Monday 4 March 2024 (other days)
Using calendar: Australia - Ordinariate. You can change this.
Calendar for 2024 |
Calendar used: Australia - Ordinariate (Change)
January | ||
Mon 1 | Mary, the Holy Mother of God Solemnity | |
Tue 2 | Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bishops, Doctors | Psalm week 1 |
Wed 3 | 3 January
or The Most Holy Name of Jesus | |
Thu 4 | 4 January | |
Fri 5 | 5 January | |
Sat 6 | The Epiphany of the Lord Solemnity | |
Sun 7 | The Baptism of the Lord Feast | |
Mon 8 | Monday in the Week after Epiphany | Psalm week 1 |
Tue 9 | Tuesday in the Week after Epiphany | |
Wed 10 | Wednesday in the Week after Epiphany | |
Thu 11 | Thursday in the Week after Epiphany | |
Fri 12 | Friday in the Week after Epiphany
or Saint Benet (Benedict) Biscop, Abbot | |
Sat 13 | Saturday in the Week after Epiphany
or Saint Kentigern (Mungo), Bishop or Saint Hilary, Bishop, Doctor or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 14 | Second Sunday after Epiphany | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 15 | Monday after the Second Sunday after Epiphany | |
Tue 16 | Tuesday after the Second Sunday after Epiphany | |
Wed 17 | Saint Antony, Abbot | |
Thu 18 | Thursday after the Second Sunday after Epiphany | |
Fri 19 | Friday after the Second Sunday after Epiphany
or Saint Wulstan, Bishop, Religious | |
Sat 20 | Saturday after the Second Sunday after Epiphany
or Saint Fabian, Pope, Martyr or Saint Sebastian, Martyr or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 21 | ??? | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 22 | Monday after the ???
or Saint Vincent, Deacon, Martyr | |
Tue 23 | Tuesday after the ??? | |
Wed 24 | Saint Francis de Sales, Bishop, Doctor | |
Thu 25 | The Conversion of Saint Paul, Apostle Feast | |
Fri 26 | Australia Day | |
Sat 27 | Saturday after the ???
or Saints Timothy and Titus, Bishops or Saint Angela Merici, Virgin or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 28 | Third Sunday before Lent (Septuagesima) | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 29 | Monday after Septuagesima | |
Tue 30 | Tuesday after Septuagesima | |
Wed 31 | Saint John Bosco, Priest | |
February | ||
Thu 1 | Thursday after Septuagesima
or Saint Brigid, Virgin | |
Fri 2 | The Presentation of the Lord Feast | |
Sat 3 | Saturday after Septuagesima
or Saint Ansgar (Oscar), Bishop or Saint Blaise, Bishop, Martyr or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 4 | Second Sunday before Lent (Sexagesima) | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 5 | Saint Agatha, Virgin, Martyr | |
Tue 6 | Saints Paul Miki and his Companions, Martyrs | |
Wed 7 | Wednesday after Sexagesima | |
Thu 8 | Thursday after Sexagesima
or Saint Jerome Emilian or Saint Josephine Bakhita, Virgin | |
Fri 9 | Friday after Sexagesima | |
Sat 10 | Saint Scholastica, Virgin | |
Sun 11 | Sunday next before Lent (Quinquagesima) | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 12 | Monday after Quinquagesima | |
Tue 13 | Tuesday after Quinquagesima | |
Wed 14 | Ash Wednesday | Psalm week 4 |
Thu 15 | Thursday after Ash Wednesday | |
Fri 16 | Friday after Ash Wednesday | |
Sat 17 | Saturday after Ash Wednesday
(commemoration of The Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order) | |
Sun 18 | 1st Sunday of Lent | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 19 | Monday of the 1st week of Lent | |
Tue 20 | Tuesday of the 1st week of Lent | |
Wed 21 | Wednesday of the 1st week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Peter Damian, Bishop, Doctor) | |
Thu 22 | Saint Peter's Chair Feast | |
Fri 23 | Friday of the 1st week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Polycarp, Bishop, Martyr) | |
Sat 24 | Saturday of the 1st week of Lent | |
Sun 25 | 2nd Sunday of Lent | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 26 | Monday of the 2nd week of Lent | |
Tue 27 | Tuesday of the 2nd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Gregory of Narek, Abbot and Doctor of the Church) | |
Wed 28 | Wednesday of the 2nd week of Lent | |
Thu 29 | Thursday of the 2nd week of Lent | |
March | ||
Fri 1 | Friday of the 2nd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint David, Bishop) | |
Sat 2 | Saturday of the 2nd week of Lent | |
Sun 3 | 3rd Sunday of Lent | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 4 | Monday of the 3rd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Casimir) | |
Tue 5 | Tuesday of the 3rd week of Lent | |
Wed 6 | Wednesday of the 3rd week of Lent | |
