Wednesday 12 February 2025    (other days)
Wednesday of week 5 in Ordinary Time 

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Office of Readings

If this is the first Hour that you are reciting today, you should precede it with the Invitatory Psalm.
Deus, in adiutórium meum inténde.
  Dómine, ad adiuvándum me festína.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Amen. Allelúia.
O God, come to our aid.
  O Lord, make haste to help us.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
Amen. Alleluia.

Rerum creátor óptime
rectórque noster, réspice;
nos a quiéte nóxia
mersos sopóre líbera.
Te, sancte Christe, póscimus;
ignósce tu crimínibus,
ad confiténdum súrgimus
morásque noctis rúmpimus.
Mentes manúsque tóllimus,
Prophéta sicut nóctibus
nobis geréndum prǽcipit
Paulúsque gestis cénsuit.
Vides malum quod géssimus;
occúlta nostra pándimus,
preces geméntes fúndimus;
dimítte quod peccávimus.
Sit, Christe, rex piíssime,
tibi Patríque glória
cum Spíritu Paráclito,
in sempitérna sǽcula. Amen.
Bright as fire in darkness,
Sharper than a sword,
Lives throughout the ages
God’s eternal word.
Father, Son and Spirit,
Trinity of might,
Compassed in your glory,
Give the world your light.
Stanbrook Abbey Hymnal

Ps 17:2-7
Gratiarum actio pro salute et victoria

In illa hora factus est terræmotus magnus” (Ap 11, 13).

Díligam te, Dómine, virtus mea.
2Díligam te, Dómine, fortitúdo mea.*
  3Dómine, firmaméntum meum et refúgium meum et liberátor meus;
Deus meus, adiútor meus, et sperábo in eum;*
  protéctor meus et cornu salútis meæ et suscéptor meus.
4Laudábilem invocábo Dóminum,*
  et ab inimícis meis salvus ero.
5Circumdedérunt me fluctus mortis,*
  et torréntes Bélial conturbavérunt me;
6funes inférni circumdedérunt me,*
  præoccupavérunt me láquei mortis.
7In tribulatióne mea invocávi Dóminum,*
  et ad Deum meum clamávi;
exaudívit de templo suo vocem meam,*
  et clamor meus in conspéctu eius introívit in aures eius.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Díligam te, Dómine, virtus mea.

Psalm 17 (18)
Thanksgiving for salvation and victory

I love you, Lord, my strength.
I will love you, Lord, my strength:
  Lord, you are my foundation and my refuge,
  you set me free.
My God is my help: I will put my hope in him,
  my protector, my sign of salvation,
  the one who raises me up.
I will call on the Lord – praise be to his name –
  and I will be saved from my enemies.
The waves of death flooded round me,
  the torrents of Belial tossed me about,
the cords of the underworld wound round me,
  death’s traps opened before me.
In my distress I called on the Lord,
  I cried out to my God:
from his temple he heard my voice,
  my cry to him came to his ears.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
I love you, Lord, my strength.

Ps 17:8-20

Salvum me fecit Dóminus, quóniam vóluit me.
8Commóta est et contrémuit terra;†
  fundaménta móntium concússa sunt et commóta sunt,*
  quóniam irátus est.
9Ascéndit fumus de náribus eius,†
  et ignis de ore eius dévorans;*
  carbónes succénsi processérunt ab eo.
10Inclinávit cælos et descéndit,*
  et calígo sub pédibus eius.
11Et ascéndit super cherub et volávit,*
  ferebátur super pennas ventórum.
12Et pósuit ténebras latíbulum suum,†
  in circúitu eius tabernáculum eius,*
  tenebrósa aqua, nubes áeris.
13Præ fulgóre in conspéctu eius nubes transiérunt,*
  grando et carbónes ignis.
14Et intónuit de cælo Dóminus,†
  et Altíssimus dedit vocem suam:*
  grando et carbónes ignis.
15Et misit sagíttas suas et dissipávit eos,*
  fúlgura iecit et conturbávit eos.
16Et apparuérunt fontes aquárum,*
  et reveláta sunt fundaménta orbis terrárum
ab increpatióne tua, Dómine,*
  ab inspiratióne spíritus iræ tuæ.
17Misit de summo et accépit me*
  et assúmpsit me de aquis multis;
18erípuit me de inimícis meis fortíssimis†
  et ab his, qui odérunt me,*
  quóniam confortáti sunt super me.
19Oppugnavérunt me in die afflictiónis meæ,*
  et factus est Dóminus fulciméntum meum;
20et edúxit me in latitúdinem,*
  salvum me fecit, quóniam vóluit me.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Salvum me fecit Dóminus, quóniam vóluit me.

