Thursday 10 October 2024 (other days)
Thursday of week 27 in Ordinary Time
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Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.
Nox atra rerum cóntegit
terræ colóres ómnium:
nos confiténtes póscimus
te, iuste iudex córdium,
Ut áuferas piácula
sordésque mentis ábluas,
donésque, Christe, grátiam
ut arceántur crímina.
Mens, ecce, torpet ímpia,
quam culpa mordet nóxia;
obscúra gestit tóllere
et te, Redémptor, quǽrere.
Repélle tu calíginem
intrínsecus quam máxime,
ut in beáto gáudeat
se collocári lúmine.
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
Eternal Father, through your Word
You gave new life to Adam’s race,
And call us now to live in light,
New creatures by your saving grace.
To you who stooped to all who sin
We render homage and give praise:
To Father, Son and Spirit blest
Whose loving gift is endless days.
Ps 88:39-46
| Psalm 88 (89)
Ps 88:47-53Ego sum radix et genus David, stella spléndida et matutína.
47Usquequo, Dómine, abscondéris in finem,*
exardéscet sicut ignis ira tua?
48Memoráre, quam brevis mea substántia.*
Ad quam vanitátem creásti omnes fílios hóminum?
49Quis est homo, qui vivet et non vidébit mortem,*
éruet ánimam suam de manu ínferi?
50Ubi sunt misericórdiæ tuæ antíquæ, Dómine,*
sicut iurásti David in veritáte tua?
51Memor esto, Dómine, oppróbrii servórum tuórum,*
quod contínui in sinu meo, multárum géntium,
52quo exprobravérunt inimíci tui, Dómine,*
quo exprobravérunt vestígia christi tui.
53Benedíctus Dóminus in ætérnum.*
Fiat, fiat.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Ego sum radix et genus David, stella spléndida et matutína.
| Psalm 88 (89)I am the root and stock of David; I am the splendid morning star.
How long, O Lord, will you hide yourself? For ever?
Will your anger always burn like fire?
Remember how short is my time.
Was it truly so pointless, your creation of man?
Who is the man who can live and not die,
who can save his life from the grasp of the underworld?
Where are the kindnesses you showed us of old?
Where is the truth of your oath to David?
Remember, Lord, how your servants are taunted,
the taunts I bear in my bosom, the taunts of the nations –
the insults of your enemies, Lord,
the insults that follow the steps of your anointed!
Blessed be the Lord for ever!
Amen, amen!
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
I am the root and stock of David; I am the splendid morning star.
Ps 89:1-17
| Psalm 89 (90)
℣. Dómine, apud te est fons vitæ.
℟. Et in lúmine tuo vidébimus lumen.
| ℣. With you, O Lord, is the source of life.
℟. It is your light that enlightens us.
De viduis et presbyterisCaríssime: 3Víduas honóra, quæ vere víduæ sunt. 4Si qua autem vídua fílios aut nepótes habet, discant primum domum suam pie régere et mútuam vicem réddere paréntibus, hoc enim accéptum est coram Deo. 5Quæ autem vere vídua est et desoláta, sperat in Deum et instat obsecratiónibus et oratiónibus nocte ac die; 6nam quæ in delíciis est vivens, mórtua est. 7Et hæc prǽcipe, ut irreprehensíbiles sint. 8Si quis autem suórum et máxime domesticórum curam non habet, fidem negávit et est infidéli detérior.
9Vídua adscribátur non minus sexagínta annórum, quæ fúerit uníus viri uxor, 10in opéribus bonis testimónium habens: si fílios educávit, si hospítio recépit, si sanctórum pedes lavit, si tribulatiónem patiéntibus subministrávit, si omne opus bonum subsecúta est. 11Adulescentióres autem víduas devíta; cum enim luxuriátæ fúerint advérsus Christum, núbere volunt, 12habéntes damnatiónem, quia primam fidem írritam fecérunt; 13simul autem et otiósæ discunt circumíre domos, non solum otiósæ sed et verbósæ et curiósæ, loquéntes quæ non opórtet. 14Volo ergo iunióres núbere, fílios procreáre, dóminas domus esse, nullam occasiónem dare adversário maledícti grátia; 15iam enim quædam convérsæ sunt retro Sátanam.
16Si qua fidélis habet víduas, subminístret illis, et non gravétur ecclésia, ut his, quæ vere víduæ sunt, suffíciat.