Thu 7 | Thursday of the 3rd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, Martyrs) | |
Fri 8 | Friday of the 3rd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint John of God, Religious) | |
Sat 9 | Saturday of the 3rd week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Frances of Rome, Religious) | |
Sun 10 | 4th Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday) | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 11 | Monday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Tue 12 | Tuesday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Wed 13 | Wednesday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Thu 14 | Thursday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Fri 15 | Friday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Sat 16 | Saturday of the 4th week of Lent | |
Sun 17 | 5th Sunday of Lent | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 18 | Saint Patrick, Bishop, Missionary Solemnity | |
Tue 19 | Saint Joseph, husband of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity | |
Wed 20 | Wednesday of the 5th week of Lent | |
Thu 21 | Thursday of the 5th week of Lent | |
Fri 22 | Friday of the 5th week of Lent | |
Sat 23 | Saturday of the 5th week of Lent
(commemoration of Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo, Bishop) | |
Sun 24 | Palm Sunday | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 25 | Monday of Holy Week | |
Tue 26 | Tuesday of Holy Week | |
Wed 27 | Wednesday of Holy Week | |
Thu 28 | Maundy Thursday | |
Fri 29 | Good Friday | |
Sat 30 | Holy Saturday | |
Sun 31 | Easter Sunday | Psalm week 1 |
April | ||
Mon 1 | Easter Monday | |
Tue 2 | Easter Tuesday | |
Wed 3 | Easter Wednesday | |
Thu 4 | Easter Thursday | |
Fri 5 | Easter Friday | |
Sat 6 | Easter Saturday | |
Sun 7 | Divine Mercy Sunday (2nd Sunday of Easter) | |
Mon 8 | The Annunciation of the Lord Solemnity | |
Tue 9 | Tuesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide | Psalm week 2 |
Wed 10 | Wednesday of the 2nd week of Eastertide | |
Thu 11 | Saint Stanislaus, Bishop, Martyr | |
Fri 12 | Friday of the 2nd week of Eastertide | |
Sat 13 | Saturday of the 2nd week of Eastertide
or Saint Martin I, Pope, Martyr | |
Sun 14 | 3rd Sunday of Easter | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 15 | Monday of the 3rd week of Eastertide | |
Tue 16 | Tuesday of the 3rd week of Eastertide
or Saint Magnus of Orkney, Martyr | |
Wed 17 | Wednesday of the 3rd week of Eastertide | |
Thu 18 | Thursday of the 3rd week of Eastertide | |
Fri 19 | Friday of the 3rd week of Eastertide
or Saint Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, Martyr | |
Sat 20 | Saturday of the 3rd week of Eastertide | |
Sun 21 | 4th Sunday of Easter | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 22 | Monday of the 4th week of Eastertide | |
Tue 23 | Saint George, Martyr | |
Wed 24 | Wednesday of the 4th week of Eastertide
or Saint Fidelis of Sigmaringen, Priest, Martyr or Saint Adalbert of Prague, Bishop, Martyr | |
Thu 25 | ANZAC Day | |
Fri 26 | Saint Mark, Evangelist Feast | |
Sat 27 | Saturday of the 4th week of Eastertide
or Saint Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort, Priest | |
Sun 28 | 5th Sunday of Easter | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 29 | Saint Catherine of Siena, Virgin, Doctor | |
Tue 30 | Tuesday of the 5th week of Eastertide
or Saint Pius V, Pope | |
May | ||
Wed 1 | Wednesday of the 5th week of Eastertide
or Saint Joseph the Worker | |
Thu 2 | Saint Athanasius, Bishop, Doctor | |
Fri 3 | Saints Philip and James, Apostles Feast | |
Sat 4 | Saturday of the 5th week of Eastertide
or The English Martyrs | |
Sun 5 | 6th Sunday of Easter | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 6 | Monday of the 6th week of Eastertide | |
Tue 7 | Tuesday of the 6th week of Eastertide | |
Wed 8 | Wednesday of the 6th week of Eastertide | |
Thu 9 | The Ascension of the Lord Solemnity | |
Fri 10 | Friday of the 6th week of Eastertide
or Saint John of Ávila, Priest, Doctor | |
Sat 11 | Saturday of the 6th week of Eastertide | |
Sun 12 | 7th Sunday of Easter | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 13 | Monday of the 7th week of Eastertide
or Our Lady of Fátima | |
Tue 14 | Saint Matthias, Apostle Feast | |
Wed 15 | Wednesday of the 7th week of Eastertide | |
Thu 16 | Thursday of the 7th week of Eastertide | |
Fri 17 | Friday of the 7th week of Eastertide | |
Sat 18 | Saturday of the 7th week of Eastertide
or Saint John I, Pope, Martyr | |
Sun 19 | Pentecost (Whit-Sunday) | |
