Saturday 12 October 2024    (other days)
Saturday of week 27 in Ordinary Time 
 or Saint Wilfrid, Bishop and Missionary 
 or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary 

Using calendar: England - Portsmouth - Guernsey. You can change this.

Office of Readings

If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm.
Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
  Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
  O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Summæ Deus cleméntiæ
mundíque factor máchinæ,
qui trinus almo númine
unúsque firmas ómnia,
Nostros piis cum cánticis
fletus benígne súscipe,
quo corde puro sórdibus
te perfruámur lárgius.
Lumbos adúre cóngruis
tu caritátis ígnibus,
accíncti ut adsint pérpetim
tuísque prompti advéntibus,
Ut, quique horas nóctium
nunc concinéndo rúmpimus,
donis beátæ pátriæ
ditémur omnes áffatim.
Præsta, Pater piíssime,
Patríque compar Unice,
cum Spíritu Paráclito
regnans per omne sǽculum. Amen.
How great the tale, that there should be,
In God’s Son’s heart, a place for me!
That on a sinner’s lips like mine
The cross of Jesus Christ should shine!
Christ Jesus, bend me to thy will,
My feet to urge, my griefs to still;
That e’en my flesh and blood may be
A temple sanctified to Thee.
No rest, no calm my soul may win,
Because my body craves to sin;
Till thou, dear Lord, thyself impart
Peace on my head, light in my heart.
May consecration come from far,
Soft shining like the evening star.
My toilsome path make plain to me,
Until I come to rest in thee.

Ps 106:1-16
Pro liberatione gratiarum actio

Verbum misit Deus filiis Israel evangelizans pacem per Iesum Christum” (Act 10, 36).

Confiteántur Dómino misericórdiæ eius et mirabília eius fíliis hóminum.
1Confitémini Dómino, quóniam bonus,*
  quóniam in sǽculum misericórdia eius.
2Dicant, qui redémpti sunt a Dómino,*
  quos redémit de manu adversárii,
3et de regiónibus congregávit eos,†
  a solis ortu et occásu,*
  ab aquilóne et mari.
4Erravérunt in solitúdine, in inaquóso,*
  viam civitátis habitatiónis non invenérunt.
5Esuriéntes et sitiéntes,*
  ánima eórum in ipsis defécit.
6Et clamavérunt ad Dóminum, cum tribularéntur,*
  et de necessitátibus eórum erípuit eos.
7Et dedúxit eos in viam rectam,*
  ut irent in civitátem habitatiónis.
8Confiteántur Dómino propter misericórdiam eius*
  et mirabília eius in fílios hóminum,
9quia satiávit ánimam sitiéntem*
  et ánimam esuriéntem replévit bonis.
10Sedéntes in ténebris et umbra mortis,*
  vincti in mendicitáte et ferro,
11quia exacerbavérunt elóquia Dei*
  et consílium Altíssimi sprevérunt.
12Et humiliávit in labóribus cor eórum,*
  infirmáti sunt, nec fuit qui adiuváret.
13Et clamavérunt ad Dóminum, cum tribularéntur,*
  et de necessitátibus eórum liberávit eos.
14Et edúxit eos de ténebris et umbra mortis*
  et víncula eórum dirúpit.
15Confiteántur Dómino propter misericórdiam eius*
  et mirabília eius in fílios hóminum,
16quia contrívit portas ǽreas*
  et vectes férreos confrégit.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Confiteántur Dómino misericórdiæ eius et mirabília eius fíliis hóminum.

Psalm 106 (107)
Thanksgiving after rescue

Let them thank the Lord for his love, for the wonders he does for men.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good,
  for his kindness is for ever.
Let them say this, the people the Lord has redeemed,
  those whom he rescued from their enemies
  whom he gathered together from all lands,
  from east and west, from the north and the south.
They wandered through desert and wilderness,
  they could find no way to a city they could dwell in.
Their souls were weary within them,
  weary from hunger and thirst.
They cried to the Lord in their trouble
  and he rescued them from their distress.
He set them on the right path
  towards a city they could dwell in.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness,
  for the wonders he works for men:
the Lord, who feeds hungry creatures
  and gives water to the thirsty to drink.
They sat in the darkness and shadow of death,
  imprisoned in chains and in misery,
because they had rebelled against the words of God
  and spurned the counsels of the Most High.
He wore out their hearts with labour:
  they were weak, there was no-one to help.
They cried to the Lord in their trouble
  and he rescued them from their distress.
He led them out of the darkness and shadow of death,
  he shattered their chains.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness,
  for the wonders he works for men:
the Lord, who shatters doors of bronze,
  who breaks bars of iron.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Let them thank the Lord for his love, for the wonders he does for men.