Psalm 17 (18)

The Lord saved me because he loved me.
The earth moved and shook,
  at the coming of his anger the roots of the mountains rocked
  and were shaken.
Smoke rose from his nostrils,
  consuming fire came from his mouth,
  from it came forth flaming coals.
He bowed down the heavens and descended,
  storm clouds were at his feet.
He rode on the cherubim and flew,
  he travelled on the wings of the wind.
He made dark clouds his covering;
  his dwelling-place, dark waters and clouds of the air.
The cloud-masses were split by his lightnings,
  hail fell, hail and coals of fire.
The Lord thundered from the heavens,
  the Most High let his voice be heard,
  with hail and coals of fire.
He shot his arrows and scattered them,
  hurled thunderbolts and threw them into confusion.
The depths of the oceans were laid bare,
  the foundations of the globe were revealed,
at the sound of your anger, O Lord,
  at the onset of the gale of your wrath.
He reached from on high and took me up,
  he lifted me from the many waters.
He snatched me from my powerful enemies,
  from those who hate me, for they were too strong for me.
They attacked me in my time of trouble,
  but the Lord was my support.
He led me to the open spaces,
  he was my deliverance, for he held me in favour.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
The Lord saved me because he loved me.

Ps 17:21-30

Tu, Dómine, accénde lucérnam meam; illuminábis ténebras meas.
21Et retríbuet mihi Dóminus secúndum iustítiam meam*
  et secúndum puritátem mánuum meárum reddet mihi,
22quia custodívi vias Dómini,*
  nec ímpie recéssi a Deo meo.
23Quóniam ómnia iudícia eius in conspéctu meo,*
  et iustítias eius non réppuli a me;
24et fui immaculátus cum eo*
  et observávi me ab iniquitáte.
25Et retríbuit mihi Dóminus secúndum iustítiam meam*
  et secúndum puritátem mánuum meárum in conspéctu oculórum eius.
  26Cum sancto sanctus eris*
  et cum viro innocénte ínnocens eris
27et cum elécto eléctus eris*
  et cum pervérso cállidus eris.
28Quóniam tu pópulum húmilem salvum fácies*
  et óculos superbórum humiliábis.
29Quóniam tu accéndis lucérnam meam, Dómine;*
  Deus meus illúminat ténebras meas.
30Quóniam in te aggrédiar hóstium turmas*
  et in Deo meo transíliam murum.
Glória Patri et Fílio*
  et Spirítui Sancto.
Sicut erat in princípio et nunc et semper*
  et in sǽcula sæculórum.
Tu, Dómine, accénde lucérnam meam; illuminábis ténebras meas.

Psalm 17 (18)

You, O Lord, are my lamp, my God who lightens my darkness.
The Lord rewards me according to my uprightness,
  he repays me according to the purity of my hands,
for I have kept to the paths of the Lord
  and have not departed wickedly from my God.
For I keep all his decrees in my sight,
  and I will not reject his judgements;
I am stainless before him,
  I have kept myself away from evil.
And so the Lord has rewarded me according to my uprightness,
  according to the purity of my hands in his sight.
You will be holy with the holy,
  kind with the kind,
with the chosen you will be chosen,
  but with the crooked you will show your cunning.
For you will bring salvation to a lowly people
  but make the proud ashamed.
For you light my lamp, O Lord;
  my God brings light to my darkness.
For with you I will attack the enemy’s squadrons;
  with my God I will leap over their wall.
Glory be to the Father and to the Son
  and to the Holy Spirit,
as it was in the beginning,
  is now, and ever shall be,
  world without end.
You, O Lord, are my lamp, my God who lightens my darkness.

