Friday 19 April 2024    (other days)
4th Sunday of Easter 

Using calendar: Middle East - Southern Arabia - Special Fridays. You can change this.

Office of Readings

If you have already recited the Invitatory Psalm today, you should use the alternative opening.
Dómine, lábia mea apéries.
  Et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
Lord, open our lips.
  And we shall praise your name.
Ps 23:1-10

Christo apertæ sunt portæ cæli propter carnalem eius assumptionem” (S. Irenæus).

Surréxit Dóminus vere, allelúia.
(repeat antiphon*)
1Dómini est terra et plenitúdo eius,*
  orbis terrárum et qui hábitant in eo.
2Quia ipse super mária fundávit eum*
  et super flúmina firmávit eum.
  (repeat antiphon*)
3Quis ascéndet in montem Dómini,*
  aut quis stabit in loco sancto eius?
4Innocens mánibus et mundo corde,†
  qui non levávit ad vana ánimam suam,*
  nec iurávit in dolum.
5Hic accípiet benedictiónem a Dómino*
  et iustificatiónem a Deo salutári suo.
6Hæc est generátio quæréntium eum,*
  quæréntium fáciem Dei Iacob.
  (repeat antiphon*)
7Attóllite, portæ, cápita vestra,†
  et elevámini, portæ æternáles,*
  et introíbit rex glóriæ.
8Quis est iste rex glóriæ?*
  Dóminus fortis et potens, Dóminus potens in prœ́lio.
  (repeat antiphon*)
9Attóllite, portæ, cápita vestra,†
  et elevámini, portæ æternáles,*
  et introíbit rex glóriæ.
10Quis est iste rex glóriæ?*
  Dóminus virtútum ipse est rex glóriæ.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
(repeat antiphon*)
Invitatory PsalmPsalm 23 (24)
The Lord has truly risen, alleluia.
(repeat antiphon*)
The Lord’s is the earth and its fullness,
  the world and all who live in it.
He himself founded it upon the seas
  and set it firm over the waters.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Who will climb the mountain of the Lord?
  Who will stand in his holy place?
The one who is innocent of wrongdoing and pure of heart,
  who has not given himself to vanities or sworn falsely.
He will receive the blessing of the Lord
  and be justified by God his saviour.
This is the way of those who seek him,
  seek the face of the God of Jacob.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Gates, raise your heads. Stand up, eternal doors,
  and let the king of glory enter.
Who is the king of glory?
The Lord of might and power.
  The Lord, strong in battle.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Gates, raise your heads. Stand up, eternal doors,
  and let the king of glory enter.
Who is the king of glory?
The Lord of hosts
  – he is the king of glory.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
(repeat antiphon*)

* If you are reciting this on your own, you can choose to say the antiphon once only at the start of the psalm and not repeat it.

Hic est dies verus Dei,
sancto serénus lúmine,
quo díluit sanguis sacer
probrósa mundi crímina.
Fidem refúndit pérditis
cæcósque visu illúminat;
quem non gravi solvit metu
latrónis absolútio?
Opus stupent et ángeli,
pœnam vidéntes córporis
Christóque adhæréntem reum
vitam beátam cárpere.
Mystérium mirábile,
ut ábluat mundi luem,
peccáta tollat ómnium
carnis vítia mundans caro,
Quid hoc potest sublímius,
ut culpa quærat grátiam,
metúmque solvat cáritas
reddátque mors vitam novam?
Esto perénne méntibus
paschále, Iesu, gáudium
et nos renátos grátiæ
tuis triúmphis ággrega.
Iesu, tibi sit glória,
qui morte victa prǽnites,
cum Patre et almo Spíritu,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
Love’s redeeming work is done,
fought the fight, the battle won.
Lo, our Sun’s eclipse is o’er!
Lo, he sets in blood no more!
Vain the stone, the watch, the seal!
Christ has burst the gates of hell;
death in vain forbids him rise;
Christ has opened paradise.
Lives again our victor King;
where, O death, is now thy sting?
Dying once, he all doth save;
where thy victory, O grave?
Soar we now where Christ has led,
following our exalted Head;
made like him, like him we rise,
ours the cross, the grave, the skies.
Hail the Lord of earth and heaven!
Praise to thee by both be given:
thee we greet triumphant now;
hail, the Resurrection thou!

Ps 68:2-13
Zelus domus tuæ comedit me

Dederunt ei vinum bibere cum felle mixtum” (Mt 27, 34).

