Thursday 23 January 2025 (other days)
Thursday of week 2 in Ordinary Time
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Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
Ales diéi núntius
lucem propínquam prǽcinit;
nos excitátor méntium
iam Christus ad vitam vocat.
«Auférte –clamat– léctulos
ægros, sopóros, désides;
castíque, recti ac sóbrii
vigiláte; iam sum próximus».
Ut, cum corúscis flátibus
auróra cælum spárserit,
omnes labóre exércitos
confírmet ad spem lúminis,
Iesum ciámus vócibus
flentes, precántes, sóbrii;
inténta supplicátio
dormíre cor mundum vetat.
Tu, Christe, somnum dísice,
tu rumpe noctis víncula,
tu solve peccátum vetus
novúmque lumen íngere.
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
Where true love is dwelling, God is dwelling there:
Love’s own loving Presence love does ever share.
Love of Christ has made us out of many one;
In our midst is dwelling God’s eternal Son.
Give him joyful welcome, love him and revere:
Cherish one another with a love sincere.
Ps 43:2-9
| Psalm 43 (44)
Ps 43:10-17Parce, Dómine, et ne des hereditátem tuam in oppróbrium.
10Nunc autem reppulísti et confudísti nos*
et non egrediéris, Deus, cum virtútibus nostris.
11Convertísti nos retrórsum coram inimícis nostris,*
et, qui odérunt nos, diripuérunt sibi.
12Dedísti nos tamquam oves ad vescéndum*
et in géntibus dispersísti nos.
13Vendidísti pópulum tuum sine lucro,*
nec dítior factus es in commutatióne eórum.
14Posuísti nos oppróbrium vicínis nostris,*
subsannatiónem et derísum his, qui sunt in circúitu nostro.
15Posuísti nos similitúdinem in géntibus,*
commotiónem cápitis in pópulis.
16Tota die verecúndia mea contra me est,*
et confúsio faciéi meæ coopéruit me
17a voce exprobrántis et obloquéntis,*
a fácie inimíci et ultóris.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Parce, Dómine, et ne des hereditátem tuam in oppróbrium.
| Psalm 43 (44)Spare us, Lord, do not let your people be put to shame.
But now, God, you have spurned us and confounded us,
so that we must go into battle without you.
You have put us to flight in the sight of our enemies,
and those who hate us plunder us at will.
You have handed us over like sheep sold for food,
you have scattered us among the nations.
You have sold your people for no money,
not even profiting by the exchange.
You have made us the laughing-stock of our neighbours,
mocked and derided by those who surround us.
The nations have made us a by-word,
the peoples toss their heads in scorn.
All the day I am ashamed,
I blush with shame
as they reproach me and revile me,
my enemies and my persecutors.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Spare us, Lord, do not let your people be put to shame.
Ps 43:18-26Exsúrge, Dómine, et rédime nos propter misericórdiam tuam.
18Hæc ómnia venérunt super nos, nec oblíti sumus te;*
et iníque non égimus in testaméntum tuum.
19Et non recéssit retro cor nostrum,*
nec declinavérunt gressus nostri a via tua;
20sed humiliásti nos in loco vúlpium*
et operuísti nos umbra mortis.
21Si oblíti fuérimus nomen Dei nostri*
et si expandérimus manus nostras ad deum aliénum,
22nonne Deus requíret ista?*
Ipse enim novit abscóndita cordis.
23Quóniam propter te mortificámur tota die,*
æstimáti sumus sicut oves occisiónis.
24Evígila quare obdórmis, Dómine?*
Exsúrge et ne repéllas in finem.
25Quare fáciem tuam avértis,*
oblivísceris inópiæ nostræ et tribulatiónis nostræ?
26Quóniam humiliáta est in púlvere ánima nostra,*
conglutinátus est in terra venter noster.
Exsúrge, Dómine, ádiuva nos*
et rédime nos propter misericórdiam tuam.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Exsúrge, Dómine, et rédime nos propter misericórdiam tuam.
| Psalm 43 (44)Arise, Lord! Redeem us because of your love.
All this happened to us,
but not because we had forgotten you.
We were not disloyal to your covenant;
our hearts did not turn away;
our steps did not wander from your path;
and yet you brought us low,
with horrors all about us:
you overwhelmed us in the shadows of death.
If we had forgotten the name of our God,
if we had spread out our hands before an alien god —
would God not have known?
He knows what is hidden in our hearts.
It is for your sake that we face death all the day,
that we are reckoned as sheep to be slaughtered.
Awake, Lord, why do you sleep?
