Friday 11 October 2024    (other days)
Friday of week 27 in Ordinary Time 
 or Saint John XXIII, Pope 

Using calendar: Australia - Bathurst. You can change this.

Morning Prayer (Lauds)

If you have already recited the Invitatory Psalm today, you should use the alternative opening.
Dómine, lábia mea apéries.
  Et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
Lord, open our lips.
  And we shall praise your name.
Ps 66 (67)

Notum sit vobis quoniam gentibus missum est hoc salutare Dei” (Act 28, 28).

Confitémini Dómino, quia in ætérnum misericórdia eius.
(repeat antiphon*)
2Deus misereátur nostri et benedícat nobis;*
  illúminet vultum suum super nos,
3ut cognoscátur in terra via tua,*
  in ómnibus géntibus salutáre tuum.
  (repeat antiphon*)
4Confiteántur tibi pópuli, Deus;*
  confiteántur tibi pópuli omnes.
5Læténtur et exsúltent gentes,†
  quóniam iúdicas pópulos in æquitáte*
  et gentes in terra dírigis.
  (repeat antiphon*)
6Confiteántur tibi pópuli, Deus,*
  confiteántur tibi pópuli omnes.
7Terra dedit fructum suum;*
  benedícat nos Deus, Deus noster,
8benedícat nos Deus,*
  et métuant eum omnes fines terræ.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
(repeat antiphon*)
Invitatory PsalmPsalm 66 (67)
Give thanks to the Lord, for his great love is without end.
(repeat antiphon*)
O God, take pity on us and bless us,
  and let your face shine upon us,
so that your ways may be known across the world,
  and all nations learn of your salvation.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Let the peoples praise you, O God,
  let all the peoples praise you.
Let the nations be glad and rejoice,
  for you judge the peoples with fairness
  and you guide the nations of the earth.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Let the peoples praise you, O God,
  let all the peoples praise you.
The earth has produced its harvest:
  may God, our God, bless us.
May God bless us,
  may the whole world revere him.
  (repeat antiphon*)
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
(repeat antiphon*)

* If you are reciting this on your own, you can choose to say the antiphon once only at the start of the psalm and not repeat it.

Ætérna cæli glória,
beáta spes mortálium,
celsi Paréntis Unice
castǽque proles Vírginis,
Da déxteram surgéntibus,
exsúrgat et mens sóbria
flagrans et in laudem Dei
grates repéndat débitas.
Ortus refúlget lúcifer
ipsámque lucem núntiat,
cadit calígo nóctium,
lux sancta nos illúminet,
Manénsque nostris sénsibus
noctem repéllat sǽculi
omníque fine témporis
purgáta servet péctora.
Quæsíta iam primum fides
radícet altis sénsibus,
secúnda spes congáudeat;
tunc maior exstat cáritas.
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
We bless you, Father, Lord of Life,
To whom all living beings tend,
The source of holiness and grace,
Our first beginning and our end.
We give you thanks, Redeeming Christ,
Who bore our weight of sin and shame;
In dark defeat you conquered sin,
And death, by dying, overcame.
Come, Holy Spirit, searching fire,
Whose flame all evil burns away.
Come down to us with light and love,
In silence and in peace to stay.
We praise you, Trinity in One,
Sublime in majesty and might,
Who reign for ever, Lord of all,
In splendour and unending light.
Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal

Ps 50:3-21
Miserere mei, Deus

Renovari spiritu mentis vestræ et induere novum hominem” (Eph 4, 23-24).