Allelúia, lapis revolútus est ab óstio monuménti, allelúia.
2Salvum me fac, Deus,*
  quóniam venérunt aquæ usque ad guttur meum.
3Infíxus sum in limo profúndi, et non est substántia;*
  veni in profúnda aquárum, et fluctus demérsit me.
4Laborávi clamans, raucæ factæ sunt fauces meæ;*
  defecérunt óculi mei, dum spero in Deum meum.
5Multiplicáti sunt super capíllos cápitis mei,*
  qui odérunt me gratis.
Confortáti sunt, qui persecúti sunt me inimíci mei mendáces;*
  quæ non rápui, tunc exsolvébam.
6Deus, tu scis insipiéntiam meam,*
  et delícta mea a te non sunt abscóndita.
7Non erubéscant in me, qui exspéctant te,*
  Dómine, Dómine virtútum.
Non confundántur super me,*
  qui quærunt te, Deus Israel.
8Quóniam propter te sustínui oppróbrium,*
  opéruit confúsio fáciem meam;
9extráneus factus sum frátribus meis*
  et peregrínus fíliis matris meæ.
10Quóniam zelus domus tuæ comédit me,*
  et oppróbria exprobrántium tibi cecidérunt super me.
11Et flevi in ieiúnio ánimam meam,*
  et factum est in oppróbrium mihi.
12Et pósui vestiméntum meum cilícium,*
  et factus sum illis in parábolam.
13Advérsum me loquebántur, qui sedébant in porta,*
  et in me canébant, qui bibébant vinum.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Allelúia, lapis revolútus est ab óstio monuménti, allelúia.

Psalm 68 (69)
I am consumed with zeal for your house

Alleluia. The stone was rolled back from the door of the tomb. Alleluia.
Save me, O God,
  for the waters have come up to my neck.
I am stuck in bottomless mud;
  I am adrift in deep waters
  and the flood is sweeping me away.
I am exhausted with crying out, my throat is parched,
  my eyes are failing as I look out for my God.
Those who hate me for no reason
  are more than the hairs of my head.
They are strong, my persecutors, my lying enemies:
  they make me give back things I never took.
God, you know my weakness:
  my crimes are not hidden from you.
Let my fate not put to shame those who trust in you,
  Lord, Lord of hosts.
Let them not be dismayed on my account,
  those who seek you, God of Israel.
For it is for your sake that I am taunted
  and covered in confusion:
I have become a stranger to my own brothers,
  a wanderer in the eyes of my mother’s children –
because zeal for your house is consuming me,
  and the taunts of those who hate you
  fall upon my head.
I have humbled my soul with fasting
  and they reproach me for it.
I have made sackcloth my clothing
  and they make me a byword.
The idlers at the gates speak against me;
  for drinkers of wine, I am the butt of their songs.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Alleluia. The stone was rolled back from the door of the tomb. Alleluia.

Ps 68:14-22

Allelúia, quem quæris, múlier? vivéntem cum mórtuis, allelúia.
14Ego vero oratiónem meam ad te, Dómine,*
  in témpore benepláciti, Deus.
In multitúdine misericórdiæ tuæ exáudi me,*
  in veritáte salútis tuæ.
15Eripe me de luto, ut non infígar,†
  erípiar ab iis, qui odérunt me,*
  et de profúndis aquárum.
16Non me demérgat fluctus aquárum,†
  neque absórbeat me profúndum,*
  neque úrgeat super me púteus os suum.
17Exáudi me, Dómine, quóniam benígna est misericórdia tua;*
  secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum réspice in me.
18Et ne avértas fáciem tuam a púero tuo;*
  quóniam tríbulor, velóciter exáudi me.
19Accéde ad ánimam meam, víndica eam,*
  propter inimícos meos rédime me.
20Tu scis oppróbrium meum*
  et confusiónem meam et reveréntiam meam.
In conspéctu tuo sunt omnes, qui tríbulant me;*
  21oppróbrium contrívit cor meum, et elángui.
Et sustínui, qui simul contristarétur, et non fuit,*
  et qui consolarétur, et non invéni.
22Et dedérunt in escam meam fel,*
  et in siti mea potavérunt me acéto.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Allelúia, quem quæris, múlier? vivéntem cum mórtuis, allelúia.

