These are instructions for the older version of the Universalis app, which was superseded in early February 2014. The new instructions are here. If you are still using iOS 5 or earlier, you will be using the older version of the app.
The Universalis application has two main screens to it.
The text screen shows the text of the page you want. Read about it here.
The calendar screen shows the calendar, listing days, dates and feasts. It is described below.
Note: because the iPad is larger its calendar screen is a little different. It covers up only part of the text screen, and the date picker is permanently displayed so that you don't need to press a button to see it.
The calendar screen shows the calendar for the year, with all feasts and celebrations marked.
To view Universalis pages for a date you can see, tap it.
To go to a date you can't see, scroll to it. If it's too far for scrolling, tap on the button at the top right, and a standard iOS date picker will appear.
To go to today, tap on the star at the bottom left.
There is a General Calendar, shared by the whole Church, and then there are local calendars which have saints and celebrations of more local interest. For example, Saint Benedict is celebrated with a memorial in the universal Church but with a feast in Europe, while Saint Willibrord, who isn't in the General Calendar at all, is celebrated with an optional memorial in some English dioceses and a solemnity in the Netherlands.
The name of the local calendar Universalis is using is at the bottom of the calendar screen. To choose a different calendar, tap on the cogwheel in the bottom right-hand corner.
Not all local calendars are included in Universalis, but an increasing number are. Pick the one that looks best for you.
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