Mon 20 | Mary, Mother of the Church | Psalm week 3 |
Tue 21 | Tuesday after Pentecost
or Saint Christopher Magallanes and his Companions, Martyrs | |
Wed 22 | Wednesday after Pentecost
or Saint Rita of Cascia | |
Thu 23 | Thursday after Pentecost | |
Fri 24 | Our Lady, Help of Christians Solemnity | |
Sat 25 | Saturday after Pentecost
or Saint Gregory VII, Pope or Saint Mary Magdalen de’ Pazzi, Virgin or Saint Bede the Venerable, Priest, Doctor or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 26 | The Most Holy Trinity Solemnity | |
Mon 27 | Saint Augustine of Canterbury, Bishop, patron of the Ordinariate of Our Lady of the Southern Cross Feast | Psalm week 4 |
Tue 28 | Tuesday after the Most Holy Trinity | |
Wed 29 | Wednesday after the Most Holy Trinity
or Saint Paul VI, Pope | |
Thu 30 | The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Solemnity | |
Fri 31 | The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Feast | |
June | ||
Sat 1 | Saint Justin, Martyr | |
Sun 2 | First Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 3 | Saints Charles Lwanga and his Companions, Martyrs | |
Tue 4 | Tuesday after the First Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 5 | Saint Boniface, Bishop, Martyr | |
Thu 6 | Thursday after the First Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Norbert, Bishop or Saint Marcellin Champagnat, Priest | |
Fri 7 | The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Solemnity | |
Sat 8 | The Immaculate Heart of Mary | |
Sun 9 | Second Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 10 | Monday after the Second Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 11 | Saint Barnabas, Apostle | |
Wed 12 | Wednesday after the Second Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 13 | Saint Antony of Padua, Priest, Doctor | |
Fri 14 | Friday after the Second Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 15 | Saturday after the Second Sunday after Trinity
or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 16 | Third Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 17 | Monday after the Third Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 18 | Tuesday after the Third Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 19 | Wednesday after the Third Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Romuald, Abbot | |
Thu 20 | Thursday after the Third Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Alban, first martyr of England | |
Fri 21 | Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Religious | |
Sat 22 | Saints John Fisher, Bishop, and Thomas More, Martyrs | |
Sun 23 | Fourth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 24 | The Nativity of Saint John the Baptist Solemnity | |
Tue 25 | Tuesday after the Fourth Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 26 | Wednesday after the Fourth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 27 | Thursday after the Fourth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Cyril of Alexandria, Bishop, Doctor | |
Fri 28 | Saint Irenaeus, Bishop, Doctor, Martyr | |
Sat 29 | Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Solemnity | |
Sun 30 | Fifth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
July | ||
Mon 1 | Monday after the Fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Oliver Plunket, Bishop, Martyr | |
Tue 2 | Tuesday after the Fifth Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 3 | Saint Thomas, Apostle Feast | |
Thu 4 | Thursday after the Fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Elizabeth of Portugal | |
Fri 5 | Friday after the Fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Antony Mary Zaccaria, Priest | |
Sat 6 | Saturday after the Fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin, Martyr or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 7 | Sixth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 8 | Monday after the Sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 9 | Tuesday after the Sixth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Augustine Zhao Rong and his Companions, Martyrs | |
Wed 10 | Wednesday after the Sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 11 | Saint Benedict, Abbot | |
Fri 12 | Friday after the Sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 13 | Saturday after the Sixth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Henry or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 14 | Seventh Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 15 | Monday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Bonaventure, Bishop, Doctor or Saint Swithun, Bishop | |