Psalm 68 (69)

Alleluia. Who are you looking for, woman? Why search among the dead for one who lives? Alleluia.
But I turn my prayer to you, Lord,
  at the acceptable time, my God.
In your great kindness, hear me,
  and rescue me with your faithful help.
Tear me from the mire, before I become stuck;
  tear me from those who hate me;
  tear me from the depths of the waters.
Do not let the waves overwhelm me;
  do not let the deep waters swallow me;
  do not let the well’s mouth engulf me.
Hear me, Lord, for you are kind and good.
  In your abundant mercy, look upon me.
Do not turn your face from your servant:
  I am suffering, so hurry to answer me.
Come to my soul and deliver it,
  rescue me from my enemies’ attacks.
You know how I am taunted and ashamed;
  how I am thrown into confusion.
You can see all those who are troubling me.
  Reproach has shattered my heart – I am sick.
I looked for sympathy, but none came;
  I looked for a consoler but did not find one.
They gave me bitterness to eat;
  when I was thirsty, they gave me vinegar to drink.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Alleluia. Who are you looking for, woman? Why search among the dead for one who lives? Alleluia.

Ps 68:30-37

Allelúia, noli flere, María: resurréxit Dóminus, allelúia.
30Ego autem sum pauper et dolens;*
  salus tua, Deus, súscipit me.
31Laudábo nomen Dei cum cántico*
  et magnificábo eum in laude.
32Et placébit Dómino super taurum,*
  super vítulum córnua producéntem et úngulas.
33Vídeant húmiles et læténtur;*
  quǽrite Deum, et vivet cor vestrum,
34quóniam exaudívit páuperes Dóminus*
  et vinctos suos non despéxit.
35Laudent illum cæli et terra,*
  mária et ómnia reptília in eis.
36Quóniam Deus salvam fáciet Sion†
  et ædificábit civitátes Iudæ;*
  et inhabitábunt ibi et possidébunt eam.
37Et semen servórum eius hereditábunt eam*
  et, qui díligunt nomen eius, habitábunt in ea.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Allelúia, noli flere, María: resurréxit Dóminus, allelúia.

Psalm 68 (69)

Alleluia. Do not cry, Mary: the Lord has risen from the dead. Alleluia.
I am weak and I suffer,
  but your help, O God, will sustain me.
I will praise the name of God in song
  and proclaim his greatness with praises.
This will please the Lord more than oxen,
  than cattle with their horns and hooves.
Let the humble see and rejoice.
  Seek the Lord, and your heart shall live,
for the Lord has heard the needy
  and has not despised his captive people.
Let heaven and earth praise him,
  the seas and all that swims in them.
For the Lord will make Zion safe
  and build up the cities of Judah:
  there they will live, the land will be theirs.
The seed of his servants will inherit the land,
  and those who love his name will dwell there.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Alleluia. Do not cry, Mary: the Lord has risen from the dead. Alleluia.

℣. Reflóruit caro mea, allelúia.
℟. Et ex voluntáte mea confitébor illi, allelúia.
℣. My heart rejoices, my body is glad, alleluia.
℟. I will praise him with my whole being, alleluia.

Lectio prior
De libro Apocalýpsis beáti Ioánnis apóstoli 12, 1-18

Signum mulieris

1Signum magnum appáruit in cælo: múlier amícta sole, et luna sub pédibus eius, et super caput eius coróna stellárum duódecim; 2et in útero habens, et clamat partúriens et cruciáta, ut páriat. 3Et visum est áliud signum in cælo: et ecce draco rufus magnus, habens cápita septem et córnua decem, et super cápita sua septem diadémata; 4et cauda eius trahit tértiam partem stellárum cæli et misit eas in terram. Et draco stetit ante mulíerem, quæ erat paritúra, ut, cum peperísset, fílium eius devoráret. 5Et péperit fílium, másculum, qui rectúrus est omnes gentes in virga férrea; et raptus est fílius eius ad Deum et ad thronum eius. 6Et múlier fugit in desértum, ubi habet locum parátum a Deo, ut ibi pascant illam diébus mille ducéntis sexagínta.
  7Et factum est prœ́lium in cælo, Míchael et ángeli eius, ut prœliaréntur cum dracóne. Et draco pugnávit et ángeli eius, 8et non váluit, neque locus invéntus est eórum ámplius in cælo. 9Et proiéctus est draco ille magnus, serpens antíquus, qui vocátur Diábolus et Sátanas, qui sedúcit univérsum orbem; proiéctus est in terram, et ángeli eius cum illo proiécti sunt. 10Et audívi vocem magnam in cælo dicéntem:
«Nunc facta est salus et virtus et regnum Dei nostri
et potéstas Christi eius,
quia proiéctus est accusátor fratrum nostrórum,
qui accusábat illos ante conspéctum Dei nostri die ac nocte.
11Et ipsi vicérunt illum propter sánguinem Agni
et propter verbum testimónii sui;
et non dilexérunt ánimam suam
usque ad mortem.
12Proptérea lætámini, cæli
et qui habitátis in eis.
Væ terræ et mari, quia descéndit Diábolus ad vos habens iram magnam, sciens quod módicum tempus habet!».
  13Et postquam vidit draco quod proiéctus est in terram, persecútus est mulíerem, quæ péperit másculum. 14Et datæ sunt mulíeri duæ alæ áquilæ magnæ, ut voláret in desértum in locum suum, ubi álitur per tempus et témpora et dimídium témporis a fácie serpéntis. 15Et misit serpens ex ore suo post mulíerem aquam tamquam flumen, ut eam fáceret trahi a flúmine. 16Et adiúvit terra mulíerem, et apéruit terra os suum et absórbuit flumen, quod misit draco de ore suo.
  17Et irátus est draco in mulíerem et ábiit fácere prœ́lium cum réliquis de sémine eius, qui custódiunt mandáta Dei et habent testimónium Iesu.
  18Et stetit super arénam maris.
First Reading
Apocalypse 12:1-18 ©

