
Latest update: 5-Jan-2025. Database version: 3759 5-Jan-2025.

Downloading and installation


Click here to download

The download will start automatically. The download indicator at the top right of the Safari window will show its progress. When the download has finished:

  1. Click on the download indicator to see the list of downloaded files.
  2. Double-click on the downloaded Universalis installation file. This will usually be called Universalis.pkg. If you have downloaded the Universalis installer in the past, Safari may add a numeric suffix to this filename.
  3. The Universalis installer will open. This installer is written by Apple, and since it is about to install an application on your Mac, it will ask you to enter your password to confirm that this is what you want to do.


Once you have opened the Universalis.pkg file, as described under “Downloading”, the installation is automatic: just follow the instructions.

Adding to the Dock

You may want to have Universalis visible in the Dock for easy access. To do this:

  1. Open Universalis.
  2. Find its icon in the Dock and right-click on it.
  3. In the menu that pops up, select "Options" and then "Keep in Dock".

How to use Universalis

Entering a registration code

When you first install the program, it works as a free one-month trial. All the features are available, but the only dates you can see are the month when you installed the program, and the month after.

You can remove the time limit by entering a registration code. If you already have a registration code, you can use it; if not, you can buy one through our web site.