Tue 16 | Tuesday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity
or Our Lady of Mount Carmel | |
Wed 17 | Wednesday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 18 | Thursday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity | |
Fri 19 | Friday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 20 | Saturday after the Seventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Apollinaris, Bishop, Martyr or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 21 | Eighth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 22 | Saint Mary Magdalen Feast | |
Tue 23 | Tuesday after the Eighth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Bridget of Sweden, Religious | |
Wed 24 | Wednesday after the Eighth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Charbel Makhlouf, Priest | |
Thu 25 | Saint James, Apostle Feast | |
Fri 26 | Saint Joachim and Saint Anne, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sat 27 | Saturday after the Eighth Sunday after Trinity
or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 28 | Ninth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 29 | Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus | |
Tue 30 | Tuesday after the Ninth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Peter Chrysologus, Bishop, Doctor | |
Wed 31 | Saint Ignatius Loyola, Priest | |
August | ||
Thu 1 | Saint Alphonsus Mary de' Liguori, Bishop, Doctor | |
Fri 2 | Friday after the Ninth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Eusebius of Vercelli, Bishop or Saint Peter Julian Eymard, Priest | |
Sat 3 | Saint Dominic, Priest | |
Sun 4 | Tenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 5 | Monday after the Tenth Sunday after Trinity
or Dedication of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major | |
Tue 6 | The Transfiguration of the Lord Feast | |
Wed 7 | Wednesday after the Tenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Sixtus II, Pope, and his Companions, Martyrs or Saint Cajetan, Priest | |
Thu 8 | Saint Mary of the Cross (MacKillop), Virgin Solemnity | |
Fri 9 | Friday after the Tenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross (Edith Stein), Virgin, Martyr | |
Sat 10 | Saint Laurence, Deacon, Martyr Feast | |
Sun 11 | Eleventh Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 12 | Monday after the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, Religious | |
Tue 13 | Tuesday after the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Pontian, Pope, and Hippolytus, Priest, Martyrs | |
Wed 14 | Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Priest, Martyr | |
Thu 15 | The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity | |
Fri 16 | Friday after the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Stephen of Hungary | |
Sat 17 | Saturday after the Eleventh Sunday after Trinity
or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 18 | Twelfth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 19 | Monday after the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint John Eudes, Priest | |
Tue 20 | Saint Bernard, Abbot, Doctor | |
Wed 21 | Saint Pius X, Pope | |
Thu 22 | Our Lady, Mother and Queen | |
Fri 23 | Friday after the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Rose of Lima, Virgin | |
Sat 24 | Saint Bartholomew, Apostle Feast | |
Sun 25 | Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 26 | Monday after the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 27 | Saint Monica | |
Wed 28 | Saint Augustine, Bishop, Doctor | |
Thu 29 | The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist | |
Fri 30 | Friday after the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Margaret Clitherow, Anne Line, and Margaret Ward, Martyrs | |
Sat 31 | Saturday after the Thirteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Aidan, Bishop and Missionary, and the saints of Lindisfarne or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
September | ||
Sun 1 | Our Lady of the Southern Cross, titular celebration of the Australian Ordinariate Solemnity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 2 | Monday after the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 3 | Saint Gregory the Great, Pope, Doctor | |
Wed 4 | Wednesday after the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Cuthbert, Bishop | |