℣. Omnes mirabántur in verbis grátiæ.
℟. Quæ procedébant de ore ipsíus.
℣. All wondered at these gracious words.
℟. They marvelled at what the Lord was saying.

Lectio prior
De Epístola beáti Pauli apóstoli ad Gálatas 3, 15-4, 7

De munere legis

3,15Fratres, secúndum hóminem dico, tamen hóminis confirmátum testaméntum nemo írritum facit aut superórdinat. 16Abrahæ autem dictæ sunt promissiónes et sémini eius. Non dicit: «Et semínibus» quasi in multis, sed quasi in uno: «Et sémini tuo», qui est Christus. 17Hoc autem dico: Testaméntum confirmátum a Deo, quæ post quadringéntos et trigínta annos facta est lex, non írritum facit, ad evacuándam promissiónem. 18Nam si ex lege heréditas, iam non ex promissióne; Abrahæ autem per promissiónem donávit Deus.
  19Quid ígitur lex? Propter transgressiónes appósita est, donec veníret semen, cui promíssum est, ordináta per ángelos in manu mediatóris. 20Mediátor autem uníus non est, Deus autem unus est. 21Lex ergo advérsus promíssa Dei? Absit. Si enim data esset lex, quæ posset vivificáre, vere ex lege esset iustítia. 22Sed conclúsit Scriptúra ómnia sub peccáto, ut promíssio ex fide Iesu Christi darétur credéntibus.
  23Prius autem quam veníret fides, sub lege custodiebámur conclúsi in eam fidem, quæ revelánda erat. 24Itaque lex pædagógus noster fuit in Christum, ut ex fide iustificémur; 25at ubi venit fides, iam non sumus sub pædagógo. 26Omnes enim fílii Dei estis per fidem in Christo Iesu. 27Quicúmque enim in Christum baptizáti estis, Christum induístis: 28non est Iudǽus neque Græcus, non est servus neque liber, non est másculus et fémina; omnes enim vos unus estis in Christo Iesu. 29Si autem vos Christi, ergo Abrahæ semen estis, secúndum promissiónem herédes.
  4,1Dico autem: Quanto témpore heres párvulus est, nihil differt a servo, cum sit dóminus ómnium, 2sed sub tutóribus est et actóribus usque ad præfinítum tempus a patre. 3Ita et nos, cum essémus párvuli, sub eleméntis mundi erámus serviéntes; 4at ubi venit plenitúdo témporis, misit Deus Fílium suum, factum ex mulíere, factum sub lege, 5ut eos, qui sub lege erant, redímeret, ut adoptiónem filiórum reciperémus. 6Quóniam autem estis fílii, misit Deus Spíritum Fílii sui in corda nostra clamántem: «Abba, Pater!». 7Itaque iam non es servus sed fílius; quod si fílius, et heres per Deum.
First Reading
Galatians 3:15-4:7