Ps 106:17-32

Ipsi vidérunt ópera Dei et mirabília eius.
17Stulti facti sunt in via iniquitátis suæ*
  et propter iniustítias suas afflícti sunt;
18omnem escam abomináta est ánima eórum,*
  et appropinquavérunt usque ad portas mortis.
19Et clamavérunt ad Dóminum, cum tribularéntur,*
  et de necessitátibus eórum liberávit eos.
20Misit verbum suum et sanávit eos*
  et erípuit eos de interitiónibus eórum.
21Confiteántur Dómino propter misericórdiam eius*
  et mirabília eius in fílios hóminum,
22et sacríficent sacrifícium laudis*
  et annúntient ópera eius in exsultatióne.
23Qui descéndunt mare in návibus,*
  faciéntes operatiónem in aquis multis,
24ipsi vidérunt ópera Dómini*
  et mirabília eius in profúndo.
25Dixit et excitávit spíritum procéllæ,*
  et exaltáti sunt fluctus eius.
26Ascéndunt usque ad cælos†
  et descéndunt usque ad abýssos;*
  ánima eórum in malis tabescébat.
27Turbáti sunt et moti sunt sicut ébrius,*
  et omnis sapiéntia eórum devoráta est.
28Et clamavérunt ad Dóminum, cum tribularéntur,*
  et de necessitátibus eórum edúxit eos.
29Et státuit procéllam eius in auram,*
  et tacuérunt fluctus eius.
30Et lætáti sunt quia siluérunt,*
  et dedúxit eos in portum voluntátis eórum.
31Confiteántur Dómino propter misericórdiam eius*
  et mirabília eius in fílios hóminum,
32et exáltent eum in ecclésia plebis*
  et in convéntu seniórum laudent eum.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Ipsi vidérunt ópera Dei et mirabília eius.

Psalm 106 (107)

They have seen the Lord’s deeds and the wonders he does.
The people were sick because they transgressed,
  afflicted because of their sins.
All food was distasteful to them,
  they were on the verge of death.
They cried to the Lord in their trouble
  and he rescued them from their distress.
He sent forth his word and healed them,
  delivered them from their ruin.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness,
  for the wonders he works for men:
Let them offer a sacrifice of praise
  and proclaim his works with rejoicing.
Those who go down to the sea in ships,
  those who trade across the great waters –
they have seen the works of the Lord,
  the wonders he performs in the deep.
He spoke, and a storm arose,
  and the waves of the sea rose up.
They rose up as far as the heavens
  and descended down to the depths:
the sailors’ hearts melted from fear,
  they staggered and reeled like drunkards,
  terror drove them out of their minds.
But they cried to the Lord in their trouble
  and he rescued them from their distress.
He turned the storm into a breeze
  and silenced the waves.
They rejoiced at the ending of the storm
  and he led them to the port that they wanted.
Let them give thanks to the Lord for his kindness,
  for the wonders he works for men:
let them exalt him in the assembly of the people,
  give him praise in the council of the elders.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
They have seen the Lord’s deeds and the wonders he does.

