent.
11Lætábitur iustus in Dómino et sperábit in eo,*
  et gloriabúntur omnes recti corde.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Annuntiavérunt ópera Dei et facta eius intellexérunt, allelúia.

Psalm 63 (64)
A prayer against enemies

They told what God has done; they understood God’s deeds. Alleluia.
Listen, O God, to my voice;
  keep me safe from fear of the enemy.
Protect me from the alliances of the wicked,
  from the crowd of those who do evil.
They have sharpened their tongues like swords,
  aimed poisonous words like arrows,
  to shoot at the innocent in secret.
They will attack without warning, without fear,
  for they are firm in their evil purpose.
They have set out to hide their snares
  – for they say, “Who will see us?”
They have thought out plans to commit wicked deeds,
  and they carry out what they have planned.
Truly the heart and soul of a man
  are bottomless depths.
And God has shot them with his arrow:
  in a moment, they are wounded –
  their own tongues have brought them low.
All who see them will shake their heads;
  all will behold them with fear
and proclaim the workings of God
  and understand what he has done.
The just will rejoice and hope in the Lord:
  the upright in heart will give him glory.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
They told what God has done; they understood God’s deeds. Alleluia.

Ps 96:1-12
Gloria Domini in iudicio

Hic psalmus salutem mundi significat et fidem omnium gentium in ipsum” (S. Athanasius).

Annuntiavérunt iustítiam eius et vidérunt omnes pópuli glóriam eius, allelúia.
1Dóminus regnávit! Exsúltet terra,*
  læténtur ínsulæ multæ.
2Nubes et calígo in circúitu eius,*
  iustítia et iudícium firmaméntum sedis eius.
3Ignis ante ipsum præcédet*
  et inflammábit in circúitu inimícos eius.
4Illustrárunt fúlgura eius orbem terræ:*
  vidit et contrémuit terra.
5Montes sicut cera fluxérunt a fácie Dómini,*
  a fácie Dómini omnis terra.
6Annuntiavérunt cæli iustítiam eius,*
  et vidérunt omnes pópuli glóriam eius.
7Confundántur omnes, qui adórant sculptília†
  et qui gloriántur in simulácris suis.*
  Adoráte eum, omnes ángeli eius.
8Audívit et lætáta est Sion,†
  et exsultavérunt fíliæ Iudæ*
  propter iudícia tua, Dómine.
9Quóniam tu Dóminus, Altíssimus super omnem terram,*
  nimis exaltátus es super omnes deos.
10Qui dilígitis Dóminum, odíte malum;†
  custódit ipse ánimas sanctórum suórum,*
  de manu peccatóris liberábit eos.
11Lux orta est iusto,*
  et rectis corde lætítia.
12Lætámini, iusti, in Dómino*
  et confitémini memóriæ sanctitátis eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Annuntiavérunt iustítiam eius et vidérunt omnes pópuli glóriam eius, allelúia.

Psalm 96 (97)
The glory of God in his judgements

They proclaimed the justice of God; all peoples saw his glory. Alleluia.
The Lord reigns! Let the earth rejoice,
  let the many islands be glad.
Clouds and dark mist surround him,
  his throne is founded on law and justice.
Fire precedes him,
  burning up his enemies all around.
His lightnings light up the globe;
  the earth sees and trembles.
The mountains flow like wax at the sight of the Lord,
  at the sight of the Lord the earth dissolves.
The heavens proclaim his justice
  and all peoples see his glory.
Let them be dismayed, who worship carved things,
  who take pride in the images they make.
All his angels, worship him.
Zion heard and was glad,
  the daughters of Judah rejoiced
  because of your judgements, O Lord.
For you are the Lord, the Most High over all the earth,
  far above all other gods.
You who love the Lord, hate evil!
The Lord protects the lives of his consecrated ones:
  he will free them from the hands of sinners.
A light has arisen for the just,
  and gladness for the upright in heart.
Rejoice, you just, in the Lord
  and proclaim his holiness.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
They proclaimed the justice of God; all peoples saw his glory. Alleluia.

℣. Dóminus dabit verbum evangelizántibus, allelúia.
℟. Virtúte multa, allelúia.
℣. The Lord inspires the bearers of the Gospel, alleluia.
℟. Their preaching is filled with the power of God, alleluia.

