

Somebody has given you a Universalis registration code. This page tells you what a registration code is, and what you can do with it.

What is Universalis?

The Universalis programs and apps give you

Here is a complete chart of features.

You can get all this on Android phones and tablets (including Kindle Fire), iPhone/iPad/iPod Touch, Mac and Windows. You can even make e-books of most of the material, to use on an e-book reader.

How do I use my code?

This page gives detailed instructions for every kind of computer and device.

Do I need to register?

You don't absolutely need to register with us, but it is really helpful if either you or your donor drop us a quick email to say “This person is using this registration code”. That way, if you lose your code in a few years’ time, we will be able to look you up and remind you what the code is.

What am I allowed to do with the code?

The code is yours personally. You can use it on any phones, tablets or computers that you possess. What you mustn’t do is give the code to other people as well as using it yourself.

What if I don’t want it?

For instance, you might already have Universalis.

Either give it back to the donor, who can then give it to someone else, or you yourself can find someone who you think will appreciate the code and give it to them to use.

Just don’t both keep the code and give it away, because that wouldn’t be fair. Think of a code as being like a book – it is all right to give a book away but you can’t both give it away and keep hold of it!