Ps 140:1-9 In periculis oratio
“Et ascendit fumus incensorum de orationibus sanctorum de manu angeli coram Deo” (Ap 8, 4).
Dirigátur, Dómine, orátio mea sicut incénsum in conspéctu tuo.
1Dómine, clamávi ad te, ad me festína;*
inténde voci meæ, cum clamo ad te.
2Dirigátur orátio mea sicut incénsum in conspéctu tuo,*
elevátio mánuum meárum ut sacrifícium vespertínum.
3Pone, Dómine, custódiam ori meo*
et vigíliam ad óstium labiórum meórum.
4Non declínes cor meum in verbum malítiæ*
ad machinándas machinatiónes in impietáte
cum homínibus operántibus iniquitátem;*
et non cómedam ex delíciis eórum.
5Percútiat me iustus in misericórdia et íncrepet me;†
óleum autem peccatóris non impínguet caput meum,*
quóniam adhuc et orátio mea in malítiis eórum.
6Deiécti in manus duras iúdicum eórum,*
áudient verba mea, quóniam suávia erant.
7Sicut frusta dolántis et dirumpéntis in terra,*
dissipáta sunt ossa eórum ad fauces inférni.
8Quia ad te, Dómine, Dómine, óculi mei;*
ad te confúgi, non effúndas ánimam meam.
9Custódi me a láqueo, quem statuérunt mihi,*
et a scándalis operántium iniquitátem.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Dirigátur, Dómine, orátio mea sicut incénsum in conspéctu tuo.
| Psalm 140 (141) Prayer in time of danger
Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense.
O Lord, I call on you,
hurry to my help:
listen to my voice when I call.
When I make my prayer, let it rise like incense before you;
when I raise my hands, let it be like the evening sacrifice.
Set a guard on my mouth, Lord,
a watch upon my lips.
Do not let my heart turn to evil thoughts,
to the planning of wicked deeds,
to alliance with wrongdoers.
Let me not share in their delights.
Let the just man strike and rebuke me out of kindness;
but sinners shall never anoint me with oil,
or I would be an ally in their plans.
When they fall into the hands of harsh judges,
they will see how kind my words were.
Like fragments of spoil after digging,
their bones will lie scattered round the mouth of the underworld.
To you, Lord, to you my eyes are turned.
I take refuge in you –
preserve my life.
Protect me from the trap they have laid for me,
save me from the snares of the wicked.
Let them be caught in their own nets, all of them,
while I pass by in safety.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
is now, and ever shall be,
world without end.
Lord, let my prayer rise before you like incense.