Ps 106:33-43

Vidébunt recti et lætabúntur et intéllegent misericórdias Dómini.
33Pósuit flúmina in desértum*
  et éxitus aquárum in sitim,
34terram fructíferam in salsúginem*
  a malítia inhabitántium in ea.
35Pósuit desértum in stagna aquárum*
  et terram sine aqua in éxitus aquárum.
36Et collocávit illic esuriéntes,*
  et constituérunt civitátem habitatiónis.
37Et seminavérunt agros et plantavérunt víneas*
  et fecérunt fructum in provéntum suum.
38Et benedíxit eis, et multiplicáti sunt nimis,*
  et iuménta eórum non minorávit.
39Et pauci facti sunt et vexáti sunt*
  a tribulatióne malórum et dolóre.
40Effúdit contemptiónem super príncipes*
  et erráre fecit eos in desérto ínvio.
41Et suscépit páuperem de inópia*
  et pósuit sicut oves famílias.
42Vidébunt recti et lætabúntur,*
  et omnis iníquitas oppilábit os suum.
43Quis sápiens, et custódiet hæc*
  et intélleget misericórdias Dómini?
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Vidébunt recti et lætabúntur et intéllegent misericórdias Dómini.

Psalm 106 (107)

The upright see and rejoice; they consider the love of the Lord.
The Lord has turned rivers into wilderness,
  he has made well-watered lands into desert,
  fruitful ground into salty waste
  because of the evil of those who dwelt there.
But he has made wilderness into ponds,
  deserts into the sources of rivers,
he has called together the hungry
  and they have founded a city to dwell in.
They have sowed the fields, planted the vines;
  they grow and harvest their produce.
He has blessed them and they have multiplied;
  he does not let their cattle decrease.
But those others became few and oppressed
  through trouble, evil, and sorrow.
He poured his contempt on their princes
  and set them to wander the trackless waste.
But the poor he has saved from their poverty
  and their families grow numerous as sheep.
The upright shall see, and be glad,
  and all wickedness shall block up its mouth.
Whoever is wise will remember these things
  and understand the mercies of the Lord.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The upright see and rejoice; they consider the love of the Lord.

℣. Dómine, véritas tua usque ad nubes.
℟. Iudícia tua abýssus multa.
℣. Lord, your truth reaches to the skies.
℟. How wonderful are your designs.

Lectio prior
De Epístola prima beáti Pauli apóstoli ad Timótheum 6, 11-21

Ultima exhortatio

11Tu, o homo Dei, hæc fuge; sectáre vero iustítiam, pietátem, fidem, caritátem, patiéntiam, mansuetúdinem. 12Certa bonum certámen fídei, apprehénde vitam ætérnam, ad quam vocátus es, et conféssus es bonam confessiónem coram multis téstibus.
  13Præcípio tibi coram Deo, qui vivíficat ómnia, et Christo Iesu, qui testimónium réddidit sub Póntio Piláto bonam confessiónem, 14ut serves mandátum sine mácula irreprehensíbile usque in advéntum Dómini nostri Iesu Christi, 15quem suis tempóribus osténdet beátus et solus potens, Rex regnántium et Dóminus dominántium, 16qui solus habet immortalitátem, lucem hábitans inaccessíbilem, quem vidit nullus hóminum nec vidére potest; cui honor et impérium sempitérnum. Amen.
  17Divítibus huius sǽculi prǽcipe non supérbe sápere neque speráre in incérto divitiárum, sed in Deo, qui præstat nobis ómnia abúnde ad fruéndum, 18bene ágere, dívites fíeri in opéribus bonis, fácile tribúere, communicáre, 19thesaurizáre sibi fundaméntum bonum in futúrum, ut apprehéndant veram vitam.
  20O Timóthee, depósitum custódi, devítans profánas vocum novitátes et oppositiónes falsi nóminis sciéntiæ, 21quam quidam profiténtes circa fidem aberravérunt.
  Grátia vobíscum.
First Reading
1 Timothy 6:11-21