17Qui bene præsunt presbýteri, dúplici honóre digni habeántur, máxime qui labórant in verbo et doctrína; 18dicit enim Scriptúra: «Non infrenábis os bovi trituránti» et: «Dignus operárius mercéde sua». 19Advérsus presbýterum accusatiónem noli recípere, nisi sub duóbus vel tribus téstibus. 20Peccántes coram ómnibus árgue, ut et céteri timórem hábeant. 21Testíficor coram Deo et Christo Iesu et eléctis ángelis, ut hæc custódias sine præiudício nihil fáciens in áliquam partem declinándo. 22Manus cito némini imposúeris neque communicáveris peccátis aliénis; teípsum castum custódi.
23Noli adhuc aquam bíbere, sed vino módico útere propter stómachum et frequéntes tuas infirmitátes.
24Quorúndam hóminum peccáta manifésta sunt præcedéntia ad iudícium, quosdam autem et subsequúntur; 25simíliter et facta bona manifésta sunt, et, quæ áliter se habent, abscóndi non possunt.
Concerning widows and priestsBe considerate to widows; I mean those who are truly widows. If a widow has children or grandchildren, they are to learn first of all to do their duty to their own families and repay their debt to their parents, because this is what pleases God. But a woman who is really widowed and left without anybody can give herself up to God and consecrate all her days and nights to petitions and prayer. The one who thinks only of pleasure is already dead while she is still alive: remind them of all this, too, so that their lives may be blameless. Anyone who does not look after his own relations, especially if they are living with him, has rejected the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Enrolment as a widow is permissible only for a woman at least sixty years old who has had only one husband. She must be a woman known for her good works and for the way in which she has brought up her children, shown hospitality to strangers and washed the saints’ feet, helped people who are in trouble and been active in all kinds of good work. Do not accept young widows because if their natural desires get stronger than their dedication to Christ, they want to marry again, and then people condemn them for being unfaithful to their original promise. Besides, they learn how to be idle and go round from house to house; and then, not merely idle, they learn to be gossips and meddlers in other people’s affairs, and to chatter when they would be better keeping quiet. I think it is best for young widows to marry again and have children and a home to look after, and not give the enemy any chance to raise a scandal about them; there are already some who have left us to follow Satan. If a Christian woman has widowed relatives, she should support them and not make the Church bear the expense but enable it to support those who are genuinely widows.
The elders who do their work well while they are in charge are to be given double consideration, especially those who are assiduous in preaching and teaching. As scripture says: You must not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the corn; and again: The worker deserves his pay. Never accept any accusation brought against an elder unless it is supported by two or three witnesses. If any of them are at fault, reprimand them publicly, as a warning to the rest. Before God, and before Jesus Christ and the angels he has chosen, I put it to you as a duty to keep these rules impartially and never to be influenced by favouritism. Do not be too quick to lay hands on any man, and never make yourself an accomplice in anybody else’s sin; keep yourself pure.
You should give up drinking only water and have a little wine for the sake of your digestion and the frequent bouts of illness that you have.
The faults of some people are obvious long before anyone makes any complaint about them, while others have faults that are not discovered until afterwards. In the same way, the good that people do can be obvious; but even when it is not, it cannot be hidden for ever.
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℟. Digne evangélio Christi conversámini, unánimes concertántes fide evangélii;* Non quæ sua sunt sínguli considerántes, sed et ea quæ aliórum.
℣. Hoc sentíte in vobis, quod et in Christo Iesu.* Non quæ.
℟. You must play a part worthy of Christ’s gospel. Stand fast in a common unity of spirit, with the faith for your common cause.* Each of you must study the welfare of others, not his own.
℣. Let your bearing towards one another arise out of your life in Christ Jesus.* Each of you must study the welfare of others, not his own.
Unus episcopus cum presbyterio et diaconisIgnátius, qui et Theóphorus, Ecclésiæ Dei Patris et Dómini Iesu Christi, quæ est Philadelphíæ in Asia, misericórdiam consecútæ et firmátæ in concórdia cum Deo et exsultánti in passióne Dómini nostri inseparabíliter ac per resurrectiónem eius plene instrúctæ de omni misericórdia, quam salúto in sánguine Iesu Christi, quæ est gáudium meum sempitérnum et stábile, máxime si uníti sunt cum epíscopo et presbýteris eius et diáconis iuxta senténtiam Christi designátis, quos secúndum própriam voluntátem suam firmávit in stabilitáte per Sanctum suum Spíritum.
Hunc epíscopum cognóvi non a seípso neque per hómines neque ob inánem glóriam, sed caritáte Patris et Dómini Iesu Christi obtinuísse ministérium regéndi cœtum. Valde admirátus sum eius modéstiam, qui siléndo poténtior est quam qui vana loquúntur. Cónsonus enim est mandátis Dei ut cíthara chordis. Quaprópter beátam prǽdico mentem eius piam, eam virtútibus ornátam et perféctam sciens, et immobilitátem eius ac lenitátem instar mansuetúdinis Dei vivi.