The sign of the Woman

Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman, adorned with the sun, standing on the moon, and with the twelve stars on her head for a crown. She was pregnant, and in labour, crying aloud in the pangs of childbirth. Then a second sign appeared in the sky, a huge red dragon which had seven heads and ten horns, and each of the seven heads crowned with a coronet. Its tail dragged a third of the stars from the sky and dropped them to the earth, and the dragon stopped in front of the woman as she was having the child, so that he could eat it as soon as it was born from its mother. The woman brought a male child into the world, the son who was to rule all the nations with an iron sceptre, and the child was taken straight up to God and to his throne, while the woman escaped into the desert, where God had made a place of safety ready, for her to be looked after in the twelve hundred and sixty days.
  And now war broke out in heaven, when Michael with his angels attacked the dragon. The dragon fought back with his angels, but they were defeated and driven out of heaven. The great dragon, the primeval serpent, known as the devil or Satan, who had deceived all the world, was hurled down to the earth and his angels were hurled down with him. Then I heard a voice shout from heaven, ‘Victory and power and empire for ever have been won by our God, and all authority for his Christ, now that the persecutor, who accused our brothers day and night before our God, has been brought down. They have triumphed over him by the blood of the Lamb and by the witness of their martyrdom, because even in the face of death they would not cling to life. Let the heavens rejoice and all who live there; but for you, earth and sea, trouble is coming – because the devil has gone down to you in a rage, knowing that his days are numbered.’
  As soon as the devil found himself thrown down to the earth, he sprang in pursuit of the woman, the mother of the male child, but she was given a huge pair of eagle’s wings to fly away from the serpent into the desert, to the place where she was to be looked after for a year and twice a year and half a year. So the serpent vomited water from his mouth, like a river, after the woman, to sweep her away in the current, but the earth came to her rescue; it opened its mouth and swallowed the river thrown up by the dragon’s jaws. Then the dragon was enraged with the woman and went away to make war on the rest of her children, that is, all who obey God’s commandments and bear witness for Jesus.
Ap 12, 11. 12 a; 2 Mac 7, 36 a
℟. Vicérunt propter sánguinem Agni et propter verbum testimónii sui, et non dilexérunt ánimam suam usque ad mortem* Proptérea lætámini, cæli, et qui habitátis in eis, allelúia.
℣. Módico dolóre sustentáto, sub Dei testaméntum ætérnæ vitæ recidérunt.* Proptérea.
Cf. Rv 12:11-12; 2 M 7:36
℟. Our brothers have won the victory by the blood of the Lamb and by the truth which they proclaimed, and they have been willing to give up their lives and die.* Rejoice then, O heaven, and you that dwell therein, alleluia.
℣. After enduring a brief suffering, they have drunk of ever-flowing life under God’s covenant.* Rejoice then, O heaven, and you that dwell therein, alleluia.