Thu 5 | Thursday after the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Fri 6 | Friday after the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 7 | Saturday after the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 8 | Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 9 | Monday after the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Peter Claver | |
Tue 10 | Tuesday after the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 11 | Wednesday after the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 12 | Thursday after the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity
or The Most Holy Name of Mary | |
Fri 13 | Saint John Chrysostom, Bishop, Doctor | |
Sat 14 | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast | |
Sun 15 | Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 16 | Saints Cornelius, Pope, and Cyprian, Bishop, Martyrs | |
Tue 17 | Tuesday after the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Robert Bellarmine, Bishop, Doctor or Saint Hildegard of Bingen, Virgin, Doctor | |
Wed 18 | Wednesday after the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 19 | Thursday after the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Januarius, Bishop, Martyr or Saint Theodore of Tarsus, Archbishop of Canterbury | |
Fri 20 | Saints Andrew Kim Taegon, Priest, and Paul Chong Hasang, and their Companions, Martyrs | |
Sat 21 | Saint Matthew, Apostle, Evangelist Feast | |
Sun 22 | Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 23 | Saint Pius of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio), Priest | |
Tue 24 | Our Lady of Walsingham Feast | |
Wed 25 | Wednesday after the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 26 | Thursday after the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Cosmas and Damian, Martyrs | |
Fri 27 | Saint Vincent de Paul, Priest | |
Sat 28 | Saturday after the Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Wenceslaus, Martyr or Saints Laurence Ruiz and his Companions, Martyrs or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 29 | Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 30 | Saint Jerome, Priest, Doctor | |
October | ||
Tue 1 | Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus, Virgin, Doctor | |
Wed 2 | The Holy Guardian Angels | |
Thu 3 | Thursday after the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Thomas of Hereford, Bishop | |
Fri 4 | Saint Francis of Assisi | |
Sat 5 | Saturday after the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Faustina Kowalska, Religious or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 6 | Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 7 | Our Lady of the Rosary | |
Tue 8 | Tuesday after the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Denis, Bishop, and his Companions, Martyrs or Saint John Leonardi, Priest | |
Wed 9 | Saint John Henry Newman, Priest | |
Thu 10 | Thursday after the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Paulinus of York, Bishop and Missionary | |
Fri 11 | Friday after the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint John XXIII, Pope | |
Sat 12 | Saturday after the Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Wilfrid, Bishop and Missionary or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 13 | Twentieth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 14 | Monday after the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Callistus, Pope, Martyr | |
Tue 15 | Saint Teresa of Ávila, Virgin, Doctor | |
Wed 16 | Wednesday after the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Hedwig, Religious or Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, Virgin | |
Thu 17 | Saint Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop, Martyr | |
Fri 18 | Saint Luke, Evangelist Feast | |
Sat 19 | Saturday after the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity
or Saints John de Brébeuf and Isaac Jogues, priests, and their Companions, Martyrs or Saint Paul of the Cross, Priest or Saint Frideswide, Abbess or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 20 | Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 21 | Monday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity | |
Tue 22 | Tuesday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
or Saint John Paul II, Pope | |
Wed 23 | Wednesday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
or Saint John of Capistrano, Priest | |
Thu 24 | Thursday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Antony Mary Claret, Bishop | |
Fri 25 | Friday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 26 | Saturday after the Twenty-first Sunday after Trinity