Concerning the gift of the Law

Consider, brothers, what happens in ordinary life. If a will has been drawn up in due form, no one is allowed to disregard it or add to it. Now the promises were addressed to Abraham and to his descendants – notice, in passing, that scripture does not use a plural word as if there were several descendants, it uses the singular: to his posterity, which is Christ. But my point is this: once God had expressed his will in due form, no law that came four hundred and thirty years later could cancel that and make the promise meaningless. If you inherit something as a legal right, it does not come to you as the result of a promise, and it was precisely in the form of a promise that God made his gift to Abraham.
  What then was the purpose of adding the Law? This was done to specify crimes, until the posterity came to whom the promise was addressed. The Law was promulgated by angels, assisted by an intermediary. Now there can only be an intermediary between two parties, yet God is one. Does this mean that there is opposition between the Law and the promises of God? Of course not. We could have been justified by the Law if the Law we were given had been capable of giving life, but it is not: scripture makes no exceptions when it says that sin is master everywhere. In this way the promise can only be given through faith in Jesus Christ and can only be given to those who have this faith.
  Before faith came, we were allowed no freedom by the Law; we were being looked after till faith was revealed. The Law was to be our guardian until the Christ came and we could be justified by faith. Now that that time has come we are no longer under that guardian, and you are, all of you, sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. All baptised in Christ, you have all clothed yourselves in Christ, and there are no more distinctions between Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female, but all of you are one in Christ Jesus. Merely by belonging to Christ you are the posterity of Abraham, the heirs he was promised.
  Let me put this another way: an heir, even if he has actually inherited everything, is no different from a slave for as long as he remains a child. He is under the control of guardians and administrators until he reaches the age fixed by his father. Now before we came of age we were as good as slaves to the elemental principles of this world, but when the appointed time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born a subject of the Law, to redeem the subjects of the Law and to enable us to be adopted as sons. The proof that you are sons is that God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts: the Spirit that cries, ‘Abba, Father’, and it is this that makes you a son, you are not a slave any more; and if God has made you son, then he has made you heir.
Gal 3, 27. 28; cf. Eph 4, 24
℟. Quicúmque in Christo baptizáti estis, Christum induístis; non est Iudǽus neque Græcus,* Omnes enim vos unus estis in Christo Iesu.
℣. Indúite novum hóminem, qui secúndum Deum creátus est in iustítia et sanctitáte veritátis.* Omnes enim.
Ga 3:27-28; Ep 4:24
℟. All you who have been baptized in Christ’s name have put on the person of Christ. There is no such thing as Jew and Greek,* for you are all one person in Jesus Christ.
℣. You must be clothed in the new self, which is created in God’s image, justified and sanctified through the truth,* for you are all one person in Jesus Christ.

Lectio altera
Ex Epístolis sancti Ambrósii epíscopi
(Ep. 35, 4-6. 13: PL 16 [ed. 1845], 1078-1079. 1081)

Sumus heredes Dei, coheredes Christi

Qui spíritu, inquit Apóstolus, facta carnis mortíficat, vivet. Nec mirum si vivat, cum fílius Dei fiat, qui habet Spíritum Dei. Adeo est fílius Dei, ut non accípiat spíritum servitútis, sed spíritum adoptiónis filiórum; eoúsque ut testimónium spirítui nostro Sanctus Spíritus reddat quod sumus fílii Dei. Testimónium autem hoc est Spíritus Sancti, quod ipse est qui clamat in córdibus nostris: Abba, Pater, sicut ad Gálatas scriptum est. Sed et illud grande testimónium quod fílii sumus Dei: quia sumus herédes Dei, coherédes autem Christi; cohéres autem est eius, qui conglorificátur ei: conglorificátur vero illi, qui patiéndo pro ipso, compátitur ei.
  Et ut nos hortétur ad passiónem, adiúngit quia ómnia quæ pátimur, minóra sunt et indígna quorum pro labóribus tanta rependátur futurórum merces bonórum, quæ revelábitur in nobis; cum ad Dei imáginem reformáti, glóriam eius fácie ad fáciem aspícere meruérimus.
  Et ut magnitúdinem revelatiónis futúræ extólleret, áddidit quod et creatúra hanc revelatiónem exspéctet filiórum Dei, quæ nunc vanitáti subiécta est non sponte, sed in spe; quia sperat de Christo grátiam ministérii sui, vel quia et ipsa liberábitur a servitúte corruptiónis, ut assumátur in libertátem glóriæ filiórum Dei, ut sit una libértas creatúræ, et filiórum Dei, cum reveláta fúerit eórum glória. Verum nunc, dum revelátio procrastinátur, congemíscit omnis creatúra exspéctans adoptiónis et redemptiónis nostræ glóriam, partúriens iam illum spíritum salútis, et volens liberári a vanitátis servítio.
  Sensus autem apértus est, eo quod primítias Spíritus habéntes ingemíscunt, adoptiónem filiórum exspectántes: quæ adóptio filiórum redémptio totíus córporis est, quando fácie ad fáciem quasi Dei fílius per adoptiónem vidébit illud divínum et ætérnum bonum; est enim adóptio filiórum in Ecclésia Dómini, quando clamat Spíritus: Abba, Pater; sicut habes ad Gálatas. Sed illa erit perfécta, quando resúrgent omnes in incorruptióne, honóre, glória, qui mereántur Dei fáciem vidére; tunc enim vere redémptam se humána iudicábit condício. Unde Apóstolus gloriátur dicens: Quia spe salvi facti sumus. Salvat enim spes, sicut et fides, de qua dícitur: Fides tua te salvum fecit.
Second Reading
From a letter by Saint Ambrose, bishop

