A registration code removes the time limits in the free downloads of Universalis. It also allows you to set up automated daily emails.
A registration code costs £19.99. Payment is by credit card. If you have no credit card, click here. Your credit card issuer will charge you in your own currency. In January 2017 £19.99 was approximately $25 or €23. (Click on the numbers to ask Google for an up-to-date figure).
If you have already bought the Universalis app then you can get a registration code at half price. Please check the instructions for Android or iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch.
A registration code removes the time limit on your program or app. Instead of giving you just a trial month, it will work for ever.
A registration code does not add any new features. Please try everything out before you buy a registration code! We want you to be sure you are happy with Universalis before you pay anything. Of course, if you decide that you have bought by mistake, we do have a returns policy.
We never see your credit card details. They are taken by WorldPay and checked by your card issuer.
Once the purchase is complete, you will be taken back to our site, to a page showing you your new registration code. We'll also send you an invoice by email, acknowledging payment and confirming your code.
Email and spam filters: If you block emails from our address then you will not receive the email confirming your registration code. If you don't get the confirmation email then please contact us (using the link at the bottom right of this page) and we'll send it to you again. But do make sure your spam filter doesn't eat our reply as well!
Mistyped email address: If you mistype your own email address then you will not receive the purchase confirmation email or your registration code. You will have the registration code anyway, because the confirmation screen will show it to you; but please email us and let us know about the mistake so that we can correct it for future reference.
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