Using calendar: England. You can pick a diocese or region.
The Lord is the king of martyrs: come, let us adore him.
Year: B(II). Psalm week: 4. Liturgical Colour: Red.
Carmelite Breviary |
About the author of the Second Reading in today's Office of Readings:
Mid-morning reading (Terce) | Apocalypse 2:10-11 |
Do not be afraid of the sufferings that are coming to you: I tell you, the devil is going to send some of you to prison to test you, and you must face an ordeal for ten days. Even if you have to die, keep faithful, and I will give you the crown of life for your prize.
Noon reading (Sext) | Apocalypse 3:21 |
Those who prove victorious I will allow to share my throne, just as I was victorious myself and took my place with my Father on his throne.
Afternoon reading (None) | Apocalypse 19:7,9 |
Let us be glad and joyful and give praise to God, because this is the time for the marriage of the Lamb. Happy are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb!
- Portsmouth - Berkshire - Reading
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Andover
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Bishop's Waltham
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Havant
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Havant Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Portsmouth
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Portsmouth Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Ringwood
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Romsey
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Solent Area
- Portsmouth - Hampshire - Winchester
- Portsmouth - Oxfordshire - Abingdon
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