We are heirs of God, co-heirs with Christ

The person who puts to death by the Spirit the deeds of our sinful nature will live, says the Apostle. This is not surprising since one who has the Spirit of God becomes a child of God. So true is it that he is a child of God that he receives not a spirit that enslaves but the Spirit that makes us sons. So much so that the Holy Spirit bears witness to our spirit that we are sons of God. This is the witness of the Holy Spirit: he cries out in our hearts, Abba, Father, as we read in the letter to the Galatians.
  There is also that other great testimony to the fact that we are sons of God: we are heirs of God, co-heirs with Christ. A co-heir of Christ is one who is glorified along with Christ. The one who is glorified along with him is one who, by suffering for him, suffers along with him.
  To encourage us in suffering, Paul adds that all our sufferings are small in comparison with the wonderful reward that will be revealed in us; our labours do not deserve the blessings that are to come. We shall be restored to the likeness of God, and counted worthy of seeing him face to face.
  He enhances the greatness of the revelation that is to come by adding that creation also looks forward to this revealing of the sons of God. Creation, he says, is at present condemned to frustration, not of its own choice, but it lives in hope. Its hope is in Christ, as it awaits the grace of his ministry; or it hopes that it will share in the glorious freedom of the sons of God and be freed from its bondage to corruption, so that there will be one freedom, shared by creation and by the sons of God when their glory will be revealed.
  At present, however, while this revealing is delayed, all creation groans as it looks forward to the glory of adoption and redemption; it is already in labour with that spirit of salvation, and is anxious to be freed from its subjection to frustration.
  The meaning is clear: those who have the first fruits of the Spirit are groaning in the expectation of the adoption of sons. This adoption of sons is that of the whole body of creation, when it will be as it were a son of God and see the divine, eternal goodness face to face. The adoption of sons is present in the Church of the Lord when the Spirit calls out: Abba, Father, as you read in the letter to the Galatians. But it will be perfect when all who are worthy of seeing the face of God rise in incorruption, in honour and in glory. Then our humanity will know that it has been truly redeemed. So Paul glories in saying: We are saved by hope. Hope saves, just as faith does, for of faith it is said: Your faith has saved you.
Rom 8, 17 b; 5, 9
℟. Herédes sumus Dei, coherédes autem Christi;* Si tamen compátimur, ut et conglorificémur.
℣. Iustificáti in sánguine ipsíus, salvi érimus ab ira per ipsum.* Si tamen.
℟. We are heirs of God and fellow-heirs of Christ,* provided we share his sufferings so as to share his glory.
℣. Since we are now justified by his blood, much more shall we be saved by him from God’s anger,* provided we share his sufferings so as to share his glory.

  Famíliam tuam, quǽsumus, Dómine, contínua pietáte custódi, ut, quæ in sola spe grátiæ cæléstis innítitur, tua semper protectióne muniátur.
Per Dóminum nostrum Iesum Christum, Fílium tuum,
qui tecum vivit et regnat in unitáte Spíritus Sancti, Deus,
per ómnia sǽcula sæculórum.
Let us pray.
Guard your family, Lord,
  with constant loving care,
for in your divine grace
  we place our only hope.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

Benedicámus Dómino.
– Deo grátias.
Let us praise the Lord.
– Thanks be to God.

The psalms and canticles here are our own translation from the Latin. The Grail translation of the psalms, which is used liturgically in most of the English-speaking world, cannot be displayed on the Web for copyright reasons. The Universalis apps and programs do contain the Grail translation of the psalms.

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