Rise up, do not always reject us.
Why do you turn away your face?
How can you forget our poverty and our tribulation?
Our souls are crushed into the dust,
our bodies dragged down to the earth.
Rise up, Lord, and help us.
In your mercy, redeem us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Arise, Lord! Redeem us because of your love.
℣. Dómine, ad quem íbimus?
℟. Verba vitæ ætérnæ habes.
| ℣. Lord, to whom shall we go?
℟. You have the words of eternal life.
Peccata populi et intercessio MoysisIn diébus illis: Locútus est Móyses pópulo dicens:
7«Meménto et ne obliviscáris quómodo ad iracúndiam provocáveris Dóminum Deum tuum in solitúdine; ex eo die, quo egréssus es ex Ægýpto, usque ad locum istum advérsum Dóminum contendístis. 8Nam et in Horeb provocástis eum, et irátus delére vos vóluit, 9quando ascéndi in montem, ut accíperem tábulas lapídeas, tábulas pacti, quod pépigit vobíscum Dóminus, et perseverávi in monte quadragínta diébus ac nóctibus, panem non cómedens et aquam non bibens. 10Dedítque mihi Dóminus duas tábulas lapídeas scriptas dígito Dei et continéntes ómnia verba, quæ vobis locútus est in monte de médio ignis, quando cóntio pópuli congregáta est. 11Cumque transíssent quadragínta dies et tótidem noctes, dedit mihi Dóminus duas tábulas lapídeas, tábulas fœ́deris, 12dixítque mihi: “Surge et descénde hinc cito, quia peccávit pópulus tuus, quem eduxísti de Ægýpto: deseruérunt velóciter viam, quam præcépi eis, fecerúntque sibi conflátile”. 13Rursúmque ait Dóminus ad me: “Cerno quod pópulus iste duræ cervícis sit; 14dimítte me, ut cónteram eos et déleam nomen eórum sub cælo et fáciam te in gentem, quæ hac fórtior et maior sit”.
15Cumque revérsus de monte ardénte descénderem et duas tábulas fœ́deris utráque tenérem manu 16vidissémque vos peccásse Dómino Deo vestro et fecísse vobis vítulum conflátilem ac deseruísse velóciter viam eius, quam Dóminus vobis præcéperat, 17arrípui duas tábulas et proiéci eas de mánibus meis confregíque eas in conspéctu vestro; 18et prócidi ante Dóminum, sicut prius quadragínta diébus et nóctibus panem non cómedens et aquam non bibens propter ómnia peccáta vestra, quæ gessístis contra Dóminum et eum ad iracúndiam provocástis; 19tímui enim indignatiónem et iram illíus, qua advérsum vos concitátus delére vos vóluit. Et exaudívit me Dóminus étiam hac vice. 20Advérsum Aaron quoque veheménter irátus vóluit contérere; et pro illo simíliter tunc deprecátus sum. 21Peccátum autem vestrum, quod fecerátis, id est vítulum, arrípiens igne combússi et in frusta commínuens omninóque in púlverem rédigens proiéci in torréntem, qui de monte descéndit.
25Et iácui coram Dómino quadragínta diébus ac nóctibus, quibus eum supplíciter deprecábar, ne deléret vos, ut fúerat comminátus. 26Et orans dixi: Dómine Deus, ne dispérdas pópulum tuum et hereditátem tuam, quam redemísti in magnitúdine tua, quod eduxísti de Ægýpto in manu forti. 27Recordáre servórum tuórum Abraham, Isaac et Iacob; ne aspícias durítiam pópuli huius et impietátem atque peccátum, 28ne forte dicant habitatóres terræ, de qua eduxísti nos: “Non póterat Dóminus introdúcere eos in terram, quam pollícitus est eis, et óderat illos; idcírco edúxit, ut interfíceret eos in solitúdine”. 29Attamen ipsi sunt pópulus tuus et heréditas tua, quos eduxísti in fortitúdine tua magna et in bráchio tuo exténto».
The sin of the people and Moses' intercessionThese are the words that Moses spoke beyond Jordan to the whole of Israel:
Remember; never forget how you provoked the Lord your God in the wilderness. From the day you came out of the land of Egypt you have been rebels against the Lord. At Horeb you provoked the Lord, and the Lord was so angry with you that he was ready to destroy you. I had gone up the mountain to receive the tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant that the Lord was making with you. I stayed forty days and forty nights on the mountain, eating no bread, drinking no water. The Lord gave me the two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God, and all the words on them that the Lord had spoken to you on the mountain from the midst of the fire on the day of the Assembly. At the end of the forty days and forty nights, after he had given me the two tablets of stone, the tablets of the covenant, the Lord said to me, “Leave this place, go down quickly, for your people whom you brought out of Egypt have broken faith. They have been quick to leave the way I marked out for them; they have made themselves an idol of cast metal.” Then the Lord said to me, “I have seen this people, and what a headstrong people they are! Let me destroy them, and wipe out their name from under heaven, and make out of you a nation mightier and greater than they.”
