See also: Instructional Videos.
The Universalis app contains the following pages:
When you open the Universalis application on Android, you will see one of these pages.
The toolbar contains all the commands you need to use Universalis.
To see the toolbar, tap the middle of the screen.
09 ▾ | Displays the calendar and lets you go to any date you want. The calendar page also has a button marked either "More" or "Special", which lets you choose the Office and Mass for the dead, as well as the Commons for the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Martyrs, and so on. |
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The About Universalis command gives you details about the app, copyrights, acknowledgements and so on. Use the the Contact Us command to send us email if you need help, have a suggestion, or want to report an error. |
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The Copy Page command copies the text so that you can paste it into another application. The Twitter command tweets the Hour you have just been reading. |
Hours ▾ | Use this command to select the page you want to view. |
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The Settings screen lets you control various optional settings, such as the prayers and antiphons at Mass and the parallel Latin text in the Liturgy of the Hours. It also lets you set up the daily email service. |
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Choose the size and style of font you want to see, and also control the brightness of the screen: this includes a "dark mode" if you want to read at night. |
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Here and there you will see menu buttons at the right-hand of the text. These let you choose between available options. For instance:
When you see a menu button, tap it to see what it does. |
Every part of the world has its own local variations from the General Calendar. These include whether some feasts of the Lord such as Epiphany and Ascension are moved to the nearest Sunday, as well as specific local feasts and celebrations. For example, Saint Benedict is celebrated with a memorial in the universal Church but with a feast in Europe, while Saint Willibrord, who isn't in the General Calendar at all, is celebrated with an optional memorial in some English dioceses and a solemnity in the Netherlands.
Universalis tries to guess what your local calendar may be, but its guessing ability is quite limited. To check what calendar you are using:
Spoken and sung material is available. Please visit this page for full details and instructions.
These are instructions for the newer (August 2017) versions of Universalis and Catholic Calendar. Here are the instructions for older versions.
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