Tibi soli peccávi, Dómine, miserére mei.
3Miserére mei, Deus,*
  secúndum misericórdiam tuam;
et secúndum multitúdinem miseratiónum tuárum*
  dele iniquitátem meam.
4Amplius lava me ab iniquitáte mea*
  et a peccáto meo munda me.
5Quóniam iniquitátem meam ego cognósco,*
  et peccátum meum contra me est semper.
6Tibi, tibi soli peccávi*
  et malum coram te feci,
ut iustus inveniáris in senténtia tua*
  et æquus in iudício tuo.
7Ecce enim in iniquitáte generátus sum,*
  et in peccáto concépit me mater mea.
8Ecce enim veritátem in corde dilexísti*
  et in occúlto sapiéntiam manifestásti mihi.
9Aspérges me hyssópo, et mundábor;*
  lavábis me, et super nivem dealbábor.
10Audíre me fácies gáudium et lætítiam,*
  et exsultábunt ossa, quæ contrivísti.
11Avérte fáciem tuam a peccátis meis*
  et omnes iniquitátes meas dele.
12Cor mundum crea in me, Deus,*
  et spíritum firmum ínnova in viscéribus meis.
13Ne proícias me a fácie tua*
  et spíritum sanctum tuum ne áuferas a me.
14Redde mihi lætítiam salutáris tui*
  et spíritu promptíssimo confírma me.
15Docébo iníquos vias tuas,*
  et ímpii ad te converténtur.
16Líbera me de sanguínibus, Deus, Deus salútis meæ,*
  et exsultábit lingua mea iustítiam tuam.
17Dómine, lábia mea apéries,*
  et os meum annuntiábit laudem tuam.
18Non enim sacrifício delectáris,*
  holocáustum, si ófferam, non placébit.
19Sacrifícium Deo spíritus contribulátus,*
  cor contrítum et humiliátum, Deus, non despícies.
20Benígne fac, Dómine, in bona voluntáte tua Sion,*
  ut ædificéntur muri Ierúsalem.
21Tunc acceptábis sacrifícium iustítiæ, oblatiónes et holocáusta;*
  tunc impónent super altáre tuum vítulos.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Tibi soli peccávi, Dómine, miserére mei.

Psalm 50 (51)
God, have mercy on me

Against you alone have I sinned: Lord, have mercy on me.
Take pity on me, Lord, in your mercy;
  in your abundance of mercy wipe out my guilt.
Wash me ever more from my guilt
  and cleanse me from my sin.
For I know how guilty I am:
  my sin is always before me.
Against you, you alone have I sinned,
  and I have done evil in your sight.
Know this, so that you may give just sentence
  and an unbiased judgement.
See, I was conceived in guilt,
  in sin my mother conceived me;
but you love truth in the heart,
  and deep within me you have shown me your wisdom.
You will sprinkle me with hyssop, and I will be made clean;
  you will wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.
You will make me hear the sound of joy and gladness;
  the bones you have crushed will rejoice.
Turn your face away from my sins
  and wipe out all my transgressions;
create a pure heart in me, God,
  put a steadfast spirit into me.
Do not send me away from your presence,
  or withdraw your holy spirit from me;
give me again the joy of your salvation,
  and be ready to strengthen me with your spirit.
I will teach the unjust your ways,
  and the impious will return to you.
Free me from the guilt of bloodshed, God, God my saviour,
  and my voice will glory in your justice.
Open my lips, Lord,
  and my mouth will proclaim your praise;
for you do not delight in sacrifices:
  if I offered you a burnt offering, it would not please you.
The true sacrifice is a broken spirit:
  a contrite and humble heart, O God, you will not refuse.
Be pleased, Lord, to look kindly on Zion,
  so that the walls of Jerusalem can be rebuilt,
Then indeed you will accept the proper sacrifices, gifts and burnt offerings;
  then indeed will bullocks be laid upon your altar.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Against you alone have I sinned: Lord, have mercy on me.

CanticumIer 14:17-21

Lamentatio populi tempore famis et belli

Appropinquavit regnum Dei; pænitemini et credite Evangelio” (Mc 1, 15).

Cognóvimus, Dómine, iniquitátes nostras, quia peccávimus tibi.
17Dedúcant óculi mei lácrimam per noctem et diem,*
  et non táceant,
quóniam contritióne magna contríta est virgo fília pópuli mei,*
  plaga péssima veheménter.
18Si egréssus fúero ad agros, ecce occísi gládio;*
  et si introíero in civitátem, ecce attenuáti fame:
prophéta quoque et sacérdos*
  abiérunt per terram nesciéntes.
19Numquid proíciens abiecísti Iudam,*
  aut Sion abomináta est ánima tua?
Quare ergo percussísti nos,*
  ita ut nulla sit sánitas?
Exspectávimus pacem, et non est bonum,*
  et tempus curatiónis, et ecce turbátio.
20Cognóvimus, Dómine, impietátes nostras,†
  iniquitátes patrum nostrórum,*
  quia peccávimus tibi.
21Ne des nos in oppróbrium propter nomen tuum,*
  ne fácias contuméliam sólio glóriæ tuæ;
  ne írritum fácias fœdus tuum nobíscum.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Cognóvimus, Dómine, iniquitátes nostras, quia peccávimus tibi.
CanticleJeremiah 14