Lectio prior
De Epístola beáti Pauli apóstoli ad Ephésios 4, 1-16

Divisiones gratiarum in uno corpore

Fratres: 1Obsecro vos ego vinctus in Dómino, ut digne ambulétis vocatióne, qua vocáti estis, 2cum omni humilitáte et mansuetúdine, cum longanimitáte, supportántes ínvicem in caritáte, 3sollíciti serváre unitátem spíritus in vínculo pacis; 4unum corpus et unus Spíritus, sicut et vocáti estis in una spe vocatiónis vestræ; 5unus Dóminus, una fides, unum baptísma; 6unus Deus et Pater ómnium, qui super omnes et per ómnia et in ómnibus.
  7Unicuíque autem nostrum data est grátia secúndum mensúram donatiónis Christi. 8Propter quod dicit:
«Ascéndens in altum captívam duxit captivitátem,
dedit dona homínibus».
9Illud autem «ascéndit» quid est, nisi quia et descéndit in inferióres partes terræ? 10Qui descéndit, ipse est et qui ascéndit super omnes cælos, ut impléret ómnia.
  11Et ipse dedit quosdam quidem apóstolos, quosdam autem prophétas, álios vero evangelístas, álios autem pastóres et doctóres 12ad instructiónem sanctórum in opus ministérii, in ædificatiónem córporis Christi, 13donec occurrámus omnes in unitátem fídei et agnitiónis Fílii Dei, in virum perféctum, in mensúram ætátis plenitúdinis Christi, 14ut iam non simus párvuli fluctuántes et circumácti omni vento doctrínæ in fallácia hóminum, in astútia ad circumventiónem erróris; 15veritátem autem faciéntes in caritáte crescámus in illum per ómnia, qui est caput Christus, 16ex quo totum corpus compáctum et conéxum per omnem iunctúram subministratiónis secúndum operatiónem in mensúra uniuscuiúsque partis augméntum córporis facit in ædificatiónem sui in caritáte.
First Reading
Ephesians 4:1-16 ©

The body of Christ is built up in unity

I, the prisoner in the Lord, implore you to lead a life worthy of your vocation. Bear with one another charitably, in complete selflessness, gentleness and patience. Do all you can to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the peace that binds you together. There is one Body, one Spirit, just as you were all called into one and the same hope when you were called. There is one Lord, one faith, one baptism, and one God who is Father of all, over all, through all and within all.
  Each one of us, however, has been given his own share of grace, given as Christ allotted it. It was said that he would:
When he ascended to the height, he captured prisoners,
he gave gifts to men.
When it says, ‘he ascended’, what can it mean if not that he descended right down to the lower regions of the earth? The one who rose higher than all the heavens to fill all things is none other than the one who descended. And to some, his gift was that they should be apostles; to some, prophets; to some, evangelists; to some, pastors and teachers; so that the saints together make a unity in the work of service, building up the body of Christ. In this way we are all to come to unity in our faith and in our knowledge of the Son of God, until we become the perfect Man, fully mature with the fullness of Christ himself.
  Then we shall not be children any longer, or tossed one way and another and carried along by every wind of doctrine, at the mercy of all the tricks men play and their cleverness in practising deceit. If we live by the truth and in love, we shall grow in all ways into Christ, who is the head by whom the whole body is fitted and joined together, every joint adding its own strength, for each separate part to work according to its function. So the body grows until it has built itself up, in love.
Cf. 2 Petr 1, 21; Prov 2, 6
℟. Non voluntáte humána proláta est prophetía;* Spíritu Sancto inspiráti, locúti sunt a Deo hómines, allelúia.
℣. Dóminus dat sapiéntiam et ex ore eius prudéntia.* Spíritu.
Cf. 2 P1:21; Prov 2:6
℟. No prophecy ever came from man’s initiative.* When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them, alleluia.
℣. The Lord alone bestows wisdom and teaches knowledge.* When men spoke for God it was the Holy Spirit that moved them, alleluia.