Lectio altera
Ex Homíliis sancti Gregórii Magni papæ in Evangélia
(Hom. 14, 3-6: PL 76, 1129-1130)

Christus, bonus pastor

Ego sum pastor bonus. Et cognósco oves meas, hoc est díligo, et cognóscunt me meæ. Ac si paténter dicat: Diligéntes obsequúntur. Qui enim veritátem non díligit, adhuc mínime cognóvit.
  Quia ergo audístis, fratres caríssimi, perículum nostrum, pensáte in verbis domínicis étiam perículum vestrum. Vidéte si oves eius estis, vidéte si eum cognóscitis, vidéte si lumen veritátis scitis. Scitis autem, dico, non per fidem, sed per amórem. Scitis, dico, non ex credulitáte, sed ex operatióne. Nam idem ipse qui hoc lóquitur, Ioánnes evangelísta testátur, dicens: Qui dicit se nosse Deum, et mandáta eius non custódit, mendax est.
  Unde et in hoc loco Dóminus prótinus subdit: Sicut novit me Pater, et ego agnósco Patrem, et ánimam meam pono pro óvibus meis. Ac si apérte dicat: In hoc constat quia et ego agnósco Patrem, et cognóscor a Patre, quia ánimam meam pono pro óvibus meis; id est, ea caritáte qua pro óvibus mórior, quantum Patrem díligam osténdo.
  De quibus profécto óvibus rursum dicit: Oves meæ vocem meam áudiunt, et ego cognósco eas, et sequúntur me, et ego vitam ætérnam do eis. De quibus et paulo supérius dicit: Per me si quis introíerit, salvábitur et ingrediétur et egrediétur et páscua invéniet. Ingrediétur quippe ad fidem, egrediétur vero a fide ad spéciem, a credulitáte ad contemplatiónem, páscua autem invéniet in ætérna refectióne.
  Oves ergo eius páscua invéniunt, quia quisquis illum corde símplici séquitur, ætérnæ viriditátis pábulo nutrítur. Quæ autem sunt istárum óvium páscua, nisi intérna gáudia semper viréntis paradísi? Páscua namque electórum sunt vultus præsens Dei, qui dum sine deféctu conspícitur, sine fine mens vitæ cibo satiátur.
  Quærámus ergo, fratres caríssimi, hæc páscua, in quibus cum tantórum cívium sollemnitáte gaudeámus. Ipsa nos lætántium festívitas invítet. Accendámus ergo ánimum, fratres, recaléscat fides in id quod crédidit, inardéscant ad supérna nostra desidéria, et sic amáre iam ire est.
  Ab intérnæ sollemnitátis gáudio nulla nos advérsitas révocet, quia, et si quis ad locum propósitum ire desíderat, eius desidérium quǽlibet viæ aspéritas non immútat. Nulla nos prospéritas blándiens sedúcat, quia stultus viátor est, qui, in itínere amœ́na prata conspíciens, oblivíscitur ire quo tendébat.
Second Reading
From a homily on the Gospels by Saint Gregory the Great, pope

Christ the Good Shepherd

I am the good shepherd. I know my own – by which I mean, I love them – and my own know me. In plain words: those who love me are willing to follow me, for anyone who does not love the truth has not yet come to know it.
  My dear brethren, you have heard the test we pastors have to undergo. Turn now to consider how these words of our Lord imply a test for yourselves also. Ask yourselves whether you belong to his flock, whether you know him, whether the light of his truth shines in your minds. I assure you that it is not by faith that you will come to know him, but by love; not by mere conviction, but by action. John the evangelist is my authority for this statement. He tells us that anyone who claims to know God without keeping his commandments is a liar.
  Consequently, the Lord immediately adds: As the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for my sheep. Clearly he means that laying down his life for his sheep gives evidence of his knowledge of the Father and the Father’s knowledge of him. In other words, by the love with which he dies for his sheep he shows how greatly he loves his Father.
  Again he says: My sheep hear my voice, and I know them; they follow me, and I give them eternal life. Shortly before this he had declared: If anyone enters the sheepfold through me he shall be saved; he shall go freely in and out and shall find good pasture. He will enter into a life of faith; from faith he will go out to vision, from belief to contemplation, and will graze in the good pastures of everlasting life.
  So our Lord’s sheep will finally reach their grazing ground where all who follow him in simplicity of heart will feed on the green pastures of eternity. These pastures are the spiritual joys of heaven. There the elect look upon the face of God with unclouded vision and feast at the banquet of life for ever more.
  Beloved brothers, let us set out for these pastures where we shall keep joyful festival with so many of our fellow citizens. May the thought of their happiness urge us on! Let us stir up our hearts, rekindle our faith, and long eagerly for what heaven has in store for us. To love thus is to be already on our way. No matter what obstacles we encounter, we must not allow them to turn us aside from the joy of that heavenly feast. Anyone who is determined to reach his destination is not deterred by the roughness of the road that leads to it. Nor must we allow the charm of success to seduce us, or we shall be like a foolish traveller who is so distracted by the pleasant meadows through which he is passing that he forgets where he is going.
Cf. Io 10, 14. 15; 1 Cor 5, 7 b
℟. Surréxit Pastor bonus, qui pósuit ánimam suam pro óvibus suis,* Et pro grege suo mori dignátus est, allelúia.
℣. Etenim Pascha nostrum immolátus est Christus.* Et pro.
℟. The good shepherd, who laid down his life for his sheep, is risen from the dead:* for the sake of his flock, he was willing to endure death, alleluia.
℣. Christ has been sacrificed for us, our paschal victim:* for the sake of his flock, he was willing to endure death, alleluia.