A final exhortation

As a man dedicated to God, you must aim to be saintly and religious, filled with faith and love, patient and gentle. Fight the good fight of the faith and win for yourself the eternal life to which you were called when you made your profession and spoke up for the truth in front of many witnesses. Now, before God the source of all life and before Christ, who spoke up as a witness for the truth in front of Pontius Pilate, I put to you the duty of doing all that you have been told, with no faults or failures, until the Appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ,
who at the due time will be revealed
by God, the blessed and only Ruler of all,
the King of kings and the Lord of lords,
who alone is immortal,
whose home is in inaccessible light,
whom no man has seen and no man is able to see:
to him be honour and everlasting power. Amen.
Warn those who are rich in this world’s goods that they are not to look down on other people; and not to set their hopes on money, which is untrustworthy, but on God who, out of his riches, gives us all that we need for our happiness. Tell them that they are to do good, and be rich in good works, to be generous and willing to share – this is the way they can save up a good capital sum for the future if they want to make sure of the only life that is real.
  My dear Timothy, take great care of all that has been entrusted to you. Have nothing to do with the pointless philosophical discussions and antagonistic beliefs of the ‘knowledge’ which is not knowledge at all; by adopting this, some have gone right away from the faith. Grace be with you.
Col 2, 6-7; Mt 6, 19 a. 20 a
℟. Sicut accepístis Christum Iesum Dóminum, in ipso ambuláte, radicáti et superædificáti in ipso et confirmáti fide sicut didicístis, * Abundántes in gratiárum actióne.
℣. Nolíte thesaurizáre vobis thesáuros in terra; thesaurizáte autem vobis thesáuros in cælo.* Abundántes.
Col 2:6-7; Mt 6:19-20
℟. Live your whole life in Christ Jesus our Lord, according to the tradition you have received of him.* You are to be rooted and built up in Christ, your faith established in the teaching you have received, and be filled with thanksgiving.
℣. Do not lay up treasure for yourselves on earth: lay up treasure for yourselves in heaven.* You are to be rooted and built up in Christ, your faith established in the teaching you have received, and be filled with thanksgiving.

Lectio altera
Ex Homíliis sancti Gregórii Magni papæ in Evangélia (Hom. 17, 3. 14: PL 76, 1139-1140. 1146)

Ministerium actionis nostræ

Missis prædicatóribus, quid dicat Dóminus audiámus: Messis quidem multa, operárii autem pauci. Rogáte ergo dóminum messis, ut mittat operários in messem suam. Ad messem multam operárii pauci sunt, quod sine gravi mæróre loqui non póssumus, quia etsi sunt qui bona áudiant, desunt qui dicant. Ecce mundus sacerdótibus plenus est, sed tamen in messe Dei rarus valde invenítur operátor, quia offícium quidem sacerdotále suscépimus, sed opus offícii non implémus.
  Sed pensáte, fratres caríssimi, pensáte quod dícitur: Rogáte dóminum messis, ut mittat operários in messem suam. Vos pro nobis pétite, ut digna vobis operári valeámus, ne ab exhortatióne lingua tórpeat, ne postquam prædicatiónis locum suscépimus, apud iustum iúdicem nostra nos tacitúrnitas addícat. Sæpe enim pro sua nequítia prædicántium lingua restríngitur; sæpe vero ex subiectórum culpa ágitur ut eis qui præsunt, prædicatiónis sermo subtrahátur.
  Ex sua quippe nequítia prædicántium lingua restríngitur, sicut Psalmísta ait: Peccatóri autem dixit Deus: Quare tu enárras iustítias meas? Et rursum ex vítio subiectórum vox prædicántium prohibétur sicut ad Ezechiélem Dóminus dicit: Linguam tuam adhæréscere fáciam paláto tuo, et eris mutus, nec quasi vir obiúrgans, quia domus exásperans est. Ac si apérte dicat: Idcírco tibi prædicatiónis sermo tóllitur, quia dum me in suis áctibus plebs exásperat, non est digna cui exhortátio veritátis fiat. Ex cuius ergo vítio prædicatóri sermo subtrahátur, non fácile cognóscitur. Quia vero pastóris tacitúrnitas aliquándo sibi, semper autem subiéctis nóceat, certíssime scitur.
  Est et áliud, fratres caríssimi, quod me de vita pastórum veheménter afflígit, sed ne cui hoc iniuriósum videátur fortásse quod ássero, me quoque páriter accúso, quamvis barbárici témporis necessitáte compúlsus, valde in his iáceo invítus.
  Ad exterióra enim negótia delápsi sumus et áliud ex honóre suscépimus atque áliud offício actiónis exhibémus. Ministérium prædicatiónis relínquimus, et ad pænam nostram, ut vídeo, epíscopi vocámur, qui honóris nomen, non virtútem tenémus. Relínquunt namque Deum hi qui nobis commíssi sunt, et tacémus. In pravis áctibus iacent, et correptiónis manum non téndimus.
  Sed quando nos vitam corrígere valeámus aliénam, qui neglégimus nostram? Curis enim sæculáribus inténti, tanto insensibilióres intus effícimur, quanto ad ea quæ foris sunt studiosióres vidémur.
  Unde bene sancta Ecclésia de membris suis infirmántibus dicit: Posuérunt me custódem in víneis, víneam meam non custodívi. Custódes in víneis pósiti, nostram víneam mínime custodímus, quia dum extráneis actiónibus implicámur, ministérium actiónis nostræ neglégimus.
Second Reading
A homily of Pope St Gregory the Great

