Saturday 5 October 2024    (other days)
Blessed Robert Sutton, Anthony Turner, George Douglas and the Martyrs of Leicestershire 
 or Saturday of week 26 in Ordinary Time 
 or Saint Faustina Kowalska, Religious 
 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

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Office of Readings

If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm.
Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
  Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
  O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Rex glorióse mártyrum,
coróna confiténtium,
qui respuéntes térrea
perdúcis ad cæléstia,
Aurem benígnam prótinus
appóne nostris vócibus;
tropǽa sacra pángimus,
ignósce quod delíquimus.
Tu vincis in martýribus
parcéndo confessóribus;
tu vince nostra crímina
donándo indulgéntiam.
Præsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sǽculum. Amen.
The martyrs living now with Christ
In suffering were tried,
Their anguish overcome by love
When on his cross they died.
Across the centuries they come,
In constancy unmoved,
Their loving hearts make no complaint,
In silence they are proved.
No man has ever measured love,
Or weighed it in his hand,
But God who knows the inmost heart
Gives them the promised land.
Praise Father, Son and Spirit blest,
Who guides us through the night
In ways that reach beyond the stars
To everlasting light.
Francis E. Mostyn (1860-1939)

Ps 135:1-9
Hymnus paschalis

Domini res gestas narrare, laudare est” (Cassiodorus).

Dóminus facit mirabília magna solus, in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
1Confitémini Dómino, quóniam bonus,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
2Confitémini Deo deórum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
3Confitémini Dómino dominórum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
4Qui facit mirabília magna solus,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
5Qui fecit cælos in intelléctu,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
6Qui expándit terram super aquas,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
7Qui fecit luminária magna,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
8solem, ut præésset diéi,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
9lunam et stellas, ut præéssent nocti,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Dóminus facit mirabília magna solus, in ætérnum misericórdia eius.

Psalm 135 (136)
A paschal hymn

The Lord alone has wrought marvellous works, for his love endures for ever.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
  for his love is for ever.
Give thanks to the God of gods,
  for his love is for ever.
Give thanks to the Lord of lords,
  for his love is for ever.
He alone works wonders,
  for his love is for ever.
In his wisdom he made the heavens,
  for his love is for ever.
He set the Earth upon the waters,
  for his love is for ever.
He created the great lights,
  for his love is for ever.
The sun, to rule over the day,
  for his love is for ever.
The moon and stars, to rule over the night,
  for his love is for ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord alone has wrought marvellous works, for his love endures for ever.

Ps 135:10-15

Edúxit Israel de médio Ægýpti, in manu poténti et bráchio exténto.
10Qui percússit Ægýptum in primogénitis eórum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
11Qui edúxit Israel de médio eórum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
12in manu poténti et bráchio exténto,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
13Qui divísit mare Rubrum in divisiónes,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
14Et tradúxit Israel per médium eius,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
15Et excússit pharaónem et virtútem eius in mari Rubro,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Edúxit Israel de médio Ægýpti, in manu poténti et bráchio exténto.

Psalm 135 (136)

He brought Israel out from Egypt, with arm outstretched, with power in his hand.
He struck down the first-born of Egypt,
  for his love is for ever.
He led Israel out from their midst,
  for his love is for ever.
With a strong hand and an outstretched arm,
  for his love is for ever.
He divided the Red Sea in two,
  for his love is for ever.
He led Israel out through the sea,
  for his love is for ever.
He overthrew Pharaoh and his army,
  for his love is for ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
He brought Israel out from Egypt, with arm outstretched, with power in his hand.

Ps 135:16-26

Confitémini Deo cæli; ipse redémit nos ab inimícis nostris.
16Qui tradúxit pópulum suum per desértum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
17Qui percússit reges magnos,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
18et occídit reges poténtes,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
19Sehon regem Amorræórum,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
20et Og regem Basan,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
21Et dedit terram eórum hereditátem,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
22hereditátem Israel servo suo,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
23Qui in humilitáte nostra memor fuit nostri,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius;
24et redémit nos ab inimícis nostris,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
25Qui dat escam omni carni,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
26Confitémini Deo cæli,*
  quóniam in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Confitémini Deo cæli; ipse redémit nos ab inimícis nostris.

Psalm 135 (136)

To the Lord of heaven give thanks: he set us free from our foes.
He led his people through the wilderness,
  for his love is for ever.
He struck down great kings,
  for his love is for ever.
Sihon, king of the Amorites,
  for his love is for ever.
And Og, the king of Bashan,
  for his love is for ever.
He gave their land to his people,
  for his love is for ever.
A heritage for Israel his servant,
  for his love is for ever.
He remembered us in our affliction,
  for his love is for ever.
He rescued us from our enemies,
  for his love is for ever.
He gives food to all creatures that live,
  for his love is for ever.
Give thanks to the God of heaven,
  for his love is for ever.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
To the Lord of heaven give thanks: he set us free from our foes.

℣. Anima nostra sústinet Dóminum.
℟. Quóniam adiútor et protéctor noster est.
℣. Our soul is waiting for the Lord.
℟. The Lord is our help and our shield.

