
Your Universalis registration code

Thank you very much for buying a registration code for Universalis. (Received the code as a gift? Read this page to find out more about Universalis).

Here is a complete chart of features.

Here are all the things you can use your registration code for. Click on the links to get full instructions.

Your registration code belongs to you personally, and you can use the same registration code on all the devices and systems that you own.

Android (including Kindle Fire / Amazon Fire)

Install the free Catholic Calendar app and put your registration code into it.

iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch

Install the free Catholic Calendar app and put your registration code into it.


Download and install the Universalis program and put your registration code into it.


Download and install the Universalis program and put your registration code into it.


Make your own e-books: see the last section of this page.

Daily emails

You can get a regular daily email containing selected Hours or Mass readings. Full instructions are here.