or Saints Chad and Cedd, Bishops and Missionaries or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 27 | Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 28 | Saints Simon and Jude, Apostles Feast | |
Tue 29 | Tuesday after the Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 30 | Wednesday after the Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 31 | Thursday after the Twenty-second Sunday after Trinity | |
November | ||
Fri 1 | All Saints Solemnity | |
Sat 2 | All Souls | |
Sun 3 | Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 4 | Saint Charles Borromeo, Bishop | |
Tue 5 | Tuesday after the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 6 | Wednesday after the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 7 | Thursday after the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Willibrord, Bishop and Missionary | |
Fri 8 | Friday after the Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 9 | Dedication of the Lateran Basilica Feast | |
Sun 10 | Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 11 | Saint Martin of Tours, Bishop | |
Tue 12 | Saint Josaphat, Bishop, Martyr | |
Wed 13 | Wednesday after the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 14 | Thursday after the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity | |
Fri 15 | Friday after the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Albert the Great, Bishop, Doctor | |
Sat 16 | Saturday after the Twenty-fourth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Margaret of Scotland or Saint Gertrude, Virgin or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 17 | Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 18 | Monday after the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles | |
Tue 19 | Tuesday after the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 20 | Wednesday after the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Edmund, King and Martyr | |
Thu 21 | The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Fri 22 | Saint Cecilia, Virgin, Martyr | |
Sat 23 | Saturday after the Twenty-fifth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Clement I, Pope, Martyr or Saint Columbanus, Abbot and Missionary or Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary | |
Sun 24 | Christ the King Solemnity | |
Mon 25 | Monday after the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity
or Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Virgin, Martyr | Psalm week 2 |
Tue 26 | Tuesday after the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Wed 27 | Wednesday after the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Thu 28 | Thursday after the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Fri 29 | Friday after the Twenty-sixth Sunday after Trinity | |
Sat 30 | Saint Andrew, Apostle Feast | |
December | ||
Sun 1 | 1st Sunday of Advent | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 2 | Monday of the 1st week of Advent | |
Tue 3 | Saint Francis Xavier, Priest | |
Wed 4 | Wednesday of the 1st week of Advent
or Saint John Damascene, Priest, Doctor | |
Thu 5 | Thursday of the 1st week of Advent | |
Fri 6 | Friday of the 1st week of Advent
or Saint Nicholas, Bishop | |
Sat 7 | Saint Ambrose, Bishop, Doctor | |
Sun 8 | 2nd Sunday of Advent | Psalm week 2 |
Mon 9 | The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity | |
Tue 10 | Tuesday of the 2nd week of Advent
or Our Lady of Loreto | |
Wed 11 | Wednesday of the 2nd week of Advent
or Saint Damasus I, Pope | |
Thu 12 | Thursday of the 2nd week of Advent
or Our Lady of Guadalupe | |
Fri 13 | Saint Lucy, Virgin, Martyr | |
Sat 14 | Saint John of the Cross, Priest, Doctor | |
Sun 15 | 3rd Sunday of Advent | Psalm week 3 |
Mon 16 | Monday of the 3rd week of Advent | |
Tue 17 | 17 December | |
Wed 18 | 18 December | |
Thu 19 | 19 December | |
Fri 20 | 20 December | |
Sat 21 | 21 December
(commemoration of Saint Peter Canisius, Priest, Doctor) | |
Sun 22 | 4th Sunday of Advent | Psalm week 4 |
Mon 23 | 23 December
(commemoration of Saint John of Kęty, Priest) | |
Tue 24 | 24 December | |
Wed 25 | Christmas Day Solemnity | |
Thu 26 | Saint Stephen, the first Martyr Feast | |
Fri 27 | Saint John, Apostle, Evangelist Feast | |
Sat 28 | The Holy Innocents, Martyrs Feast | |
Sun 29 | The Holy Family | Psalm week 1 |
Mon 30 | 6th day within the octave of Christmas | |
Tue 31 | 7th day within the octave of Christmas
(commemoration of Saint Silvester I, Pope) |
Calendar used: Australia - Ordinariate
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