So I went down the mountain again and it was blazing with fire, and in my hands were the two tablets of the covenant. And I looked and there you were, you had been sinning against the Lord your God. You had made yourself a calf of cast metal; you had been quick to leave the way the Lord marked out for you. I seized the two tablets and with my two hands threw them down and broke them before your eyes. Then I fell prostrate before the Lord; as before, I passed forty days and forty nights eating no bread and drinking no water, for all the sin you had committed in doing what was displeasing to the Lord, thus arousing his anger. For I was afraid of this anger, of the fury which so roused the Lord against you that he was ready to destroy you. And once more the Lord heard my prayer. The Lord was enraged with Aaron too and was ready to destroy him, and I pleaded for Aaron also. That work of sin, the calf you had made, I took and burned and broke to pieces, and grinding it to fine dust I threw its dust into the stream that comes down from the mountain.
So I fell prostrate before the Lord and lay there these forty days and forty nights, for the Lord had said he would destroy you. And I pleaded with the Lord. My Lord, I said, do not destroy your people, your heritage whom in your greatness you have redeemed, whom you have brought out of Egypt with your mighty hand. Remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; take no notice of this people’s stubbornness, their wickedness, and their sin, so that it may not be said in the land from which you brought us, “The Lord was not able to bring them to the land he promised them. It was because he hated them that he brought them out, to die in the wilderness.” But they are your people and your heritage whom you brought out by your great power and your outstretched arm.
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℟. Precátus est Móyses in conspéctu Dómini Dei sui et dixit: Quare, Dómine, irásceris in pópulo tuo? Parce iræ ánimæ tuæ; meménto Abraham, Isaac et Iacob, quibus iurásti dare terram fluéntem lac et mel.* Et placátus factus est Dóminus de malignitáte quam dixit fácere pópulo suo.
℣. Dixit Dóminus ad Móysen: Invenísti grátiam in conspéctu meo et scio te præ ómnibus.* Et placátus.
℟. Moses pleaded with the Lord his God. Lord, he said, why vent your anger against this people of yours? Let the storm of your anger pass; remember Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to whom you swore to give a land flowing with milk and honey.* So the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
℣. The Lord said to Moses, ‘You have won my favour. You alone do I know above all others.’* So the Lord relented and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
Christus semper vivens ad interpellandum pro nobisIllud quippe primum attendéndum est, quod in conclusióne oratiónis, «per Iesum Christum Fílium tuum Dóminum nostrum» dícimus. Per Spíritum vero Sanctum nullátenus dícimus. Quod útique non inániter cathólica concélebrat Ecclésia, propter illud útique sacraméntum, quo mediátor Dei et hóminum factus est homo Iesus Christus sacérdos in ætérnum secúndum órdinem Melchísedech, qui per próprium sánguinem semel introívit in sancta, non útique manufácta exemplária veritátis, sed in ipsum cælum, ubi est in déxtera Dei, et interpéllat pro nobis.
Hoc in eo pontificátus offícium íntuens Apóstolus ait: Per ipsum ergo offerámus hóstiam laudis semper Deo, id est fructum labiórum confiténtium nómini eius. Per ipsum ergo hóstiam laudis atque oratiónis offérimus, quia per eius mortem reconciliáti sumus cum inimíci essémus. Per ipsum enim qui pro nobis hóstia dignátus est fíeri, potest in conspéctu Dei nostra hóstia acceptábilis inveníri. Proptérea nos beátus Petrus ádmonet, dicens: Et vos tamquam lápides vivi ædificámini in domum spiritálem, in sacerdótium sanctum, offeréntes spiritáles hóstias, acceptábiles Deo per Iesum Christum. Hac ígitur ratióne dícimus Deo Patri: «Per Iesum Christum Dóminum nostrum».