Lectio prior
De Epístola beáti Pauli apóstoli ad Philippénses 4, 10-23

Liberalitas Philippensium in Paulum

Fratres: 10Gavísus sum autem in Dómino veheménter quóniam tandem aliquándo refloruístis pro me sentíre, sicut et sentiebátis, opportunitáte autem carebátis. 11Non quasi propter penúriam dico, ego enim dídici, in quibus sum, suffíciens esse. 12Scio et humiliári, scio et abundáre; ubíque et in ómnibus institútus sum et satiári et esuríre et abundáre et penúriam pati. 13Omnia possum in eo, qui me confórtat.
  14Verúmtamen bene fecístis communicántes tribulatióni meæ. 15Scitis autem et vos, Philippénses, quod in princípio evangélii, quando proféctus sum a Macedónia, nulla mihi ecclésia communicávit in ratióne dati et accépti nisi vos soli; 16quia et Thessalónicam et semel et bis in usum mihi misístis. 17Non quia quæro datum, sed requíro fructum, qui abúndet in ratiónem vestram. 18Accépi autem ómnia et abúndo; replétus sum accéptis ab Epaphrodíto, quæ misístis, odórem suavitátis, hóstiam accéptam, placéntem Deo. 19Deus autem meus implébit omne desidérium vestrum secúndum divítias suas in glória in Christo Iesu. 20Deo autem et Patri nostro glória in sǽcula sæculórum. Amen.
  21Salutáte omnem sanctum in Christo Iesu. Salútant vos, qui mecum sunt, fratres. 22Salútant vos omnes sancti, máxime autem, qui de Cǽsaris domo sunt.
  23Grátia Dómini Iesu Christi cum spíritu vestro. Amen.
First Reading
Philippians 4:10-23

The Philippians’ kindness towards Paul

It is a great joy to me, in the Lord, that at last you have shown some concern for me again; though of course you were concerned before, and only lacked an opportunity. I am not talking about shortage of money: I have learnt to manage on whatever I have, I know how to be poor and I know how to be rich too. I have been through my initiation and now I am ready for anything anywhere: full stomach or empty stomach, poverty or plenty. There is nothing I cannot master with the help of the One who gives me strength. All the same, it was good of you to share with me in my hardships. In the early days of the Good News, as you people of Philippi well know, when I left Macedonia, no other church helped me with gifts of money. You were the only ones; and twice since my stay in Thessalonika you have sent me what I needed. It is not your gift that I value; what is valuable to me is the interest that is mounting up in your account. Now for the time being I have everything that I need and more: I am fully provided now that I have received from Epaphroditus the offering that you sent, a sweet fragrance – the sacrifice that God accepts and finds pleasing. In return my God will fulfil all your needs, in Christ Jesus, as lavishly as only God can. Glory to God, our Father, for ever and ever. Amen.
  My greetings to every one of the saints in Christ Jesus. The brothers who are with me send their greetings. All the saints send their greetings, especially those of the imperial household. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Phil 4, 12-13; 2 Cor 12, 10 a
℟. Scio et humiliári et abundáre, et satiári et esuríre, et abundáre et penúriam pati.* Omnia possum in eo qui me confórtat.
℣. Pláceo mihi in infirmitátibus et in angústiis, pro Christo.* Omnia.
Ph 4:12-13; 2 Co 12:10
℟. I know what it is to be in need, and what it is to have more than enough. I am content whether I am poor or hungry, whether I have too much or too little.* I have the strength to face anything through the power that Christ gives me.
℣. I am quite content with weakness and hardship, for the sake of Christ.* I have the strength to face anything through the power that Christ gives me.

Lectio altera
E Libro sancti Gregórii Nysséni epíscopi De Institúto christiáno (PG 46, 295-298)

