Christum, in quo lætántur omnes, qui sperant in eum, deprecémur:
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
Testis fidélis et primogénite mortuórum, qui lavásti nos a peccátis nostris in sánguine tuo,
mirabílium tuórum redde nos mémores.
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
Quos Evangélii vocásti præcónes,
strénui et fidéles dispensatóres mystérii regni tui inveniántur.
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
Rex pacífice, véniat Spíritus tuus in illos, qui pópulos regunt,
ut óculos in páuperes miserósque convértant.
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
Cónsule iis, qui discrímen ob genus, colórem, condiciónem, sermónem aut religiónem patiúntur,
ut iúrium suórum ac dignitátis agnitiónem consequántur.
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
Omnes, qui in tuo amóre decessérunt, beatitúdinis redde partícipes,
cum Beáta María Vírgine et ómnibus sanctis tuis.
– Réspice et exáudi nos, Dómine.
| Prayers and intercessions | |
Let us pray to Christ, who, of his fullness, gives his brothers love in return for love.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Firstborn from the dead, you have cleansed us of our sins by your blood.
Lead us to understand what you have done for us.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
You have called us to be heralds of the good news:
help us to enter the depths of its message and to make it our own.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
King of peace, guide the actions of those who govern:
may your Spirit move them to care for those whom society rejects.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Guide the steps of those who are oppressed, those persecuted for race, colour, or religion:
let their dignity be respected, and their rights upheld.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.
Welcome all who have died in your peace;
bring them to everlasting life with our Lady and all the saints.
– Lord Jesus, hear our prayer.