Cum ergo sacerdótis fit méntio, quid áliud quam mystérium domínicæ incarnatiónis osténditur, quo Dei Fílius, cum in forma Dei esset, semetípsum exinanívit, formam servi accípiens; secúndum quam se humiliávit, factus obœ́diens usque ad mortem; minorátus scílicet paulo minus ab ángelis, et æqualitátem patérnæ póssidens unitátis? Eo quippe minorátus est Fílius, æquális pérmanens Patri, quod in similitúdine hóminum dignátus est fíeri. Ipse autem se minórem fecit, quando semetípsum exinanívit, formam servi accípiens. Christi porro minorátio, ipsa est exinanítio; nec tamen ália est exinanítio quam formæ servílis accéptio.
Christus ergo in forma Dei pérmanens, Unigénitus Deus, cui cum Patre hóstias offérimus, formam servi accípiens, sacérdos est factus, per quem hóstiam vivam, sanctam, Deo placéntem offérre possímus. Nec tamen a nobis offérri hóstia potuísset, si Christus pro nobis factus hóstia non fuísset, in quo ipsa natúra nostri géneris, vera est hóstia salutáris. Nam cum nos osténdimus per ætérnum Sacerdótem Dóminum nostrum nostras oratiónes offérre, veram in eo carnem nostri géneris confitémur; secúndum illud quod Apóstolus dicit: Omnis enim póntifex ex homínibus assúmptus, pro homínibus constitúitur in his quæ sunt ad Deum, ut ófferat dona et sacrifícia pro peccátis. Cum vero dícimus: «Fílium tuum», et adícimus: «qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti», illam útique unitátem commemorámus, quam naturáliter habet Pater et Fílius et Spíritus Sanctus: ubi osténditur idem ipse Christus pro nobis sacerdotáli functus offício, cui naturális est únitas cum Patre et Spíritu Sancto.
Christ lives for ever to make intercession for usNotice, at the conclusion of our prayer we never say, “through the Holy Spirit,” but rather, “through Jesus Christ, your Son, our Lord.” Through the mystery of the Incarnation, Jesus Christ became man, the mediator of God and man. He is a priest for ever according to the order of Melchisedech. By shedding his own blood he entered once and for all into the Holy Places. He did not enter a place made by human hands, a mere type of the true one; but, he entered heaven itself, where he is at God’s right hand interceding for us. Quite correctly, the Church continues to reflect this mystery in her prayer.
This mystery of Jesus Christ the high priest is reflected in the apostle Paul’s statement: Through him, then, let us always offer the sacrifice of praise to God, the fruit of lips that profess belief in his name. We were once enemies of the Father, but have been reconciled through the death of Christ. Through him then we offer our sacrifice of praise, our prayer to God. He became our offering to the Father, and through him our offering is now acceptable. It is for this reason that Peter the apostle urges us to be built up as living stones into a spiritual house, a holy priesthood to offer spiritual sacrifices pleasing to God through Jesus Christ. This then is the reason why we offer prayer to God our Father, but through Jesus Christ our Lord.
When we speak of Christ’s priesthood, what else do we mean than the incarnation? Through this mystery, the Son of God, though himself ever remaining God, became a priest. To him along with the Father, we offer our sacrifice. Yet, through him the sacrifice we now offer is holy, living and pleasing to God. Indeed, if Christ had not sacrificed himself for us, we could not offer any sacrifice. For it is in him that our human nature becomes a redemptive offering. When we offer our prayers through him, our priest, we confess that Christ truly possesses the flesh of our race. Clearly the Apostle refers to this when he says: Every high priest is taken from among men. He is appointed to act on behalf of these same men in their relationship to God; he is to offer gifts and sacrifices to God.
We do not, however, only say “your Son” when we conclude our prayer. We also say, “who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit.” In this way we commemorate the natural unity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It is clear, then, that the Christ who exercises a priestly role on our behalf is the same Christ who enjoys a natural unity and equality with the Father and the Holy Spirit.
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℟. Adeámus ergo cum fidúcia ad thronum grátiæ.* Ut misericórdiam consequámur et grátiam inveniámus in auxílium opportúnum.
℣. Non enim habémus pontíficem, qui non possit cómpati infirmitátibus nostris.* Ut misericórdiam.
℟. Let us be confident in approaching the throne of grace:* we shall receive mercy from the Son of God and find grace to help us in time of need.
℣. For it is not as if we had a high priest incapable of feeling our weaknesses with us.* We shall receive mercy from the Son of God and find grace to help us in time of need.
Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui cæléstia simul et terréna moderáris, supplicatiónes pópuli tui cleménter exáudi et pacem tuam nostris concéde tempóribus.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
| Let us pray.
Almighty God,
ruler of all things in heaven and on earth,
listen favourably to the prayer of your people,
and grant us your peace in our day.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
| Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.
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