Certa bonum certamen fidei

Si quæ in Christo nova creatúra, vétera transiérunt. Céterum novam creatúram appellávit Spíritus sancti inhabitatiónem, in puro et inculpáto corde omníque malítia atque improbitáte ac dedécore líbero. Nam quando ánimus peccátum ódio prosecútus fúerit ac se pro víribus virtútis administratióni tradíderit atque cum vita commutátus Spíritus in se grátiam accéperit, novus efféctus est totus et reparátus atque instaurátus. Quin étiam istud: Expurgáte vetus ferméntum, ut sitis nova conspérsio. Et hoc quoque: Epulémur, non in ferménto véteri, sed in ázymis sinceritátis et veritátis. Hæc, inquam, cum iis, quæ de nova creatúra dicta sunt, cónsonant.
  Enimvéro multos tentátor ánimæ nostræ láqueos tendit; infírmior autem est per se humána natúra quam ut victóriam ex illo reportáre possit. Idcírco étiam Apóstolus armáre nos iubet membra armis cæléstibus: Indúite, inquit, lorícam iustítiæ et calceáte pedes in præparatióne Evangélii pacis et state succíncti lumbos vestros in veritáte. Vidésne quot salútis modos Apóstolus tibi subindicárit, qui ad unam vitam eandémque metam tendunt; in quibus fácile vitæ currículum quod ad mandatórum Dei ápicem spectat, explétur. In álio loco ipse Apóstolus dicit: Per patiéntiam currámus ad propósitum nobis certámen, aspiciéntes in auctórem fídei et consummatórem Iesum.
  Quocírca opus est eum qui huius vitæ res præcláras plane déspicit, et omnem mundánam glóriam ábnegat, étiam cum vita ánimam própriam abnegáre. Animæ vero abnegátio est, voluntátem suam nusquam quǽrere, sed Dei voluntátem, eáque véluti bona gubernatríce uti; deínde nihil nisi id quod commúne est possidére. Sic namque expedítius erit, quod a præpósitis iniúnctum erit, cum iucunditáte et spe alácriter perfícere, ut servum Christi, et ad commúnem fratrum usum redémptum. Hoc enim vult étiam Dóminus cum ait: Qui vult inter vos primus et magnus esse, ómnium sit postrémus et ómnium servus.
  Verum eiúsmodi servitútem apud hómines gratuítam esse opórtet, et qui talis est, ómnibus debet súbici, ac véluti usúræ débitor frátribus inservíre. Etenim decet in præfectúra constitútos, maiórem quidem quam álii labórem suscípere, submíssius vero quam súbditi se gérere, ac pro servi imágine exemplóve vitam suam áliis exhibére, dum illud réputant depósitum esse Dei, qui fídei suæ commíssi sunt.
  Sic ígitur præpósitos opórtet fratrum curam habére, ut probi tenerórum educatóres puerórum, qui ipsis a paréntibus tráditi sunt. Si ita ínvicem affécti fuéritis, cum subiécti, tum magístri, illi quidem cum gáudio iussis ac mandátis obtemperántes, hi vero cum voluptáte fratres ad perféctum statum provehéntes: et si honóribus ínvicem præveniátis, angelórum in terris vitam degétis.
Second Reading
A book on Christian life by St Gregory of Nyssa

Fight the good fight of faith

Whoever is in Christ is a new creation; the old has passed away. Now by the “new creation” Paul means the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in a heart that is pure and blameless, free of all malice, wickedness or shamefulness. For when a soul has come to hate sin and has delivered itself as far as it can to the power of virtue, it undergoes a transformation by receiving the grace of the Spirit. Then it is healed, restored and made wholly new. Indeed the two texts: Purge out the old leaven that you may be a new one, and: Let us celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, support those passages which speak about the new creation.
  Yet the tempter spreads many a snare to trap the soul, and of itself human nature is too weak to defeat him. This is why the Apostle bids us to arm ourselves with heavenly weapons, when he says: Put on the breastplate of righteousness and have your feet shod with the gospel of peace and have truth around your waist as a belt. Can you not see how many forms of salvation the Apostle indicates, all leading to the same path and the same goal? Following them to the heights of God’s commandments, we easily complete the race of life. For elsewhere the Apostle says: Let us run with fidelity the race that has been set before us, with our eyes on Jesus, the origin and the goal of our faith.
  So a man who openly despises the accolades of this world and rejects all earthly glory must also practise self-denial. Such self-denial means that you never seek your own will but God’s, using God’s will as a sure guide; it also means possessing nothing apart from what is held in common. In this way it will be easier for you to carry out your superior’s commands promptly, in joy and in hope; this is required of Christ’s servants who are redeemed for service to the brethren. For this is what the Lord wants when he says: Whoever wishes to be first and great among you must be the last of all and a servant to all.
  Our service of mankind must be given freely. One who is in such a position must be subject to everyone and serve his brothers as if he were paying off a debt. Moreover, those who are in charge should work harder than the others and conduct themselves with greater submission than their own subjects. Their lives should serve as a visible example of what service means, and they should remember that those who are committed to their trust are held in trust from God.
  Those, then, who are in a position of authority must look after their brothers as conscientious teachers look after the young children who have been handed over to them by their parents. If both disciples and masters have this loving relationship, then subjects will be happy to obey whatever is commanded, while superiors will be delighted to lead their brothers to perfection. If you try to outdo one another in showing respect, your life on earth will be like that of the angels.
Gal 5, 13; 1 Cor 10, 32
℟. Vos in libertátem vocáti estis, tantum ne libertátem in occasiónem detis carni;* Sed per caritátem servíte ínvicem.
℣. Sine offensióne estóte Iudǽis et Græcis et ecclésiæ Dei.* Sed per.
℟. You were called to be free, but be careful not to let this freedom provide an opening for self-indulgence.* Instead, serve one another with loving kindness.
℣. Give no offence to Jews or Greeks, or to the church of God.* Instead, serve one another with loving kindness.

  Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui sanctis N. et N. pro Christo pati donásti, nostræ quoque fragilitáti divínum præténde subsídium, ut, sicut illi pro te mori non dubitárunt, ita nos fortes in tua confessióne vívere valeámus. Per Dóminum.
  Beatórum mártyrum N. et N., quǽsumus, Dómine, tibi nos orátio grata comméndet et in tuæ veritátis professióne confírmet.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
Almighty, ever-living God,
  you gave your martyrs N. and N. grace to lay down their lives for Christ.
Help our weakness too: give us the strength to live for you,
  even as they did not shrink from dying for your sake.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

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