The performance of our ministry

Let us listen to what the Lord says as he sends the preachers forth: The harvest is great but the labourers are few. Pray therefore the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest. We can speak only with a heavy heart of so few labourers for such a great harvest, for although there are many to hear the good news there are only a few to preach it. Look about you and see how full the world is of priests, yet in God’s harvest a labourer is rarely to be found; for although we have accepted the priestly office, we do not fulfil its demands.
  Beloved brothers, consider what has been said: Pray the Lord of the harvest to send labourers into his harvest. Pray for us so that we may have the strength to work on your behalf, that our tongue may not grow weary of exhortation, and that after we have accepted the office of preaching, our silence may not condemn us before the just judge. For frequently the preacher’s tongue is bound fast on account of his own wickedness; while on the other hand it sometimes happens that because of the people’s sins, the word of preaching is withdrawn from those who preside over the assembly.
  With reference to the wickedness of the preacher, the psalmist says: But God asks the sinner: Why do you recite my commandments? And with reference to the latter, the Lord tells Ezekiel: I will make your tongue cleave to the roof of your mouth, so that you shall be dumb and unable to reprove them, for they are a rebellious house. He clearly means this: the word of preaching will be taken away from you because as long as this people irritates me by their deeds, they are unworthy to hear the exhortation of truth. It is not easy to know for whose sinfulness the preacher’s word is withheld, but it is indisputable that the shepherd’s silence while often injurious to himself will always harm his flock.
  There is something else about the life of the shepherds, dearest brothers, which discourages me greatly. But lest what I claim should seem unjust to anyone, I accuse myself of the very same thing, although I fall into it unwillingly – compelled by the urgency of these barbarous times. I speak of our absorption in external affairs; we accept the duties of office, but by our actions we show that we are attentive to other things. We abandon the ministry of preaching and, in my opinion, are called bishops to our detriment, for we retain the honourable office but fail to practise the virtues proper to it. Those who have been entrusted to us abandon God, and we are silent. They fall into sin, and we do not extend a hand of rebuke.
  But how can we who neglect ourselves be able to correct someone else? We are wrapped up in worldly concerns, and the more we devote ourselves to external things, the more insensitive we become in spirit.
  For this reason the Church rightfully says about her own feeble members: They made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept. We are set to guard the vineyards but do not guard our own, for we get involved in irrelevant pursuits and neglect the performance of our ministry.
Lc 10, 2; Ps 61 (62), 9
℟. Messis quidem multa, operárii autem pauci; rogáte ergo Dóminum messis,* Ut mittat operários in messem suam.
℣. Speráte in eo, omnis congregátio pópuli, effúndite coram illo corda vestra.* Ut mittat.
℟. The harvest is plentiful enough, but the labourers are few:* you must ask the Lord to whom the harvest belongs to send labourers out for the harvesting.
℣. Israelites one and all, put your confidence in him, and lay the homage of your hearts at his feet:* you must ask the Lord to whom the harvest belongs to send labourers out for the harvesting.

  Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui abundántia pietátis tuæ et mérita súpplicum excédis et vota, effúnde super nos misericórdiam tuam, ut dimíttas quæ consciéntia métuit et adícias quod orátio non præsúmit.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
Almighty, ever-living God,
  whose love surpasses all that we ask or deserve,
  open up for us the treasures of your mercy.
Forgive us all that weighs on our conscience,
  and grant us more even than we dare to ask.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

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