Lectio prior |
De libro Ezechiélis prophétæ 12, 1-16 |
Actione symbolica transmigratio populi adumbratur
In diébus illis: 1Factus est sermo Dómini ad me dicens: 2«Fili hóminis, in médio domus exasperántis tu hábitas, qui óculos habent ad vidéndum et non vident, et aures ad audiéndum et non áudiunt, quia domus exásperans est. 3Tu ergo, fili hóminis, fac tibi vasa transmigratiónis et transmigrábis per diem coram eis; transmigrábis autem de loco tuo ad locum álterum in conspéctu eórum, si forte aspíciant, quia domus exásperans est. 4Et éfferes foras vasa tua quasi vasa transmigrántis per diem in conspéctu eórum; tu autem egrediéris véspere coram eis, sicut egréditur migrans. 5Ante óculos eórum pérfode tibi paríetem et éfferes per eum; 6in conspéctu eórum in úmeris portábis, in calígine éfferes: fáciem tuam velábis et non vidébis terram, quia porténtum dedi te dómui Israel».
7Feci ergo, sicut præcéperat mihi Dóminus: vasa mea prótuli quasi vasa transmigrántis per diem et véspere perfódi mihi paríetem manu; et in calígine éxtuli in úmeris portans in conspéctu eórum.
8Et factus est sermo Dómini ad me mane dicens: 9«Fili hóminis, numquid non dixérunt ad te domus Israel, domus exásperans: “Quid tu facis?”. 10Dic ad eos: Hæc dicit Dóminus Deus: Super ducem onus istud, qui est in Ierúsalem, et super omnem domum Israel, quæ est in médio eius. 11Dic: Ego porténtum vestrum. Quómodo feci, sic fiet illis: in transmigratiónem et in captivitátem ibunt. 12Et dux, qui est in médio eórum, in úmeris portábit, in calígine, et egrediétur; paríetem perfódient, ut tránsitus fiat per eum; fáciem suam opériet, ut non vídeat óculo terram. 13Et exténdam rete meum super illum, et capiétur in tendícula mea; et addúcam eum in Babylónem in terram Chaldæórum, et ipsam non vidébit ibíque moriétur. 14Et omnes, qui circa eum sunt, præsídium eius et ágmina eius, dispérgam in omnem ventum; et gládium evaginábo post eos. 15Et scient quia ego Dóminus, quando dispérsero illos in géntibus et disseminávero eos in terris. 16Et relínquam ex eis viros paucos a gládio et fame et pestiléntia, ut narrent ómnia scélera eórum in géntibus, ad quas ingrediéntur, et scient quia ego Dóminus».
| First Reading | Ezekiel 12:1-16 |
The people’s deportation is symbolically prefigured
The word of the Lord was addressed to me as follows, ‘Son of man, you are living with that set of rebels who have eyes and never see, ears and never hear, for they are a set of rebels. You, son of man, pack an exile’s bundle and emigrate by daylight when they can see you, emigrate from where you are to somewhere else while they watch. Perhaps they will admit then that they are a set of rebels. You will pack your baggage like an exile’s bundle, by daylight, for them to see, and leave like an exile in the evening, making sure that they are looking. As they watch, make a hole in the wall, and go out through it. As they watch, you will shoulder your pack and go out into the dark; you will cover your face so that you cannot see the country, since I have made you a symbol for the House of Israel.’
I did as I had been told. I packed my baggage like an exile’s bundle, by daylight; and in the evening I made a hole through the wall with my hand. I went out into the dark and shouldered my pack as they watched.
The next morning the word of the Lord was addressed to me as follows, ‘Son of man, did not the House of Israel, did not that set of rebels, ask you what you were doing? Say, “The Lord says this: This oracle is directed against Jerusalem and the whole House of Israel wherever they are living.” Say, “I am a symbol for you; the thing I have done will be done to them; they will go into exile, into banishment.” Their ruler will shoulder his pack in the dark and go out through the wall; a hole will be made to let him out; he will cover his face rather than see the country, I shall throw my net over him and catch him in my mesh; I shall take him to Babylon, to the land of the Chaldaeans, though he will not see it; and there he will die. And all those who form his court, his guards and all his troops, I shall scatter to all the winds and unsheathe the sword behind them. They will learn that I am the Lord, when I scatter them throughout the nations and disperse them in foreign countries. However, I intend to leave some of them unscathed by sword, famine and plague, to describe all their filthy practices to the peoples among whom they will go, so that these too may learn that I am the Lord.’