Lectio altera
Ex Tractátu sancti Irenǽi epíscopi Advérsus hǽreses (Lib. 1, 10, 1-3: PG 7, 550-554)

Prædicatio veritatis

Ecclésia, per univérsum orbem usque ad fines terræ dissemináta, et ab Apóstolis et a discípulis eórum accépit eam fidem, quæ est in unum Deum, Patrem omnipoténtem, qui fecit cælum et terram, et mare, et ómnia quæ in eis sunt; et in unum Iesum Christum Fílium Dei, incarnátum pro nostra salúte; et in Spíritum Sanctum, qui per prophétas prædicávit dispositiónes Dei, et advéntum, et eam quæ est ex Vírgine generatiónem, et passiónem, et resurrectiónem a mórtuis, et in carne in cælos ascensiónem dilécti Iesu Christi Dómini nostri, et de cælis in glória Patris advéntum eius, ad recapitulánda univérsa, et resuscitándam omnem carnem humáni géneris, ut Christo Iesu Dómino nostro et Deo et salvatóri et regi, secúndum plácitum Patris invisíbilis, omne genu curvet cæléstium et terréstrium et infernórum et omnis lingua confiteátur ei, et iudícium iustum in ómnibus fáciat.
  Hanc prædicatiónem cum accéperit, et hanc fidem, quemádmodum prædíximus, Ecclésia, et quidem in univérsum mundum dissemináta, diligénter custódit, quasi unam domum inhábitans; et simíliter credit iis, vidélicet quasi unam ánimam habens, et unum cor, et consonánter hæc prǽdicat, et docet, et tradit, quasi unum póssidens os. Nam, etsi in mundo loquélæ dissímiles sunt, sed tamen virtus traditiónis una et éadem est.
  Et neque hæ quæ in Germánia sunt fundátæ Ecclésiæ áliter credunt aut áliter tradunt, neque hæ quæ in Hibériis sunt, neque hæ quæ in Celtis, neque hæ quæ in Oriénte, neque hæ quæ in Ægýpto, neque hæ quæ in Líbya, neque hæ quæ in médio mundi constitútæ; sed sicut sol, creatúra Dei, in univérso mundo unus et idem est, sic et prædicátio veritátis ubíque lucet, et illúminat omnes hómines, qui volunt ad cognitiónem veritátis perveníre.
  Et neque is qui valde prǽvalet in sermóne, ex iis qui præsunt Ecclésiis, ália, quam hæc sunt, dicet (nemo enim super magístrum est); neque infírmus in dicéndo deminorábit traditiónem. Cum enim una et éadem fides sit, neque is qui multum de ea potest dícere ámpliat, neque is qui minus, demínorat.
Second Reading
From the treatise "Against the Heresies" by St Irenaeus

Preaching truth

The Church, which has spread everywhere, even to the ends of the earth, received the faith from the apostles and their disciples. By faith, we believe in one God, the almighty Father who made heaven and earth and the sea and all that is in them. We believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who became man for our salvation. And we believe in the Holy Spirit who through the prophets foretold God’s plan: the coming of our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, his birth from the Virgin, his passion, his resurrection from the dead, his ascension into heaven, and his final coming from heaven in the glory of his Father, to recapitulate all things and to raise all men from the dead, so that, by the decree of his invisible Father, he may make a just judgement in all things and so that every knee should bow in heaven and on earth and under the earth to Jesus Christ our Lord and our God, our Saviour and our King, and every tongue confess him.
  The Church, spread throughout the whole world, received this preaching and this faith and now preserves it carefully, dwelling as it were in one house. Having one soul and one heart, the Church holds this faith, preaches and teaches it consistently as though by a single voice. For though there are different languages, there is but one tradition.
  The faith and the tradition of the churches founded in Germany are no different from those founded among the Spanish and the Celts, in the East, in Egypt, in Libya and elsewhere in the Mediterranean world. Just as God’s creature, the sun, is one and the same the world over, so also does the Church’s preaching shine everywhere to enlighten all men who want to come to a knowledge of the truth.
  Now of those who speak with authority in the churches, no preacher however forceful will utter anything different – for no one is above the Master – nor will a less forceful preacher diminish what has been handed down. Since our faith is everywhere the same, no one who can say more augments it, nor can anyone who says less diminish it.
1 Cor 1, 17-18. 21
℟. Misit me Christus evangelizáre, non in sapiéntia verbi, ut non evacuétur crux Christi.* Verbum enim crucis pereúntibus quidem stultítia est, his autem qui salvi fiunt, virtus Dei est, allelúia.
℣. Quia non cognóvit mundus per sapiéntiam Deum, plácuit Deo per stultítiam prædicatiónis salvos fácere credéntes.* Verbum.
℟. Christ sent me to preach the Good News, but not in the terms of philosophy in which the crucifixion of Christ cannot be expressed.* To those who court their own ruin, the message of the cross is but folly; to us who are on the way to salvation, it is the evidence of God’s power, alleluia.
℣. The world, with all its wisdom, could not find its way to God; and now God would use a foolish thing, our preaching, to save those who will believe in it.* To those who court their own ruin, the message of the cross is but folly; to us who are on the way to salvation, it is the evidence of God’s power, alleluia.