Lamentation of the people in the time of famine and war

We know our offences, Lord; we have sinned against you.
Let my eyes shed tears, night and day, let them never cease,
  for the daughter of my people is afflicted with a great affliction,
  with the worst of all wounds.
If I go out into the fields – behold, those slain by the sword;
  if I go into the city – behold, those wasted by famine.
Prophet and priest go through the land, they know nothing.
Surely you have not rejected Judah, thrust him from you?
Surely Zion has not become hateful to your heart?
Why have you struck us down beyond all hope of healing?
We have looked for peace, but no good came;
  we have looked for the time of healing, but trouble came instead.
We acknowledge, O Lord, our wickedness, and the evil done by our fathers:
  we acknowledge that we have sinned.
Do not make us a reproach, for your name’s sake,
  and do not make us a disgrace before the throne of your glory.
Remember the covenant you made with us: do not bring it to an end.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
We know our offences, Lord; we have sinned against you.

Ps 99:1-5
Gaudium in templum ingredientium

Redemptos iubet Dominus victoriæ carmen canere” (S. Athanasius).

Dóminus ipse est Deus; nos pópulus eius et oves páscuæ eius.
2Iubiláte Dómino, omnis terra,*
  servíte Dómino in lætítia;
introíte in conspéctu eius*
  in exsultatióne.
3Scitóte quóniam Dóminus ipse est Deus;†
  ipse fecit nos, et ipsíus sumus,*
  pópulus eius et oves páscuæ eius.
4Introíte portas eius in confessióne,†
  átria eius in hymnis,*
  confitémini illi, benedícite nómini eius.
5Quóniam suávis est Dóminus;†
  in ætérnum misericórdia eius,*
  et usque in generatiónem et generatiónem véritas eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Dóminus ipse est Deus; nos pópulus eius et oves páscuæ eius.

Psalm 99 (100)
Enter the Temple with joy

The Lord is God; we are his people, the sheep of his flock.
Rejoice in the Lord, all the earth,
  and serve him with joy.
Exult as you enter his presence.
Know that the Lord is God.
He made us and we are his
  – his people, the sheep of his flock.
Cry out his praises as you enter his gates,
  fill his courtyards with songs.
Proclaim him and bless his name;
  for the Lord is our delight.
His mercy lasts for ever,
  his faithfulness through all the ages.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord is God; we are his people, the sheep of his flock.

Lectio brevis2 Cor 12:9-10
Libentíssime gloriábor in infirmitátibus meis, ut inhábitet in me virtus Christi. Propter quod pláceo mihi in infirmitátibus, in contuméliis, in necessitátibus, in persecutiónibus et in angústiis, pro Christo: cum enim infírmor, tunc potens sum.
Scripture Reading
2 Corinthians 12:9-10
I shall be very happy to make my weaknesses my special boast so that the power of Christ may stay over me, and that is why I am quite content with my weaknesses, and with insults, hardships, persecutions, and the agonies I go through for Christ’s sake. For it is when I am weak that I am strong.

Responsorium breve
℣. Audítam fac mihi mane * Misericórdiam tuam. Audítam.
℟. Notam fac mihi viam in qua ámbulem.* Misericórdiam tuam. Glória Patri. Audítam.
Short Responsory
In the morning let me know your love.
In the morning let me know your love.
Make me know the way I should walk.
In the morning let me know your love.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
In the morning let me know your love.


De Messia eiusque præcursore

Visitávit et fecit redemptiónem Dóminus plebis suæ.
Benedíctus Dóminus Deus Israel,*
  quia visitávit et fecit redemptiónem plebi suæ
et eréxit cornu salútis nobis*
  in domo David púeri sui,
sicut locútus est per os sanctórum,*
  qui a sæculo sunt, prophetárum eius,
salútem ex inimícis nostris*
  et de manu ómnium, qui odérunt nos;
ad faciéndam misericórdiam cum pátribus nostris*
  et memorári testaménti sui sancti,
iusiurándum, quod iurávit ad Abraham patrem nostrum,*
  datúrum se nobis,
ut sine timóre, de manu inimicórum liberáti,*
  serviámus illi
in sanctitáte et iustítia coram ipso*
  ómnibus diébus nostris.
Et tu, puer, prophéta Altíssimi vocáberis:*
  præíbis enim ante fáciem Dómini paráre vias eius,
ad dandam sciéntiam salútis plebi eius*
  in remissiónem peccatórum eórum,
per víscera misericórdiæ Dei nostri,*
  in quibus visitábit nos óriens ex alto,
illumináre his, qui in ténebris et in umbra mortis sedent*
  ad dirigéndos pedes nostros in viam pacis.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Visitávit et fecit redemptiónem Dóminus plebis suæ.

