Ps 143:1-8 Pro victoria et pace
“Manus eius edoctæ sunt ad bellum, cum sæculum vincit: «Ego enim, ait, vici mundum»” (S. Hilarius).
Misericórdia mea et refúgium meum Dóminus: in ipso sperávi.
1Benedíctus Dóminus, adiútor meus,†
qui docet manus meas ad prœ́lium*
et dígitos meos ad bellum.
2Misericórdia mea et fortitúdo mea,*
refúgium meum et liberátor meus;
scutum meum, et in ipso sperávi,*
qui subdit pópulum meum sub me.
3Dómine, quid est homo, quod agnóscis eum,*
aut fílius hóminis, quod réputas eum?
4Homo vanitáti símilis factus est,*
dies eius sicut umbra prætériens.
5Dómine, inclína cælos tuos et descénde;*
tange montes, et fumigábunt.
6Fúlgura coruscatiónem et díssipa eos;*
emítte sagíttas tuas et contúrba eos.
7Emítte manum tuam de alto;*
éripe me et líbera me de aquis multis,
de manu filiórum alienigenárum,†
8quorum os locútum est vanitátem,*
et déxtera eórum déxtera mendácii.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Misericórdia mea et refúgium meum Dóminus: in ipso sperávi.
| Psalm 143 (144) For victory and peace
The Lord is my love and my refuge: in him I place my trust.
Blessed be the Lord, my help,
who trains my hands for battle,
my fingers for war.
The Lord is kindness and strength,
my refuge and my liberator.
He is my shield, and I trust in him –
he places my people under his rule.
Lord, what is man, that you should take notice of him?
The son of man, that you should give him respect?
For man is as nothing,
his day is like a shadow that passes.
Lord, descend from your heavens,
touch the mountains so that they smoke.
Brandish your lightnings and scatter my enemies,
fire your arrows, sow confusion among them.
Send down your power from above,
raise me and free me from the flooding waters,
from the power of those of foreign race,
whose speeches are not to be trusted,
who lift up their hands in perjury.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
The Lord is my love and my refuge: in him I place my trust.