Te Deum laudámus:* te Dóminum confitémur.
Te ætérnum Patrem,* omnis terra venerátur.
Tibi omnes ángeli,*
  tibi cæli et univérsæ potestátes:
tibi chérubim et séraphim*
  incessábili voce proclámant:
Sanctus,* Sanctus,* Sanctus*
  Dóminus Deus Sábaoth.
Pleni sunt cæli et terra* maiestátis glóriæ tuæ.
Te gloriósus* Apostolórum chorus,
te prophetárum* laudábilis númerus,
te mártyrum candidátus* laudat exércitus.
Te per orbem terrárum*
  sancta confitétur Ecclésia,
Patrem* imménsæ maiestátis;
venerándum tuum verum* et únicum Fílium;
Sanctum quoque* Paráclitum Spíritum.
Tu rex glóriæ,* Christe.
Tu Patris* sempitérnus es Fílius.
Tu, ad liberándum susceptúrus hóminem,*
  non horruísti Vírginis úterum.
Tu, devícto mortis acúleo,*
  aperuísti credéntibus regna cælórum.
Tu ad déxteram Dei sedes,* in glória Patris.
Iudex créderis* esse ventúrus.
Te ergo quæsumus, tuis fámulis súbveni,*
  quos pretióso sánguine redemísti.
Ætérna fac cum sanctis tuis* in glória numerári.
Haec ultima pars hymni ad libitum omitti potest:
Salvum fac pópulum tuum, Dómine,*
  et bénedic hereditáti tuæ.
Et rege eos,* et extólle illos usque in ætérnum.
Per síngulos dies* benedícimus te;
et laudámus nomen tuum in sæculum,*
  et in sæculum sæculi.
Dignáre, Dómine, die isto*
sine peccáto nos custodíre.
Miserére nostri, Dómine,* miserére nostri.
Fiat misericórdia tua, Dómine, super nos,*
  quemádmodum sperávimus in te.
In te, Dómine, sperávi:*
  non confúndar in ætérnum.
CanticleTe Deum
God, we praise you; Lord, we proclaim you!
You, the Father, the eternal –
all the earth venerates you.
All the angels, all the heavens, every power –
The cherubim, the seraphim –
unceasingly, they cry:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts:
heaven and earth are full of the majesty of your glory!”
The glorious choir of Apostles –
The noble ranks of prophets –
The shining army of martyrs –
all praise you.
Throughout the world your holy Church proclaims you.
– Father of immeasurable majesty,
– True Son, only-begotten, worthy of worship,
– Holy Spirit, our Advocate.
You, Christ:
– You are the king of glory.
– You are the Father’s eternal Son.
– You, to free mankind, did not disdain a Virgin’s womb.
– You defeated the sharp spear of Death, and opened the kingdom of heaven to those who believe in you.
– You sit at God’s right hand, in the glory of the Father.
– You will come, so we believe, as our Judge.
And so we ask of you: give help to your servants, whom you set free at the price of your precious blood.
Number them among your chosen ones in eternal glory.
The final part of the hymn may be omitted:
Bring your people to safety, Lord, and bless those who are your inheritance.
Rule them and lift them high for ever.
Day by day we bless you, Lord: we praise you for ever and for ever.
Of your goodness, Lord, keep us without sin for today.
Have mercy on us, Lord, have mercy on us.
Let your pity, Lord, be upon us, as much as we trust in you.
In you, Lord, I trust: let me never be put to shame.

  Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, deduc nos ad societátem cæléstium gaudiórum, ut eo pervéniat humílitas gregis, quo procéssit fortitúdo pastóris.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
Almighty, ever-living God,
  bring us to the joy of your heavenly city:
so that we, your little flock,
  may follow where Christ, our Good Shepherd,
  has gone before us by the power of his resurrection.
Who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

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