The Messiah and his forerunner

The Lord has visited his people, he has come to redeem them.
Blessed be the Lord, the God of Israel,
  for he has come to his people and brought about their redemption.
He has raised up the sign of salvation
  in the house of his servant David,
as he promised through the mouth of the holy ones,
  his prophets through the ages:
to rescue us from our enemies
  and all who hate us,
to take pity on our fathers,
  to remember his holy covenant
and the oath he swore to Abraham our father,
  that he would give himself to us,
that we could serve him without fear
  – freed from the hands of our enemies –
in uprightness and holiness before him,
  for all of our days.
And you, child, will be called the prophet of the Most High:
  for you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare his path,
to let his people know their salvation,
  so that their sins may be forgiven.
Through the bottomless mercy of our God,
  one born on high will visit us
to give light to those who walk in darkness,
  who live in the shadow of death;
  to lead our feet in the path of peace.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord has visited his people, he has come to redeem them.

Ad Christum óculos levémus, qui pro pópulo suo natus et mórtuus est ac resurréxit. Itaque eum fidénter deprecémur:
Salva, Dómine, quos tuo sánguine redemísti.
Benedíctus es, Iesu hóminum salvátor, qui passiónem et crucem pro nobis subíre non dubitásti,
  et sánguine tuo pretióso nos redemísti.
Salva, Dómine, quos tuo sánguine redemísti.
Qui promisísti te aquam esse datúrum saliéntem in vitam ætérnam,
  Spíritum tuum effúnde super omnes hómines.
Salva, Dómine, quos tuo sánguine redemísti.
Qui discípulos misísti ad Evangélium géntibus prædicándum,
  eos ádiuva, ut victóriam tuæ crucis exténdant.
Salva, Dómine, quos tuo sánguine redemísti.
Infírmis et míseris quos cruci tuæ sociásti,
  virtútem et patiéntiam concéde.
Salva, Dómine, quos tuo sánguine redemísti.
Prayers and intercessions
We have a high priest, able to sympathize with us in our weakness, one who, because of his likeness to us, has been tempted in every way, but did not sin. Let us pray to him:
Show us your mercy and compassion.
Lord, for the joy which lay in the future, you willingly went to the cross:
  make us share your death, that we may also share your joy.
Show us your mercy and compassion.
Lord, you said ‘Let any man who thirsts come to me and drink’:
  give your Spirit now to those who thirst for you.
Show us your mercy and compassion.
You sent your disciples to preach the gospel to every nation:
  bless those men and women who devote their lives to preaching the gospel today.
Show us your mercy and compassion.
Help those in pain to know that the Father cares for them
  for he loves them as he loves his own Son.
Show us your mercy and compassion.

Pater noster, qui es in cælis:
sanctificétur nomen tuum;
advéniat regnum tuum;
fiat volúntas tua, sicut in cælo et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidiánum da nobis hódie;
et dimítte nobis débita nostra,
sicut et nos dimíttimus debitóribus nostris;
et ne nos indúcas in tentatiónem;
sed líbera nos a malo.
Our Father, who art in heaven,
  hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
  Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
  and forgive us our trespasses,
  as we forgive those who trespass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
  but deliver us from evil.

Illábere sénsibus nostris, omnípotens Pater, ut, in præceptórum tuórum lúmine gradiéntes, te ducem semper sequámur et príncipem.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Almighty Father,
  let your light so penetrate our minds
that, walking in your commandments,
  we may always follow you, our leader and guide.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Dóminus nos benedícat, et ab omni malo deféndat, et ad vitam perdúcat ætérnam.
The Lord bless us, and keep us from all evil, and bring us to everlasting life.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

Universalis podcast: The week ahead – from 13 to 19 October

Saint Teresa of Ávila. Saint Callistus. (16 minutes)

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