Te Deum laudámus:* te Dóminum confitémur.
Te ætérnum Patrem,* omnis terra venerátur.
Tibi omnes ángeli,*
  tibi cæli et univérsæ potestátes:
tibi chérubim et séraphim*
  incessábili voce proclámant:
Sanctus,* Sanctus,* Sanctus*
  Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra* maiestátis glóriæ tuæ.
Te gloriósus* Apostolórum chorus,
te prophetárum* laudábilis númerus,
te mártyrum candidátus* laudat exércitus.
Te per orbem terrárum*
  sancta confitétur Ecclésia,
Patrem* imménsæ maiestátis;
venerándum tuum verum* et únicum Fílium;
Sanctum quoque* Paráclitum Spíritum.
Tu rex glóriæ,* Christe.
Tu Patris* sempitérnus es Fílius.
Tu, ad liberándum susceptúrus hóminem,*
  non horruísti Vírginis úterum.
Tu, devícto mortis acúleo,*
  aperuísti credéntibus regna cælórum.
Tu ad déxteram Dei sedes,* in glória Patris.
Iudex créderis* esse ventúrus.
Te ergo quæsumus, tuis fámulis súbveni,*
  quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.
Ætérna fac cum sanctis tuis* in glória numerári.
Haec ultima pars hymni ad libitum omitti potest:
Salvum fac pópulum tuum, Dómine,*
  et bénedic hereditáti tuæ.
Et rege eos,* et extólle illos usque in ætérnum.
Per síngulos dies* benedícimus te;
et laudámus nomen tuum in sæculum,*
  et in sæculum sæculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto*
sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine,* miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia tua, Dómine, super nos,*
  quemádmodum sperávimus in te.
In te, Dómine, sperávi:*
  non confúndar in ætérnum.
CanticleTe Deum
God, we praise you; Lord, we proclaim you!
You, the Father, the eternal –
all the earth venerates you.
All the angels, all the heavens, every power –
The cherubim, the seraphim –
unceasingly, they cry:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts:
heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory!”
The glorious choir of Apostles –
The noble ranks of prophets –
The shining army of martyrs –
all praise you.
Throughout the world your holy Church proclaims you.
– Father of immeasurable majesty,
– True Son, only-begotten, worthy of worship,
– Holy Spirit, our Advocate.
You, Christ:
– You are the king of glory.
– You are the Father’s eternal Son.
– You, to free mankind, did not disdain a Virgin’s womb.
– You defeated the sharp spear of Death, and opened the kingdom of heaven to those who believe in you.
– You sit at God’s right hand, in the glory of the Father.
– You will come, so we believe, as our Judge.
And so we ask of you: give help to your servants, whom you set free at the price of your precious blood.
Number them among your chosen ones in eternal glory.
The final part of the hymn may be omitted:
Bring your people to safety, Lord, and bless those who are your inheritance.
Rule them and lift them high for ever.
Day by day we bless you, Lord: we praise you for ever and for ever.
Of your goodness, Lord, keep us without sin for today.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us.
Let your pity, Lord, be upon us, as much as we trust in you.
In you, Lord, I trust: let me never be put to shame.

  Deus, qui beátum Marcum evangelístam tuum evangélicæ prædicatiónis grátia sublimásti, tríbue, quǽsumus, eius nos eruditióne ita profícere, ut vestígia Christi fidéliter sequámur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
Almighty God,
  you chose out the evangelist Saint Mark
  and ennobled him with grace to preach the gospel.
Let his teaching so improve our lives
  that we may walk faithfully in the footsteps of Christ.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

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