Fílii ítaque lucis veritátis, fúgite divisiónem et pravas doctrínas; ubi autem pastor est, eódem ut oves sequámini.
Quotquot enim Dei et Iesu Christi sunt, hi sunt cum epíscopo; et quotquot pæniténtia ducti redíerint ad unitátem Ecclésiæ, et hi Dei erunt, ut secúndum Iesum Christum vivant. Ne errétis, fratres mei. Si quis schisma faciéntem sectátur, regni divíni hereditátem non conséquitur; si quis ámbulat in aliéna doctrína, is non assentítur passióni.
Studeátis ígitur una eucharístia uti; una enim est caro Dómini nostri Iesu Christi et unus calix in unitátem sánguinis ipsíus, unum altáre, sicut unus epíscopus cum presbytério et diáconis, consérvis meis; ut, quod faciátis, secúndum Deum faciátis.
Fratres mei, valde effúsus sum in amórem vestri et valde lætátus róboro vos; non ego vero, sed Iesus Christus, cuius grátia vinctus plus tímeo, quia nondum sum perféctus; sed orátio vestra ad Deum me perfíciet, ut sorte per misericórdiam mihi assignáta pótiar, confúgiens ad Evangélium tamquam ad corporáliter præséntem Christum, et ad Apóstolos tamquam ad præsens Ecclésiæ presbytérium.
One bishop with the presbyters and deaconsIgnatius, also called Theophorus, to the church of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ located at Philadelphia in the province of Asia. You have found mercy and have been strengthened in the peace of God; you are now filled with gladness because of the passion of our Lord, and by his mercy you are made believers in his resurrection. I greet you in the blood of Jesus Christ. You are my abiding and unshakeable joy, especially if your members remain united with the bishop and with his presbyters and deacons, all appointed in accordance with the mind of Christ who by his own will has strengthened them in the firmness which the Spirit gives.
I know that this bishop has obtained his ministry, which serves the community, neither by his own efforts, nor from men nor even out of vainglory, but from the love of God the Father and of the Lord Jesus Christ. I am deeply impressed by his gentleness, and by his silence he is more effective than the empty talkers. He is in harmony with the commandments as is a lute with its strings. I call him blessed, then, for his sentiments towards God, since I know these to be virtuous and perfect, and for his stability and calm, in which he imitates the gentleness of the living God.
As sons of the light of truth, flee divisions and evil doctrines; where your shepherd is, follow him as his flock.
For all who belong to God and Jesus Christ are with the bishop; all who repent and return to the unity of the Church will also belong to God, that they may live according to Jesus Christ. Do not be deceived, my brothers. If anyone follows a schismatic, he will not obtain the inheritance of God’s kingdom; if anyone lives by an alien teaching, he does not assent to the passion of the Lord.
Be careful, therefore, to take part only in the one eucharist; for there is only one flesh of our Lord Jesus Christ and one cup to unite us with his blood, one altar and one bishop with the presbyters and deacons, who are his fellow servants. Then, whatever you do, you will do according to God.
My brothers, I overflow with love for you and with a joyous heart I make you strong – although it is not so much I but Jesus Christ. Although imprisoned for his sake, I fear more because of my imperfection. But your prayers will perfect me in the eyes of God so that I might yet receive the inheritance promised me by the merciful God. I seek refuge in the person of Christ through the Gospels and I appeal to the true ministry of the Church through the apostles.
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℟. Superædificáti estis super fundaméntum apostolórum et prophetárum, ipso summo angulári lápide Christo Iesu;* In quo et vos coædificámini in habitáculum Dei in Spíritu.
℣. In ipso omnis ædificátio compácta crescit in templum sanctum in Dómino.* In quo.
℟. You are part of a building that has the apostles and prophets for its foundation, and Christ Jesus himself for its main cornerstone.* In him, you are also being built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit.
℣. In him, the whole building is bonded together and grows into a holy temple in the Lord.* In him, you are also being built into a house where God lives, in the Spirit.
Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui abundántia pietátis tuæ et mérita súpplicum excédis et vota, effúnde super nos misericórdiam tuam, ut dimíttas quæ consciéntia métuit et adícias quod orátio non præsúmit.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
| Let us pray.
Almighty, ever-living God,
whose love surpasses all that we ask or deserve,
open up for us the treasures of your mercy.
Forgive us all that weighs on our conscience,
and grant us more even than we dare to ask.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
| Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.
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